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Form submission verification class_form effects

2016-05-16 19:28:09871browse

>Shield function class

1.1 Block all keyboard keys

1.2 Block the right mouse button

Add oncontextmenu=self.event.returnvalue= in the body tag false


function nocontextmenu()
if(document.all) {
return false; >

1.3 Block Ctrl N, Shift F10, F5 refresh, backspace key

1.4 Block "minimize" and "maximize" in the upper right corner of the browser "Close" key

or use full screen to open the page

Note: Add onbeforeunload="javascript in the body tag :return false" (makes it impossible to close the window)

1.5 Block the F5 key

1.6 Block the IE back button

In your link Sometimes use

1.7 to shield the main window scroll bar
and add style="overflow-y:hidden" in the body tag

1.8 to shield the screen from copying, constantly Clear the clipboard

Add onload="setInterval('clipboardData.setData('Text','')',100)" in the body tag

1.9 Block the printing function of the website

1.10 Block IE6.0 that automatically appears on pictures Save the icon

Method 1:

Method 2:

Form submission verification class_form effects
1.11 Block all scripts in the page

2.2 Compare whether the values ​​of two form items are the same

2.3 Form items can only be Numbers and "_" are used for phone/bank account verification, and can be extended to domain name registration, etc.

2.4 Form item input value/length limit

2.5 Chinese/English/numeric/email address validity judgment

<script> <BR><!-- <BR>function document.onkeydown(){ <BR> event.keyCode = 0; <BR> event.returnvalue = false; <BR>} <BR>--> <BR></script><script> <BR><!-- <BR>function document.oncontextmenu() <BR>{ <BR> return false; <BR>} <BR>--> <BR></script>2.6 Limit the characters that cannot be entered in form items<script> <BR><!-- <BR>function rclick() <BR>{ <BR> if(document.all) { <BR> if (event.button == 2){ <BR> event.returnvalue=false; <BR> } <BR> } <BR>} <BR>--> <BR></script> <script> <BR><!-- <BR> //屏蔽鼠标右键、Ctrl+N、Shift+F10、F5刷新、退格键 <BR>function window.onhelp(){return false} //屏蔽F1帮助 <BR>function KeyDown(){ <BR> if ((window.event.altKey)&& <BR> ((window.event.keyCode==37)|| //屏蔽 Alt+ 方向键 ← <BR> (window.event.keyCode==39))){ //屏蔽 Alt+ 方向键 → <BR> alert("不准你使用ALT+方向键前进或后退网页!"); <BR> event.returnvalue=false; <BR> } <br><br> /* 注:这还不是真正地屏蔽 Alt+ 方向键, <BR> 因为 Alt+ 方向键弹出警告框时,按住 Alt 键不放, <BR> 用鼠标点掉警告框,这种屏蔽方法就失效了。以后若 <BR> 有哪位高手有真正屏蔽 Alt 键的方法,请告知。*/ <br><br> if ((event.keyCode == 8) && <BR> (event.srcElement.type != "text" && <BR> event.srcElement.type != "textarea" && <BR> event.srcElement.type != "password") || //屏蔽退格删除键 <BR> (event.keyCode==116)|| //屏蔽 F5 刷新键 <BR> (event.ctrlKey && event.keyCode==82)){ //Ctrl + R <BR> event.keyCode=0; <BR> event.returnvalue=false; <BR> } <BR> if ((event.ctrlKey)&&(event.keyCode==78)) //屏蔽 Ctrl+n <BR> event.returnvalue=false; <BR> if ((event.shiftKey)&&(event.keyCode==121)) //屏蔽 shift+F10 <BR> event.returnvalue=false; <BR> if (window.event.srcElement.tagName == "A" && window.event.shiftKey) <BR> window.event.returnvalue = false; //屏蔽 shift 加鼠标左键新开一网页 <BR> if ((window.event.altKey)&&(window.event.keyCode==115)){ //屏蔽Alt+F4 <BR> window.showModelessDialog("about:blank","","dialogWidth:1px;dialogheight:1px"); <BR> return false;} <BR> } <BR> /* 另外可以用 window.open 的方法屏蔽 IE 的所有菜单 <BR>第一种方法: <BR> window.open("你的.htm", "","toolbar=no,location=no,directories=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,resizable=yes,status=no,top=0,left=0") <BR>第二种方法是打开一个全屏的页面: <BR> window.open("你的.asp", "", "fullscreen=yes") <BR> */ <BR>//--> <BR></script><script> <BR>function window.onbeforeunload() <BR>{ <BR> if(event.clientX>document.body.clientWidth&&event.clientY<0||event.altKey) <BR> { <BR> window.event.returnvalue = ""; <BR> } <BR>} <BR></script>
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