Home >Web Front-end >HTML Tutorial >(3) Sass and Compass create sprite pictures_html/css_WEB-ITnose
// Merge various images into one image, and change the position of the background image in different states;
// Compress image memory;
// Reduce HTTP requests
/// 1. Let Compass point to a sprite’s folder;
// 2. Tell Compass to write the sprite CSS;
// 3. Compile the style sheet;
1 @import "compass/utilities/sprites"; // 精灵图片控件;2 @import "Icon/*.png"; //<strong> Icon文件夹位于images文件夹内并包含所有精灵图片;</strong>3 4 //<strong> 生成精灵图片位于images文件夹内</strong>;并生成编译后的CSS;5 CSS: 6 .Icon-sprite { // 自动生成的类命名; 7 background-image: url('/images/Icon-s040daee5af.png'); 8 background-repeat: no-repeat; 9 }
1 1.<strong>all-</strong><strong>sprites精灵混合器</strong> 2 Sass: 3 <strong>@include all-Icon-sprites; // 为整个精灵地图撰写所有必要的CSS;</strong> 4 CSS: // 生成内容; 5 .Icon-sprite, .Icon-index1, .Icon-index2, .Icon-index3, .Icon-index4, .Icon-index5 { 6 background-image: url('/images/Icon-s040daee5af.png'); // <strong>所有的相关类都引用此图片; </strong> 7 background-repeat: no-repeat; 8 } 9 .Icon-index1 { 10 background-position: 0 0; 11 } 12 ... 13 .Icon-index5 { 14 background-position: 0 -560px; 15 } 16 17 // 使用@extend继承精灵的样式18 Sass: 19 .add-button { @extend .Icon-index1} //<strong> 这种方法会生成更少的CSS;</strong>20 CSS: 21 .Icon-index1, .add-button { //<strong> 直接叠加了一个类,比较方便; </strong>22 background-position: 0 0; 23 }
1 <strong>2.single-sprite精灵混合器 </strong> 2 Icon-sprite($name); //<strong> 输出一个独立命名精灵的CSS</strong>; $name:单独图片的名字(index1); 3 Sass: 4 .add-button2 { 5 @include Icon-sprite(index5); 6 } 7 CSS: 8 .add-button2 { 9 background-position: 0 -560px; // 与index5对应的图片的位置; 10 }
// You can customize a sprite map or define the sprite specifically through its configuration variables ;
// The following configuration All variables need to be defined before importing sprites ("@include all-Icon-sprites");
1 <strong>1.配置精灵图之间的间距 </strong>2 $<map>-spacing:Xpx; // 设置所有精灵图之间的间距为Xpx;3 $<map>-<sprite>-spacing:Xpx; // 设置某个精灵图的间距;4 Sass: 5 <strong>$Icon-spacing:4px;</strong> //<strong> 所有图片的间距为4px;</strong>6 <strong>$Icon-index1-spacing:12px</strong>; //<strong> index1图片的间距为12px;</strong>
1 <strong>2.设置精灵的重复性 </strong>2 $<map>-repeat:no-repeat/repeat-x; // 默认值是no-repeat;设置为repeat-x可以使其X轴平铺; 3 $<map>-<sprite>-repeat:no-repeat/repeat-x; // 设置单个图片的重复属性;4 Sass: 5 <strong>$Icon-index2-repeat:repeat-x;</strong> // index2图片在精灵图片里边横向平铺;
<strong>3</strong><strong>.设置精灵的位置</strong> $<map>-position:Xpx; //<strong> 垂直向右(水平向下)移动Xpx距离;</strong>$<map>-<sprite>-position:Xpx; Sass: <strong>$Icon</strong><strong>-positioin: 10px; // 所有图片向右10px;</strong>
1<strong> 4.设置精灵地图的布局 </strong>2 $<mpa>-layout: <strong>vertical(垂直)</strong>/<strong>horizontal(水平)</strong>/diagonal(对角线)/<strong>smart(产生最小的空白区域)</strong>; // 默认布局是vertical; $Icon-layout:horizontal; // 在引入sprites模块之前定义;
1 <strong>5.清除过期的精灵地图 </strong>2 $<map>-clean-up:true/false;
1 <strong>1.输出精灵的尺寸 </strong> 2 $<map>-sprite-height($name); // 得到某个精灵图片的高度; 3 $<map>-sprite-width($name); 4 $<map>-sprite-dimensions:true/false; // 为精灵地图中的每个精灵自动输出尺寸; 5 Sass: 6 .next { 7 @include Icon-sprite(index2); 8 width:<strong>Icon-sprite-width(index2)</strong>;// 得到精灵图片的大小; 9 } 10 CSS: 11 .next { 12 background-position: -10px -150px; 13 width: 140px; // 生成的图片大小; 14 }
