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Floating and positioning_html/css_WEB-ITnose

2016-06-24 11:43:301627browse




<!DOCTYPE html><html>    <head>        <title>float test</title>        <style type="text/css">        /*reset*/        body,div,p,a,ul,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,img{margin:0;padding:0;}        .wrap{            width:300px;            margin:0 auto;            border:2px solid #30c13a;        }        .wrap .fl{            width:100px;            float:left;            background-color:#8cceff;        }        </style>    </head>    <body>        <div class="wrap">            <p class="fl">                The Macintosh Classic is a personal            </p>            <p>                It was the first Apple Macintosh sold under US$1,000. Production of the Classic was prompted by the success of the Macintosh Plus and the SE.             </p>        </div>    </body></html>


  float有三个值:left、right、none,向左、向右或者不使用浮动。上边是向左浮动(蓝色背景),跟在它后边p标签中的文本没给任何样式,本来两个p标签中的文本块会一上一下分段堆叠,加了float left后,下边p标签中的文本,就环绕在它周围,包括下边和右边。

  一般我们在设置浮动时会给浮动块一个宽度,这样才能显示浮动的意义,如果任由其充满在其父元素中一整行就不需要浮动了,但是多的文本又会跑到浮动块的下边去,所以让两个块分开来更合理,可以对右边环绕的文本块加一个margin(或者再加一个padding),这个左边距至少要是浮动块的盒模型宽度(注意不是左边元素本身的width属性值,还包括了它的padding、border和margin),通常比这个宽度略大,比如这里可以给右边那个文本块设置:margin-left:110px; ,将两个块隔离开。


<!DOCTYPE html><html>    <head>        <title>float test</title>        <style type="text/css">        /*reset*/        body,div,p,a,ul,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,img{margin:0;padding:0;}        .wrap{            width:300px;            margin:0 auto;            border:2px solid #30c13a;        }        .wrap .fl{            width:100px;            float:left;            background-color:#8cceff;        }        </style>    </head>    <body>        <div class="wrap">            <p class="main">                It was the first Apple Macintosh sold under US$1,000. Production of the Classic was prompted by the success of the Macintosh Plus and the SE.             </p>            <p class="fl">                The Macintosh Classic is a personal            </p>        </div>    </body></html>






<!DOCTYPE html><html>    <head>        <title>float test</title>        <style type="text/css">        /*reset*/        body,div,p,a,ul,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,img{margin:0;padding:0;}        .wrap{            width:400px;            height:100px;            margin:0 auto;            border:2px solid #3c3c3c;        }        .wrap .banner{            font-size:120%;            font-weight:normal;        }        .wrap .banner{            margin:5px;            border: 2px dashed #30c13a;            /*overflow:hidden;*/        }        .wrap .fr{            float:right;            width:100px;            color:#fff;              margin-left:10px;            margin-right:10px;            background-color:#c19132;        }        </style>    </head>    <body>        <div class="wrap">            <div class="fr">                <ul>                    <li>Apple</li>                    <li>Google</li>                    <li>Microsoft</li>                </ul>            </div>            <h1 class="banner">                Welcome To CSS World            </h1>        </div>    </body></html>



  右上角,标题的边框穿过了浮动的列表,为消除这种因背景色或边框在浮动元素的下方出现的情形,需要使用overflow,我们知道overflow是文本溢出时采取的措施,比如hidden隐藏多出宽高范围的文本。具体说是,在.wrap .banner{...}中添加overflow:hidden即可,IE6可能还要加一个zoom:1;(这是一个神奇的IE属性,解决了好多IE显示问题~)

  2. 在浮动元素周围环绕,但不需要


<!DOCTYPE html><html>    <head>        <title>float test</title>        <style type="text/css">            /*reset*/            body,div,p,a,ul,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,img{margin:0;padding:0;}            .wrap{            width:400px;            height:136px;            margin:0 auto;            border:2px solid #3c3c3c;            }            .wrap .left-sidebar{                width:100px;                background-color:#e0c898;                text-align:center;                float:left;            }            .wrap .left-sidebar ul{list-style-type:none;}            .wrap .main{                margin-left:110px;            }            .wrap .copyright{                background-color: #000;                color:#fff;                padding:5px;                text-align: center;            }        </style>    </head>    <body>        <div class="wrap">        <div class="left-sidebar">             <ul>                <li>A</li>                <li>B</li>                <li>C</li>                <li>D</li>                <li>E</li>                <li>F</li>            </ul>        </div>        <div class="main">            <p>                The Macintosh Classic is a personal computer that was manufactured by Apple Computer from October 15, 1990 to September 14, 1992.            </p>        </div>        <div class="copyright">            <p>Copyright 1996-2015. Some Inc.</p>        </div>        </div>    </body></html>



