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How to improve web page loading speed?
80% of the time is spent on requests for images, stylesheets, scripts, Flash
and so on.
Then the best way to improve website speed is to simplify your design.
. Simplify the elements on your page
. Use CSS instead of images whenever possible
. Merge multiple stylesheets into one
. Reduce scripts and put them on the page Bottom
(1) chrome page speed check plug-in pagespeed
(2) Online detection
(3) Use YSlow to detect
Consider using gzip compression to transmit 90% of browser support gzip
such as yahoo reduces download time by 70%
apache: use mod_deflate
nginx: use HttpGzipMoudle
iis: use Configure HTTP Compression
(1) apache
English website
Chinese website
Add format:
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/plain text/xml
For detailed usage
please refer to:
Official documentation:
Detailed configuration example:
http:// www.jb51.net/article/48995.htm
Note that this module is built-in and does not need to be compiled
gzip on; gzip_min_length 1k; gzip_buffers 16 64k; gzip_http_version 1.1; gzip_comp_level 6; gzip_types text/plain application/x-javascript text/css application/xml; gzip_vary on;
Method 1: Last-Modified Last-modified time
Last-modified: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 04:00:25 GMT File Contents (could be an image, HTML, CSS, Javascript...)
When the browser makes a request, it will automatically compare whether the last modified
time has been updated. If it has not been updated, 304 enables cached files
Method 2: ETag Verify Signature
ETag: ead145f File Contents (could be an image, HTML, CSS, Javascript...)
What if the server time is originally wrong? The signature is the only proof that each A
unique identifier of a file
If the file is modified, the ETag will automatically change
Method 3: Expires Set expiration time
Expires: Tue, 20 Mar 2007 04:00 :25 GMT File Contents (could be an image, HTML, CSS, Javascript...)
Set cache expiration time,
Method 4: Max-Age maximum lifetime
How to Settings:
Enable mod_headers and mod_expires modules
Configure expiration headers
ExpiresActive OnExpiresDefault A0# 1 YEAR - doesn't change often<FilesMatch "\.(flv|ico|pdf|avi|mov|ppt|doc|mp3|wmv|wav)$">ExpiresDefault A31536000</FilesMatch># 1 WEEK - possible to be changed, unlikely<FilesMatch "\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|swf)$">ExpiresDefault A604800</FilesMatch># 3 HOUR - core content, changes quickly<FilesMatch "\.(txt|xml|js|css)$">ExpiresDefault A10800</FilesMatch>
# 1 YEAR<FilesMatch "\.(flv|ico|pdf|avi|mov|ppt|doc|mp3|wmv|wav)$">Header set Cache-Control "max-age=31536000, public"</FilesMatch># 1 WEEK<FilesMatch "\.(jpg|jpeg|png|gif|swf)$">Header set Cache-Control "max-age=604800, public"</FilesMatch># 3 HOUR<FilesMatch "\.(txt|xml|js|css)$">Header set Cache-Control "max-age=10800"</FilesMatch># NEVER CACHE - notice the extra directives<FilesMatch "\.(html|htm|php|cgi|pl)$">Header set Cache-Control "max-age=0, private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"</FilesMatch>
(1) Compress HTML
Use the chrome extension for compression, click to view "Optimized content"
to see the compression effect
(2) Compress CSS
(3) Compress javascript
Image size: Use as large a picture as possible
Image format: jpeg is best, png is the next best (old browsers do not support it)
Use gif less
src attribute to avoid empty src attribute. If it is empty, the browser will automatically request
current entire page
to avoid Adding attributes directly in the tag
is to reduce inline css styles
Try to add repeated attributes to a css class and encapsulate them
part of the page comes from external files
Click for details: