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Detailed explanation of Sass map_html/css_WEB-ITnose

2016-06-24 11:49:131179browse

As a CSS preprocessor, Sass is becoming more and more popular. Websites such as Github, Codepen, CSS-Tricks, SitePoint, w3cplus and other websites use Sass to organize and manage CSS files. Sass is becoming more and more popular. Gradually becoming the de facto CSS preprocessorindustry standard. In the next few articles, we will study the key functions in Sass. Today we will look at map. You may as well sit down and the exciting content will be presented immediately.

Introduction to map

In Sass, maps represent a data type, which can contain an object type of several key-value pairs. Use () to surround a map , the key-value pairs inside are separated by commas. The key and value can be any Sass data type. Although a value can be used on multiple keys, we must only find one value through a key. Map cannot be used directly in CSS. If you assign a map to an element, an error will be reported. The following code example is a classic map.

$map: (  key1: value1,  key2: value2,  key3: value3);

map uses

We can use a series of functions to operate the map, and we can use the loop instruction to traverse the map.
Map-related functions include map-keys(), map-values(), map-get(), map-has-key(), map-merge(), map-remove(), keywords(), etc. , the function functions are shown in the following table.

函数 功能 示例
map-keys(map) 返回map里面所有的key(list) map-keys(("foo": 1, "bar": 2)) => "foo", "bar"
map-values(map) 返回map里面所有的value(list) map-values(("foo": 1, "bar": 2)) => 1, 2
map-get(map,key) 返回map里面指定可以的value map-get(("foo": 1, "bar": 2), "foo") => 1
map-has-key(map,key) 返回map里面是否含有指定的key map-has-key(("foo": 1, "bar": 2), "foo") => true
map-merge(map1,map2) 合并map(map) map-merge(("foo": 1), ("bar": 2)) => ("foo": 1, "bar": 2)
map-remove(map,keys) 删除指定map中的指定key(map) map-remove(("foo": 1, "bar": 2), "bar") => ("foo": 1)
keywords(args) 返回一个函数参数组成的map(map) @mixin foo(args...) { at debug keywords($args); //=> (arg1: val, arg2: val)}


$map: (  key1: value1,  key2: value2,  key3: value3);/* 遍历map */@each $key, $value in $map {  .element--#{$key} {    background: $value;  }}





/* 使用map定义不同的值 */$card_transition_map: (  trans1: 200ms transform ease-in-out,  trans2: 400ms background ease-in,  trans3: 600ms color linear);/* map-values统一使用 */.card {  transition: map-values($card_transition_map);}


.card {    transition: 200ms transform ease-in-out,                 400ms background ease-in,                 600ms color linear;}



$animation_config: (  name: none,  duration: 0s,  timing: ease,  delay: 0s,  iteration: 1, // infinite  direction: normal, // reverse, alternate, alternate-reverse  fill-mode: none, // forwards, backwards, both  play-state: running);@function sh-setup($config) {  @return zip(map-values($config)...);} .object {  animation: sh-setup($animation_config);}


.object {  animation: none 0s ease 0s 1 normal none running;}



$background_color: (	jeremy: #0989cb,	beth: #8666ae,	matt: #02bba7,	ryan: #ff8178);$font: (	jeremy: Helvetica,	beth: Verdana,	matt: Times,	ryan: Arial);@each $key, $value in $background_color {	.#{$key} {		background: $value;		font-family: map-get($font, $key);	}}


.jeremy {  background: #0989cb;  font-family: Helvetica;}.beth {  background: #8666ae;  font-family: Verdana;}.matt {  background: #02bba7;  font-family: Times;}.ryan {  background: #ff8178;  font-family: Arial;}



/*定义配置文件*/$z-index: (  modal              : 200,  navigation         : 100,  footer             : 90,  triangle           : 60,  navigation-rainbow : 50,  share-type         : 41,  share              : 40,);/*在合适的时机调用*/.navigation {  z-index: map-get($z-index, navigation);}


.navigation {  z-index: 100;}


$z-index: (  modal              : 200,  navigation         : 100,  footer             : 90,  triangle           : 60,  navigation-rainbow : 50,  share-type         : 41,  share              : 40,);@function z-index($key) {  @return map-get($z-index, $key);}@mixin z-index($key) {  z-index: z-index($key);}/*调用时*/.navigation {  @include z-index(navigation);}



// _config.scss$breakpoints: (  small: 767px,  medium: 992px,  large: 1200px); // _mixins.scss@mixin respond-to($breakpoint) {   @if map-has-key($breakpoints, $breakpoint) {    @media (min-width: #{map-get($breakpoints, $breakpoint)}) {      @content;    }  }   @else {    @warn "Unfortunately, no value could be retrieved from `#{$breakpoint}`. "        + "Please make sure it is defined in `$breakpoints` map.";  }} // _component.scss.element {  color: hotpink;   @include respond-to(small) {    color: tomato;  }}


.element {  color: hotpink;}@media (min-width: 767px) {  .element {    color: tomato;  }}



/*定义*//// Mixin to prefix several properties at once/// @author Hugo Giraudel/// @param {Map} $declarations - Declarations to prefix/// @param {List} $prefixes (()) - List of prefixes to print@mixin prefix($declarations, $prefixes: ()) {  @each $property, $value in $declarations {    @each $prefix in $prefixes {      #{'-' + $prefix + '-' + $property}: $value;    }    // Output standard non-prefixed declaration    #{$property}: $value;  }}/*使用*/.selector {  @include prefix((    column-count: 3,    column-gap: 1.5em,    column-rule: 2px solid hotpink  ), webkit moz);}


.selector {  -webkit-column-count: 3;  -moz-column-count: 3;  column-count: 3;  -webkit-column-gap: 1.5em;  -moz-column-gap: 1.5em;  column-gap: 1.5em;  -webkit-column-rule: 2px solid hotpink;  -moz-column-rule: 2px solid hotpink;  column-rule: 2px solid hotpink;}


Hugo Giraudel大牛定义的反向函数。

/*定义*//// Returns the opposite direction of each direction in a list/// @author Hugo Giraudel/// @param {List} $directions - List of initial directions/// @return {List} - List of opposite directions@function opposite-direction($directions) {  $opposite-directions: ();  $direction-map: (    'top':    'bottom',    'right':  'left',    'bottom': 'top',    'left':   'right',    'center': 'center',    'ltr':    'rtl',    'rtl':    'ltr'  );   @each $direction in $directions {    $direction: to-lower-case($direction);        @if map-has-key($direction-map, $direction) {       $opposite-directions: append($opposite-directions, unquote(map-get($direction-map, $direction)));    } @else {      @warn "No opposite direction can be found for `#{$direction}`. Direction omitted.";    }  }   @return $opposite-directions;}/*使用*/.selector {  background-position: opposite-direction(top right);}


.selector {  background-position: bottom left;}



  • 官方文档
  • mapfunction
  • Real Sass, Real Maps
  • Making Use of Sass’ Zip() Function
  • Sass Maps Are Awesome!
  • Using Sass Maps
  • Sass Mixins to Kickstart Your Project
  • 声明

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