  有的网站可能是这样的,左边一个类似于导航条的东西,浮在浏览器左边,右边是主要文本内容,假如这个导航条高度比较高,而右边的文本又不多,所以本该放在页底的版权声明跑到文本内容下边,导航条右边了。如何解决?就要使用clear属性,有三个值:left、right、both。比如clear:left,就是在告诉浏览器,我不会包围左浮动的元素,如果是both,则是不包围左或者右浮动的元素,一般版权声明始终在页底,所以我们可以在版权的代码(.wrap .copyright{..})上加上clear:both,效果如右图(在这里只需要clear left就行)。









<!DOCTYPE html><html>    <head>        <title>float test</title>        <style type="text/css">        /*reset*/        body,div,p,a,ul,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,img{margin:0;padding:0;}        .wrap{            width:760px;            height:630px;            margin:0 auto;             border:2px solid #c19132;        }        .wrap .piece{            width:100px;            height:60px;            background-color:#0092ff;            position:absolute;            right:0;        }        </style>    </head>    <body>        <div class="wrap">            <div class="piece">            </div>        </div>    </body></html>







    <img src="大图" />    <img src="小图" />


<!DOCTYPE html><html>    <head>        <title>float test</title>        <style type="text/css">        /*reset*/        body,div,p,a,ul,li,h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6,pre,img{margin:0;padding:0;}        .pt{            /*父元素设置相对定位,使子元素相对于它偏移*/            position:relative;        }        .pt .smallimg{            /*子元素相对于父元素绝对定位*/            position:absolute;            top: 30px;            left:60px;        }        </style>    </head>    <body>        <div class="pt">            <!-- 大图 -->            <img src="./image/blue.png" />            <!-- 小图 -->            <img class="smallimg" src="./image/doraemon.png" />        </div>    </body></html>






    页面设计 代码顺序  

  banner里边放logo,昵称,签名 or whatever,左边放导航,右边放说明,主要内容展示在中间(随便说的),底下再标识版权(记得clear both)。有两种可选的方案是:

First, left-sidebar: floats to the left, right-sidebar floats to the right, main sets margin-left and margin-right; second, left-sidebar and main float to the left, right-sidebar floats to the right, Of course, main still needs to set margin. Some layouts using float are called "Flow Design". Usually, the entire wrap is given a fixed width, such as 960px, centered, and then the divs in it are floated. The order of its html code is basically synchronized with the layout (above right picture). Note that the float block should be placed in front of the blocks surrounding it.

After everything is done, you may use @media to adapt it to different screen sizes, and it will basically be ready to use (if you don’t consider IE) (To put it simply, I still don’t know it = _=#).

There is also a design called fixed width design. No matter how big the screen is, it is easier to divide all the large and small blocks first and give them a fixed width. The page design and code sequence are the same as above.

Do you still remember what was said in the box model? Some properties of CSS can be given negative values, such as margin and left. Given a sufficient negative value, it can "skip" the element in front of it and run in front of it. This is very useful when optimizing web pages and can expose more of the content of the web page to search engines. Once the position is clear, it can be implemented. The same page design above, its code sequence may be like this


The main content is at the front. If it flows directly according to the document, the effect of the above page design will not be achieved. , so we can give a negative value to left-sidebar's left. Assume that the width of #main's box model is 480px. Note that it is not its width attribute value. It must include left/right padding left/right border left/right margin and width. and, use absolute positioning for #left-sidebar, the left value is given to the negative number of this width value, so that it looks to the left of #main on the page, and the #main block is given a margin-left value, because it is necessary to avoid being #left-sidebar coverage after positioning offset (#left-sidebar is separated from the document flow after using absolute positioning), this value is the box model width of the entire #left-sidebar div, or a little larger to make the edge between them time is clear. This is the positioning of the entire large div.

The same effect as floating can be achieved through positioning. It depends on whether you want to torture yourself.

After understanding this, I no longer have to worry about PM changing the style, or the UI sister changing the size without authorization. I don’t know anything about styles, but every time I’m like,

“It seems like the page has been changed again?” “Yes, PM said it was changed” “…”

“How? I changed the size again, I just adjusted it." "I suddenly thought it would look better cut like this." "Q_Q..."

Fortunately, the page is simple, and some have templates.

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