Home > Article > Web Front-end > EasyUI DataGrid combines with ThinkPHP to implement addition, deletion, modification and search operations for beginners_html/css_WEB-ITnose
EasyUI is a collection of user interface plug-ins based on jQuery; DataGrid is a data table;
ThinkPHP is a fast and simple lightweight PHP development framework based on MVC and object-oriented.
The integrated development environment used is WAMPSever, (wampserver is a development kit that integrates Apache, PHP and MySQL, and supports switching between different PHP versions, MySQL versions and Apache versions)
The effect is as follows:
The main code is as follows
1. Define a table
<table id="dg" class="easyui-datagrid" title="DataGrid Complex Toolbar" style="width:700px;height:250px" data-options="rownumbers:true,singleSelect:true,url:'{:U(read)}',method:'get',toolbar:'#tb'"> <thead> <tr> <th data-options="field:'ID',width:80,align:'center'">ID</th> <th data-options="field:'Product',width:100">Product</th> <th data-options="field:'Content',width:500,align:'center'">Content</th> </tr> </thead></table>
class="easyui-datagrid" is a custom format in easyui. data-options are used to initialize attributes. The attributes here include rownumbers to display the number of rows. singleSelect indicates the selected status of the row;
url:'{U(read)}' First, ThinkPHP's U method (reference: http://www.thinkphp.cn/info/132.html) is used To complete the assembly of the URL address, the call in the template adopts the method of {:U('address', 'parameter'...)}. Secondly, the data format used by EasyUI is json, which is in the controller. The read method outputs data in json format. toolbar:'#tb'This is the toolbar of the table, which is to add, delete and modify.
The toolbar that defines the table is as follows:
<div id="tb" style="padding:2px 5px;"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconCls="icon-add" plain="true" onClick="addPro()"></a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconCls="icon-edit" plain="true" onclick="editPro()"></a> <a href="javascrtpt:void(0)" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconCls="icon-remove" plain="true" onclick="removePro()"></a> </div>
Note: the id here should correspond to the toolbar: '#tb';
2. When you click Add or Modify, a dialog box will pop up. The code is as follows:
<!--the page of dialog--> <div id="dl" class="easyui-dialog" style="width:400px;height:280px;padding:10px 20px" closed="true" footer="ft" buttons="#dlg-buttons"> <div class="ftitle">Information</div> <form id="am" method="post" novalidate > Product:<input type="text" name="Product" class="easyui-validatebox" required="true"/></br> Content:<Textarea name="Content" rows="5" cols="45"></Textarea></br> </form> </div>
class='easyui-dialog' defines a dialog box because it needs to communicate with the background Interaction, a form is installed in this dialog box, and some input elements inside need to be verified. required="true" means that the elements must be filled in
class="easyui-validatebox" defines the prompt after verification failure. , buttons="#dlg-buttons" indicates the two confirmation and cancel buttons below this dialog box. novalidate means no verification.
Buttons in the dialog box:
<div id="dlg-buttons"> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconCls="icon-ok" onclick="savePro()">Save</a> <a href="javascript:void(0)" class="easyui-linkbutton" iconCls="icon-cancel" onclick="javascript:$('#dl').dialog('close')">Cancel</a></div>
3. Page js function
<script type="text/javascript"> var url; function addPro(){ $('#dl').dialog('open').dialog('setTitle','New Information'); $('#am').form('clear'); url = '__URL__/insert'; } function editPro(){ var row = $("#dg").datagrid("getSelected"); if(row){ $("#dl").dialog("open").dialog("setTitle","Change Information"); $("#am").form("load",row); url = '__URL__/update?ID='+row.ID;//为update方法准备访问url,注意是全局变量 } } function savePro(){ $('#am').form('submit',{ url: url, onSubmit: function(){ return $(this).form('validate'); }, success: function(result){ var result = eval('('+result+')'); if (result.success){ $('#dl').dialog('close'); // close the dialog $('#dg').datagrid('reload'); // reload the user data } else { $.messager.show({ title: 'Error', msg: result.msg }); } } }); } function removePro() { var row = $('#dg').datagrid('getSelected'); if (row){ $.messager.confirm('Confirm','Are you sure you want to remove this row?',function(r){ if (r){ $.post('__URL__/delete',{ID:row.ID},function(result){ if (result.success){ $('#dg').datagrid('reload'); // reload the user data } else { $.messager.show({ // show error message title: 'Error', msg: result.msg }); } },'json'); } }); } } </script>
JS is not yet I know a lot about it, so I referred to the code on the Internet. $.messager.show is the message prompt box provided by EasyUI (reference: http://www.jeasyui.net/demo/371.html), which can display a message window in the lower right corner of the screen. $.messager.confirm is an interactive message that pops up a message confirmation box.
4. Code in the controller (IndexAction.class.php)
<?php// 本类由系统自动生成,仅供测试用途class IndexAction extends Action { public function index(){ $this->display(); } publicfunction read(){
$Test = M('test'); /*$Total = $Test->count(); $Json = '{"total":'.$Total.',"rows":'.json_encode($Test->select()).'}';*/ $Json = json_encode($Test->select()); echo $Json;
} public function insert(){ $data = $this->_post(); $Test = M('Test'); $result = $Test->add($data); if($result) { echo json_encode(array('success'=>true)); }else { echo json_encode(array('msg'=>'Some error occured')); } } public function update($ID=0){ $Test = M('test'); $ID = $_GET['ID']; if($Test->create()) { $Test->ID = $ID; $result = $Test->save(); if($result) { echo json_encode(array('success'=>true)); }else { echo json_encode(array('msg'=>'Some error occured')); } }else{ $this->error($Test->getError()); } } public function delete($ID=0){ $result = false; $Test = M('test'); $result = $Test->where('ID='.$ID)->delete(); if($result==false){ echo json_encode(array('msg'=>'删除出错!')); }else{ echo json_encode(array('success'=>true)); } } }?>