新人求助CSS问题。 因为要练习一个网购项目,但是不太会CSS布局,现在的问题是DIV中的文字和文字总是居中,而且又不能自由控制(行列定位搞了好久都搞不定),想请教一下高手帮帮忙,谢谢。顺便帮忙指点一下我的错误在哪里,如何快速提高? 无标题页 <br> ul{margin:0;border:0;padding:0;} <br> li{list-style-type:none;} <br> #left ul {width: 696px; } <br> #left #ulListItem3 {width: 100%;vertical-align:top;} <br> #left #ulListItem3 li {width: 232px;float: left;display: block;height:260px;line-height:260px; margin:0;vertical-align:top;} <br> #left #ulListItem3 li div{ width:100%; height:100%; margin:0; border: 1px solid #000; vertical-align:top;} <br> #left #ulListItem3 li div div{border: 1px solid #DDD;margin:14px 21px 40px; width:190px; display:table; height:230px; line-height:230px;cursor: pointer; vertical-align:top;} <br> #left #ulListItem3 li div div img{width:190px; height:139px; margin-top:0px;} <br> <br> 女装 100元 sadfsfa ;/li> Reply to discussion (solution) Screenshot, I don’t understand the desired effect, the text is not centered when I see it here I want the picture to be on top, and the name, price and button below to be reflected line by line like a table. However, the current effect is very bad and cannot achieve the effect I want. Please help me! For reference Thank you, brother!