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Detailed explanation of call/apply, arguments, and undefined/null methods in JS_javascript skills

2016-05-16 15:15:391127browse

Detailed explanation of a.call and apply methods
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call method:

Syntax: call([thisObj[,arg1[, arg2[, [,.argN]]]]])

Definition: Call a method of an object to replace the current object with another object.

 Note: The call method can be used to call a method instead of another object. The call method changes the object context of a function from the initial context to the new object specified by thisObj. If the thisObj parameter is not provided, the Global object is used as thisObj.

apply method:

Syntax: apply([thisObj[,argArray]])

Definition: Apply a method of an object to replace the current object with another object.

 Note: If argArray is not a valid array or is not an arguments object, a TypeError will be caused. If neither argArray nor thisObj are provided, the Global object will be used as thisObj and no parameters can be passed.

Example learning:

function add(a,b){ alert(a+b);}
function sub(a,b){ alert(a-b);}

The printed result is 4. The add function is called, but the calling object (context) is not the add object, but the sub function object. Note: Functions in js are actually objects, and the function name is a reference to the Function object.

function Animal(){ 
this.name = "Animal"; 
this.showName = function(){ alert(this.name);} 
function Cat(){ this.name = "Cat"; } 
var animal = new Animal(); 
var cat = new Cat(); 

Call means to put animal's method on cat for execution, and the context is cat. Originally, cat did not have a showName() method. Now it is to put animal's showName() method on cat for execution, and cat's this .name is Cat. So this.name should be Cat

Implement inheritance

function Animal(name){ 
this.name = name; 
this.showName = function(){ alert(this.name);} 
function Cat(name){ Animal.call(this, name); } 
var cat = new Cat("Black Cat"); 

Animal.call(this) means calling the Animal method, but using this object instead of Animal object, the context becomes this. Animal.call is used in new Cat("Black Cat") to set the attribute name and method showName for the current context.

Extension: Multiple inheritance

function Class10(){
this.showSub = function(a,b){ alert(a-b); }
function Class11(){
this.showAdd = function(a,b){ alert(a+b); }
function Class2(){

Note: There are other ways to inherit js, such as using the prototype chain. This is not within the scope of this article. It is just here to explain the usage of call. Speaking of call, and of course apply, these two methods basically mean the same thing. The difference is that the second parameter of call can be of any type, while the second parameter of apply must be an array or arguments.

b.arguments use

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What are arguments

Arguments is a built-in object in JavaScript. It is weird and often overlooked, but it is actually very important. All major JavaScript libraries utilize the arguments object. Therefore, the agruments object must be familiar to JavaScript programmers.

All functions have their own arguments object, which contains the parameters to be called by the function. It is not an array. If typeof arguments are used, 'object' is returned. Although we can call arguments using the method of calling data. For example, length and index methods. But array push and pop objects are not applicable.

Create a flexible function using arguments

It seems that the argument object has very limited use, but in fact it is a very useful object. You can enable a function to be called with a variable number of arguments by using the argument object. There is a formatting function in Dean Edwards' base2 library that demonstrates this flexibility.

function format(string) {
var args = arguments;
var pattern = new RegExp('%([1-' + arguments.length + '])', 'g');
return String(string).replace(pattern, function(match, index,position,all) { 
console.log(match + '&' + index + '&' + position + '&' + all);
return args[index]; 

Replace format('And the %1 want to know whose %2 you %3', 'papers', 'shirt', 'wear'); the result is "And the papers want to know whose shirt you wear" ;The console prints as

 %1&1&8&And the %1 want to know whose %2 you %3
​ %2&2&30&And the %1 want to know whose %2 you %3
​ %3&3&37&And the %1 want to know whose %2 you %3

Convert the arguments object into a real array

Although the arguments object is not a real JavaScript array, we can still easily convert it into standard data and then perform array operations.

  var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); 

Now the variable args contains a standard JavaScript array object containing all the parameters of the function.

Extension: Use the format function in the previous section to create a function through the preset arguments object

function makeFunc() { 
var args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments); 
var func = args.shift(); 
return function() { 
return func.apply(null, args.concat(Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments))); 



var majorTom = makeFunc(format, "This is Major Tom to ground control. I'm %1.");
majorTom("stepping through the door"); 

  结果为:"This is Major Tom to ground control. I'm stepping through the door."

  控制台打印:%1&1&41&This is Major Tom to ground control. I'm %1.



  callee 属性是 arguments 对象的一个成员,它表示对函数对象本身的引用,这有利于匿名函数的递归或者保证函数的封装性,例如下边示例的递归计算1到n的自然数之和。而该属性仅当相关函数正在执行时才可用。还有需要注意的是callee拥有length属性,这个属性有时候用于验证还是比较好的。arguments.length是实参长度,arguments.callee.length是形参(定义时规定的需要的参数)长度,由此可以判断调用时形参长度是否和实参长度一致。

function calleeLengthDemo(arg1, arg2) {
if (arguments.length==arguments.callee.length) {
} else {
alert("实参长度:" +arguments.length);
alert("形参长度: " +arguments.callee.length);
var sum = function(n){
if (n <= 0) return 1;
else return n +arguments.callee(n - 1)
var sum = function(n){
if (1==n) return 1;
else return n + sum (n-1);


拓展 functionName.caller

  说明: 返回是谁调用了functionName 函数。functionName 对象是所执行函数的名称。对于函数来说,caller 属性只有在函数执行时才有定义。如果函数是由顶层调用的,那么 caller 包含的就是 null 。如果在字符串上下文中使用 caller 属性,那么结果和 functionName.toString 一样,也就是说,显示的是函数的反编译文本。 下面的例子说明了 caller 属性的用法:

// caller demo {
function callerDemo() {
if (callerDemo.caller) {
var a= callerDemo.caller.toString();
} else {
alert("this is a top function");
function handleCaller() {








var a = undefined;
var a = null; 



if (!undefined) 
console.log('undefined is false');
// undefined is false
if (!null) 
console.log('null is false');
// null is false
undefined == null
// true 


typeof null;//"object"
typeof undefined;//"undefined" 





Number(null) // 0
5 + null // 5

  但是,JavaScript的设计者Brendan Eich,觉得这样做还不够,有两个原因。


typeof null // "object"

  但是,JavaScript的数据类型分成原始类型(primitive)和合成类型(complex)两大类,Brendan Eich觉得表示"无"的值最好不是对象。

  其次,JavaScript的最初版本没有包括错误处理机制,发生数据类型不匹配时,往往是自动转换类型或者默默地失败。Brendan Eich觉得,如果null自动转为0,很不容易发现错误。因此,Brendan Eich又设计了一个undefined。



Number(undefined) // NaN
5 + undefined // NaN




  (1) 作为函数的参数,表示该函数的参数不是对象。

  (2) 作为对象原型链的终点。

Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.prototype) // null



  (2) 调用函数时,应该提供的参数没有提供,该参数等于undefined。



var i;
i // undefined
function f(x){console.log(x)}
f() // undefined
var o = new Object();
o.p // undefined
var x = f();
x // undefined 


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