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Javaee enterprise development framework, referred to as Jeefw [javaee framework], is our software group for fast It takes several months to develop various B/S products and develop an enterprise development framework. The framework has been tested by the test group and has been applied to multiple projects.
The front end of the JavaEE enterprise development framework uses the most popular HTML, CSS and JS framework - Bootstrap. All developers can get started quickly and can be adapted to all devices (PC devices, tablets, mobile phones, etc.). Applicable to all projects (website, OA, ERP, CRM, APP backend, etc.).
The front-end of the JavaEE enterprise development framework adopts a lightweight flat design, which automatically adjusts the page for different screen sizes so that it performs well on screens of various sizes.
The system has 4 skin themes. The main functions include login, registration, report, password retrieval, password change, user management, department management, menu management, Dictionary management, personal data management, information release management, role authority management, email sending and receiving management, etc. The back-end and front-end of the system all use the latest official stable version, which can be directly applied to the enterprise production environment.
Main technologies: Spring 4.1.5 (management transactions), SpringMVC 4.1.5 (as the control layer), SpringSecurity 3.2.6 (authentication and authorization, permission management), Hibernate 4.3.8 (as the data persistence layer), Hibernate Search 5.1.0 (full-text search), Ehcache 2.9.0 (as a second-level cache to improve performance), Lucene 4.10.4 and Quartz 2.2.1 (timing index generation), JUnit 4.12 (unit testing), Google Guava Collections 18.0 (a collection tool library with better performance), Log4j (logging), etc.
The durable layer of the framework will be encapsulated, modified, deleted, sorted, paged, and various conditions will be added to the general module, and there is almost no handwritten SQL.
Front-endMain technologies: Bootstrap 3.3.2, HTML5, jQuery 1.11.2 (loaded when IE), jQuery 2.1.3 (loaded when not IE), jQueryMobile (supports mobile touch and other effects), HTML5 Shiv and Respond (allows IE6- IE8 to support HTML5 elements and media queries).
1. Login: BootstrapTooltip prompt, jQuery Validation verification form, switch 3 background images, Spring Security's remember-me mechanism records user login status, Apache CommonsEmail sends email to retrieve password.
2. Registration: BootstrapTooltip prompt, Bootstrap Datepicker to select date/time, jQuery Validation verification form, switch 3 background images.
3. Information release management: jQueryjqGrid displays grid data, Ajax paging, table sorting, add, edit, view, delete, query (optional AND or OR query) and refresh records, export to Excel; jQuery Hotkeys monitors keyboard events; Bootstrap Wysiwyg serves as a rich text editor; Quartz combines with Lucene to regularly generate indexes of titles, authors, and text, and uses HibernateSearch for full-text search.
4. User management: jQueryjqGrid displays grid data, Ajax paging, table sorting, add, edit, view, delete, query (optional AND or OR query) and Refresh records, export to Excel; Bootstrap Datepicker selects date/time.
5. Role permission management: jQueryjqGrid displays grid data, Ajax paging, table sorting, add, edit, view, delete, query (optional AND or OR query) And refresh records, export Excel; Bootstrap FuelUX Tree as a tree component.
6. Menu management: jQueryjqGrid displays grid data, Ajax paging, table sorting, add, edit, view, delete, query (optional AND or OR query) and Refresh records and export to Excel. Spring Security controls permissions and displays different menus for different users.
7. Department management: jQueryjqGrid displays grid data, Ajax paging, table sorting, add, edit, view, delete, query (optional AND or OR query) and Refresh records and export to Excel.
8. Dictionary management: jQueryjqGrid displays grid data, Ajax paging, table sorting, add, edit, view, delete, query (optional AND or OR query) and Refresh records and export to Excel.
9. Email sending and receiving management: jQueryHotkeys monitors keyboard events, Bootstrap Wysiwyg serves as a rich text editor, jQuery Gritter serves as a message notification component, Bootstrap Tags switches tabs, and Spring JavaMailSenderImpl sends emails.
10. Personal information management: jQuery Gritter as message notification component, Bootstrap Datepicker to select date/time, Bootstrap Select2 as drop-down box component, Bootstrap Editable for instant text editing, Bootstrap File Input upload file.
11. Personal information management (traditional editing interface): Edit fields in the traditional way, and you can also change passwords.
12. Home page and reports: jQueryUI Custom as an instance set, jQuery UI Touch Punch adds touch event support, jQueryEasy Pie Chart renders pie charts with HTML5 animation effects, jQuery Sparkline generates static and dynamic spectrum charts, and jQueryFlot draws various charts. Control interface: select skin, fixed navigation bar, fixed sidebar, fixed breadcrumb navigation, switch to left, switch to narrow screen, mouse over to display submenu, compact sidebar, menu item highlighting, etc.
13. 18 Bootstrap static instances: including typography, UI elements, buttons & icons, sidebar sliders, nested drag lists, jQuery DataTables, form elements , wizard & validation, UI components, calendar notes, photo albums, price tables, invoices, timelines, Q&A help, 404 pages, 500 pages and Bootstrap Grid.
Static examples include: Bootstrap Colorpicker implements a color picker instance, Bootstrap DateRangePicker implements a double date selection instance, Bootstrap DualListbox implements a double list box instance, Bootstrap Multiselect uses options to input multiple attributes instances, Bootstrap Bootbox builds a dialog box instance , jQuery Rty as a scoring plug-in example, jQuery Spin Button to increase or decrease the text box value, jQuery Nestable to move and drag the tree structure example, jQuery DataTables to implement various table effects, jQuery Chosen to expand and beautify the drop-down box, jQuery Masked Input to implement masking Code text input box example, jQuery Input Limiter implements word limit example, jQuery Autosize dynamically adjusts Textarea size example, jQuery Knob implements knob effect example, jQuery Typeahead automatically completes text example, jQuery Colorbox plays slideshow and other content examples, FuelUX Wizard implements wizard Effect examples, FuelUX Spinner implementation spinner examples, Additional Methods combined with jQueryValidate validation form examples, FullCalendar as a calendar plug-in example, GoogleCode Prettify highlight code examples.
14. Code structure: The system is divided into presentation layer, control layer, business logic layer and data persistence layer to reduce system coupling and improve system operating efficiency and maintainability. sex. Common codes at each level are abstracted (such as additions, deletions, modifications, and searches), allowing other classes at that level to inherit, greatly reducing code redundancy. The system has high security and adds anti-SQL injection mechanism. All code is formatted, fully commented, beautiful and easy to read.
We provide source code, SQL files for 3 databases (MySQL, Oracle, SQL Server), detailed documentation, various latest learning materials and technical support for Bootstrap, and also giveaway based on ExtJS5.1's general backend management system, get the address