1 <strong>2.精灵的基础类 </strong> 2 // Compass可以方便地通过生成一个基础类为每个精灵应用普通样式; 3 $<map>-sprite-base-class:".class-name"; 4 // 当使用全部精灵或单独精灵的混合器时,Compass会输出一个精灵的基础类;并且其<strong>选择器还会串联所有设置了background-image属性的选择器</strong>; 5 //<strong> 每个精灵地图的基础类都以其文件夹的名字命名</strong>; 6 Sass: 7 <strong>$Icon-sprite-base-class: ".Icon"; </strong> 8 .Icon { //<strong> 设置精灵的CSS基础类;</strong> 9 overflow: hidden; 10 width:Icon-sprite-width(index1); 11 } 12 CSS: 13 .Icon, .Icon-index1, .Icon-index2, .Icon-index3, .Icon-index4, .Icon-index5 { 14 overflow: hidden; 15 width: 140px; 16 }
1 <strong>3.魔术精灵选择器 </strong> 2 $disable-magic-sprite-selectors:true/false; 3 // 魔术精灵选择器是默认开启的,也就是说Compass在精灵时会<strong>根据以"_hover"/"_active"或"_target"结尾的名字自动输出CSS的:hover/:active和:target伪选择器;</strong> 4 // 在Icon文件夹内添加<strong>index4_hover.png</strong>之后会自动<strong>生成关于index-4:hover的类及相关代码</strong>; 5 CSS: 6 .Icon-index4 { 7 background-position: 0 -420px; 8 } 9 <strong>.Icon-index4:hover</strong>, .Icon-index4.<strong>index4-</strong><strong>hover</strong> { 10 background-position: 0 -560px; 11 }
// Previous "@import ' Icon/*.png'", not only creates a sprite map, but also sets mixers and variables for the sprite map and each sprite ;
1 <strong>1.sprite-map辅助器 </strong>2 $Icon:<strong>sprite-map</strong>("Icon/*.png",<strong>$layout:smart</strong>); // 它会创建一个智能布局的精灵地图,并把精灵地图的图片URL赋值给$Icon变量;
1 <strong>2.sprite-map辅助器--设置单个精灵 </strong>2 $Icon:sprite-map("Icon/*.png",$index2-spacing:5px);
// After Compass generates the sprite map for you, you still need to write the CSS of each sprite;
1 <strong>1.sprite辅助器 </strong> 2 <strong>sprite</strong>($map,$sprite,[$offset-x],[$offset-y]); // $map:精灵基础类; $sprite:单个图片名,用于定位背景图片; 3 // sprite辅助器需要精灵地图/精灵的名字以及可选的偏移坐标; 4 Sass: 5 $Icon:sprite-map("Icon/*.png",$layout:smart); 6 //<strong> 精灵基础类的一个优点就是只需要赋值一次背景图片(把路径复制到变量中)</strong>; 7 .next { 8 background:<strong>sprite($Icon,index2) no-</strong><strong>repeat</strong>; 9 } 10 //<strong> 这仅仅会输出背景属性,而不会成为一个精灵的基础类或其他任何不需要的CSS</strong>;11 CSS: 12 .next { 13 background: url('/images/Icon-s6558f78e4f.png') 0 -140px no-repeat; 14 }
1 <strong>2.设置精灵的位置 </strong> 2 // 为了移除重复的背景图片,你可以用sprite-position辅助器或sprite-background-position混合器取代sprite辅助器; 3 Sass: 4 $Icon:sprite-map("Icon/*.png"); //<strong> 辅助器创建精灵地图</strong>; 5 .sprite-base { background:$Icon no-repeat; }// 引入精灵地图; 6 .next { 7 <strong>@extend .sprite-base</strong>; // @extend引用; 8 background-position:sprite-position($Icon, index2); 9 // 设置background-position属性;10 // sprite-position:辅助器,用于定位图片位置;11 // $Icon:变量,引入精灵图片路径;12 // index2:定位精灵图片index2位置的参数;13 } 14 CSS: 15 <strong>.sprite-</strong><strong>base, .next</strong> { 16 background: url('/images/Icon-sb501daeae5.png') no-repeat; 17 } 18 .next { 19 background-position: 0 -140px; 20 }
1 <strong>3.设置精灵的尺寸--sprite-dimensisons混合器 </strong> 2 //<strong> 它需要精灵地图和精灵的名字,并输出经过测量的尺寸;</strong> 3 Sass: 4 $Icon:sprite-map("Icon/*.png"); // 辅助器创建精灵地图; 5 .sprite-base { background:$Icon no-repeat; }// 引入精灵地图; 6 .add { 7 @extend .sprite-base; 8 @include sprite-background-position($Icon,index3); // 精灵图片定位辅助器; 9 @include sprite-dimensions($Icon,index3); 10 }
// 1. Load a large amount of data from the remote server The impact of images on performance and how sprite images are an important method to solve high-traffic website problems;
// 2. How Compass completely automates processing of sprites , and explored configuration and control Several ways for Compass to generate sprite maps and CSS ;