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Commonly used CSS Chinese font Unicode encoding table_html/css_WEB-ITnose

2016-06-24 11:48:491540browse

Why should you set the font in CSS and use font Unicode encoding?

It is possible to set the font name in CSS and write Chinese directly. However, garbled errors will occur when the file encoding (GB2312, UTF-8, etc.) does not match. For this reason, writing font names directly in CSS using Unicode encoding can avoid these errors. Use Unicode to write Chinese font names, and the browser can parse them correctly. For example: font-family: "5FAE8F6F96C59ED1" means setting the font to "Microsoft Yahei".

Unicode encoding Chinese font conversion table

Chinese name English name Unicode Unicode 2 Mac OS 680769774F5382F9679C4E3D4E2D9ED182F9679C4E3D7EC65B8B Windows PMingLiU65B07EC6660E4F537EC6660E4F53680769774F539ED14F535B8B4F5365B05B8B4F53 4EFF5B8B69774F53_GB23125FAEx8F6F6B639ED14F535FAE8F6F96C59ED1 Office LiSuYouYuanSTXihei534E65877EC69ED1534E658769774F53534E65875B8B4F53534E65874E2D5B8B534E65874EFF5B8B65B96B6382124F5365B96B6359DA4F53
Chinese Fine Black STHeiti Light [STXihei] 534E65877EC69ED1 华文细黑
Chinese bold STHeiti 534E65879ED14F53 华文黑体
Chinese regular script STKaiti 534E658769774F53 华文楷体
Chinese Songti STSong 534E65875B8B4F53 华文宋体
Chinese imitation of Song Dynasty STFangsong 534E65874EFF5B8B 华文仿宋
丽黑Pro LiHei Pro Medium 4E3D9ED1 Pro 丽黑 Pro
LiHei Pro LiSong Pro Light 4E3D5B8B Pro 丽宋 BiauKai
标楷体 Apple LiGothic Apple LiGothic Medium
苹果丽中黑 Apple Bloom Apple LiSung Light
苹果丽细宋 New detailed body
新细明体 ; Xingming MingLiU
细明体 Marked italics DFKai-SB
标楷体 Helvetica SimHei
黑体 Arial SimSun
宋体 新宋体 NSimSun
新宋体 FangSong FangSong
x6977; 312 楷体_GB2312 KaiTi_GB2312
楷体_GB2312 Microsoft Blackbody Microsoft JhengHei
Microsoft YaHei Microsoft YaHei
微软雅 x9ED1; official script
96B64E66 隶书 Youyuan
5E7C5706 幼圆 Chinese Fine Black
华文细黑 Chinese regular script STKaiti
华文楷体 Chinese Song Dynasty STSong
华文宋体 中文中文 STZhongsong
华文中宋 Chinese Imitation Song STFangsong
华文仿宋 Founder ShuTi FZShuTi
方正舒体 Founder Yaoti FZYaoti
华文彩云 STCaiyun 534E65875F694E91 华文彩云
Chinese Amber STHupo 534E6587742573C0 华文琥珀
Chinese official script STLiti 534E658796B64E66 华文隶书
Chinese regular script STXingkai 534E6587884C6977 华文行楷
华文新伟 STXinwei 534E658765B09B4F 华文新魏

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