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css3 media
The W3C lists ten media types in total, as shown in the table:
all | 所有设备 |
Braille | 盲人用点字法触觉回馈设备 |
Embossed | 盲文打字机 |
Handheld | 便携设备 |
打印用纸或打印预览视图 | |
Projection | 各种投影设备 |
Screen | 电脑显示器 |
Speech | 语音或音频合成器 |
TV | 电视机类型设备 |
Tty | 使用固定密度字母栅格的媒介,比如电传打字机和终端 |
Among them, screen, all, and print are the most Three common media types.
link method : introduce the media type when the 2cdf5bf648cf2f33323966d7f58a7f3f tag references the style, specified through the media attribute Different media types.
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css" media="screen">
xml method : Similar to the media type introduced by link, it is also specified through the media attribute.
<?xml-stylesheet type="text/css" media="screen" href="style.css">
@import method: @import is one of the methods used to reference style files, and can also be used to reference types. There are two main ways to introduce media types with @import.
One is to call another file through @import in the style file;
@import url(style.css) screen;
The other is to introduce it in the tag c9ccee2e6ea535a969eb3f532ad9fe89.
<style> @import url(style.css) screen;</style>
@media method: @media is a newly introduced feature in CSS3, called media query. Media types can be introduced into the page through this attribute. Similar to @import, there are two types.
One is to reference the media type through @media in the style file;
@media screen{ 选择器{/*样式*/}}
The other is to introduce it in the tag c9ccee2e6ea535a969eb3f532ad9fe89.
<style> @media screen{ 选择器{/*样式*/} }</style>
The above four methods can all reference media types. It is recommended to use the first and fourth methods.
W3C lists 13 commonly used features in CSS3, as shown in the table:
color | 整数 | Yes | 每种色彩的字节数 |
color-index | 整数 | Yes | 色彩表中的色彩数 |
device-aspect-ratio | 整数/整数 | Yes | 宽高比例 |
device-height | Length | Yes | 设备屏幕的输出高度 |
device-width | Length | Yes | 设备屏幕的输出宽度 |
grid | 整数 | No | 是否基于栅格的设备 |
height | Length | Yes | 渲染页面的高度 |
monochrome | 整数 | Yes | 单色帧缓冲器中每像素字节 |
resolution | 分辨率(dpi/dpcm) | Yes | 分辨率 |
scan | Progressive interlaced | No | Tv媒体类型的扫描方式 |
width | Length | Yes | 渲染界面的宽度 |
orientation | portrait/landsscape | No | 横屏或竖屏 |
@media 媒体类型 and (媒体特性){/*样式*/}
使用Media Query时必须要使用@media开头,然后指定媒体类型,随后是指定媒体特性。
@media screen and (max-width:480px){ div{ width:400px; }}
@media screen and (min-width:900px){ div{width:900px;}}
Media Query可以使用关键词“and”将多个媒体特性结合在一起。
@media screen and (min-width:400px) and (max-width:600px){ div{ background:red; }}
设备屏幕的输出宽度Device width
<link rel="stylesheet" media="screen and (max-device-width:500px)" href="style.css" />
@media not print and (max-widht:1200px){/*样式*/}
only用来指定某种特定的媒体类型,可以排除不支持媒体查询(Media Query)的浏览器。only很多时候是用来对不支持Media query却支持Media Type的设备隐藏样式表。因此支持媒体特性的设备正常调用样式,此时就当only不存在;不支持媒体特性但支持媒体类型的设备,就不会读取样式,因为先读取的是only而不是screen;不支持Media Query的浏览器,不论是否支持only,样式都不会被采用。
<link rel="stylesheet" media="only screen and (max-device-width:1200px)" href="style.css">