Home >Web Front-end >HTML Tutorial >Commonly used CSS Chinese font Unicode encoding table_html/css_WEB-ITnose
It is possible to set the font name in CSS and write Chinese directly. However, garbled errors will occur when the file encoding (GB2312, UTF-8, etc.) does not match. For this reason, writing font names directly in CSS using Unicode encoding can avoid these errors. Use Unicode to write Chinese font names, and the browser can parse them correctly. For example: font-family: "5FAE8F6F96C59ED1" means setting the font to "Microsoft Yahei".
Chinese Fine Black | STHeiti Light [STXihei] | 534E65877EC69ED1 | 华文细黑 |
Chinese bold | STHeiti | 534E65879ED14F53 | 华文黑体 |
Chinese regular script | STKaiti | 534E658769774F53 | 华文楷体 |
Chinese Songti | STSong | 534E65875B8B4F53 | 华文宋体 |
Chinese imitation of Song Dynasty | STFangsong | 534E65874EFF5B8B | 华文仿宋 |
丽黑Pro | LiHei Pro Medium | 4E3D9ED1 Pro | 丽黑 Pro |
LiHei Pro | LiSong Pro Light | 4E3D5B8B Pro | 丽宋 BiauKai |
标楷体 | Apple LiGothic | Apple LiGothic Medium | |
苹果丽中黑 | Apple Bloom | Apple LiSung Light | |
苹果丽细宋 | Windows | New detailed body | |
新细明体 ; | Xingming | MingLiU | |
细明体 | Marked italics | DFKai-SB | |
标楷体 | Helvetica | SimHei | |
黑体 | Arial | SimSun | |
宋体 | 新宋体 | NSimSun | |
新宋体 | FangSong | FangSong | |
x6977; 312 | 楷体_GB2312 | KaiTi_GB2312 | |
楷体_GB2312 | Microsoft Blackbody | Microsoft JhengHei | |
微 | Microsoft YaHei | Microsoft YaHei | |
微软雅 x9ED1; | Office | official script | |
96B64E66 | 隶书 | Youyuan | |
5E7C5706 | 幼圆 | Chinese Fine Black | |
华文细黑 | Chinese regular script | STKaiti | |
华文楷体 | Chinese Song Dynasty | STSong | |
华文宋体 | 中文中文 | STZhongsong | |
华文中宋 | Chinese Imitation Song | STFangsong | |
华文仿宋 | Founder ShuTi | FZShuTi | |
方正舒体 | Founder Yaoti | FZYaoti | |
方正姚体 | |||
华文彩云 | STCaiyun | 534E65875F694E91 | 华文彩云 |
Chinese Amber | STHupo | 534E6587742573C0 | 华文琥珀 |
Chinese official script | STLiti | 534E658796B64E66 | 华文隶书 |
Chinese regular script | STXingkai | 534E6587884C6977 | 华文行楷 |
华文新伟 | STXinwei | 534E658765B09B4F | 华文新魏 |