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1. Comment specifications
1. Comments at the top of the file (recommended)
Css code
2. Module comments
Module comments must be written on a separate line
Css code
3. Single-line comments and multi-line comments
Single-line comments can be written on a single line or at the end of the line. The length of each line in the comment No more than 40 Chinese characters, or 80 English characters.
Css code
Multi-line comments must be written in separate lines
Css code
4. Special comments
Used to mark modifications, to-do and other information
Css code
5. Block comments
Comment on a code block Optionally, block the style statement and comment it on a new line.
Css code
2. Coding specifications
1. Replace the tab key with (required) four spaces
2. Add ";" (required) 🎜>
Convenient compression tool for "sentence segmentation".
3. Capital letters are (not allowed) to appear in the Class name, and "-" is (must) be used to separate the letters in the class, such as:
/* 正确的写法 */ .hotel-title { font-weight: bold; } /* 不推荐的写法 */ .hotelTitle { font-weight: bold; }Separating with "-" is more clear than using camel case.
4. Use of spaces, The following rules (must be) implemented:
.hotel-content { font-weight: bold; }There must be a space before the selector and { (must)
5. Line breaks (must) between multiple selector rules
When the style targets multiple selectors, each selector occupies one line
/* 推荐的写法 */ a.btn, input.btn, input[type="button"] { ...... }
6. (Prohibited) Writing the style as a single line, such as
.hotel-content {margin: 10px; background-color: #efefef;}It is not easy to comment on a single line. Good note, this should be the job of the compression tool~
7. (Prohibited) Adding units after 0, such as:
.obj { left: 0px;}Just for unity. Remember, the green word means emphasis, not force!
8. (Prohibited) Using css native import
Using css native import has many disadvantages, such as increasing Number of requests, etc....
9. Don’t change site-wide CSS and general CSS libraries easily. After changes are made, they must be thoroughly tested. 8. Avoid using filters
10. 避免在CSS中使用expression
11. 避免过小的背景图片平铺,小图片(必须)sprite 合并
12. 层级(z-index)必须清晰明确,页面弹窗、气泡为最高级(最高级为999),不同弹窗气泡之间可在三位数之间调整;普通区块为10-90内10的倍数;区块展开、弹出为当前父层级上个位增加,禁止层级间盲目攀比。
13. 背景图片请尽可能使用sprite技术, 减小http请求, 考虑到多人协作开发, sprite按照模块、业务、页面来划分均可。
14. (推荐)属性的书写顺序, 举个例子:
.hotel-content { /* 定位 */ display: block; position: absolute; left: 0; top: 0; /* 盒模型 */ width: 50px; height: 50px; margin: 10px; border: 1px solid black; / *其他* / color: #efefef; }
15. (推荐)当编写针对特定html结构的样式时,使用元素名 + 类名
/* 所有的nav都是针对ul编写的 */ ul.nav { ...... }
".a div"和".a div.b",为什么后者好?如果需求有所变化,在".a"下有多加了一个div,试问,开始的样式是不是会影响后来的div啊~
16. (推荐)IE Hack List
/* 针对ie的hack */ selector { property: value; /* 所有浏览器 */ property: value\9; /* 所有IE浏览器 */ property: value\0; /* IE8 */ +property: value; /* IE7 */ _property: value; /* IE6 */ *property: value; /* IE6-7 */ }
17. (不推荐)ie使用filter,( 禁止)使用expression
18. (禁止)使用行内(inline)样式
<p style="font-size: 12px; color: #FFFFFF">靖鸣君</p>
.hide { display: none;}
19. (推荐)reset.css样式
/*别这样写*/* { margin: 0; padding: 0;}
21. 链接的样式,(务必)按照这个顺序来书写
a:link -> a:visited -> a:hover -> a:active