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Commonly used js scripts_form effects

2016-05-16 19:23:33790browse

These are all used at work, I hope you can use them in the future

// "":,.! ; typeof(objectName) == ''undefined''
//Define constants ---------------------------------- ----------------------------------------
var TxtReadOnlyBgColor = "#EEEEEE " // Background color when the input box has a Readonly attribute
/*====================Function Description Part 6======== ================================================== ================================================== ===========
1. JIsNumberText(txtName,sLabel) ◆→Check whether the value of the specified Text input box is numerical data Example ◆→if(!JIsNumberText(txtGrade,"Grade") ) return;
2. JIsNumber(sNumber) ◆→Check whether the sNumber string is numeric data
3. JFormatNumber(rNumber,iDec) ◆→Format the value rNumber with iDec decimal point for formatted output
4. JGetDays(iYear,iMonth) ◆→Used to find the number of days in iMonth of iYear
5. JIsDate(sDate) ◆→Check whether the sDate string is date type data
6. JIsTime(sTime) ◆→ Check whether the sTime string is time data
7. JFormatDate(sDate,sSplit) ◆→Convert the date string sDate into a date string in the standard format "YYYY-MM-DD";
8. JFormatTime( sTime,sSplit) ◆→Convert the time string sTime into a time string in the standard format "HH:MM:SS";
9. JCheckTxtIsDate(txtName,sLabel) ◆→Check whether the data in the text box txtName is a date Type data
10. JCheckTxtIsTime(txtName,sLabel) ◆→Check whether the data in the text box txtName is time type data
11. JGetCurrentDate() ◆→Get the current date of the system (the date format is "YYYY-MM -DD")
12. JGetCurrentCnDate() ◆→ Get the current date of the system (the date format is "MM, DD, YYYY")
13. JGetCurrentTime() ◆→ Get the current time of the system (time format is "HH:MM:SS")
14. JInitYearSelect(iBefore,iAfter,selName) ◆→Initialize the relevant year Select (drop-down box)
15. JInitDateSelect(iYear,iMonth,selName) ◆→Initialize the iYear year Option in the Select of iMonth date,
16. JCorrectChar(txtName,sLabel,sCorrectStr) ◆→ Determine whether the value of the Text text input box is in the legal string sCorrectStr
17. JTextEmpty(txtName,sLabel) ◆→Determine whether the value of a text input box txtName is empty;
18. JLTrim(sString) ◆→Truncate the leading spaces of the sString string
19. JRTrim(sString) ◆→Truncate the sString string Truncate trailing spaces
20, JTrim(sString) ◆→Truncate spaces before and after the sString string
21, JLen(sString) ◆→Test the length of the string sString;
22, JCopy(sString ,iStart,iCount) ◆→Copy the string sString starting from iStart iCount lengths
23. JSplitId(sId_Name) ◆→Extract the data in []
24. JToUpperCase() ◆→Automatically enter the text box Convert the content into uppercase characters
25. JToLowerCase() ◆→ Automatically convert the content in the input text box into lowercase characters
26. JNumberText() ◆→ Limit the text input box to only the number "0" to "9",".","-"
27. reOpenWin(sUrl,pw,ph) ◆→Open a centered window and return the name of the opened window
28. reOpenWinSc(sUrl,pw, ph) ◆→Open a centered window with a vertical scroll bar, and return the name of the opened window
29. checkLen(obj,iLen,desc) ◆→Check whether the input content length is the specified length
30. winCenter() ◆→Center the window
31. selNotEmpty(obj,sLabel) ◆→One of the drop-down boxes must be selected
32. fucusWin(winName) ◆→The focus is set on the incoming window
33. closeWin(winName) ◆→Close the window
34.JNotInputEnter() ◆→Restrict the input of the Enter key
35. JIntNumText() ◆→Restrict only integer data to be entered in the text input box [0- 9] Example ◆→
36. JInputLetter() ◆→ Limit the text input box to only letters [A-Za-z]
37. JInputTel() ◆→ Limit the text input box to only letters Can input phone content [0-9], -, (),
38, JInputDate() ◆→ Only date content can be entered in the text input box [0-9], -, /,
39, JIsIntNum() ◆→ Determine whether the content of the passed file box is an integer
================================ ================================================== ==================*/

// ====================== ================================================== ==========
// Part 1 Numerical Functions
// ============================ ================================================== ======

//------------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------
//1.1 This function is used to check whether the value of the specified Text input box is numerical data
// txtName: Text input box object
// sLabel: The label name of the text input box; such as: age, quantity, etc.
//--------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
function JIsNumberText(txtName,sLabel)
var strTemp = "";

if (isNaN(txtName.value) || (txtName.value.length == 0))
strTemp = """ sLabel "" must be numeric data.";
txtName.value = "0";
return false;
return true ;

//--------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
//1.2 This function is used to check whether the sNumber string is numeric data
//-------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --
function JIsNumber(sNumber)
if (isNaN(sNumber) || (sNumber.length == 0))
{ return false ; }
{ return true ; }

// ---------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
//1.3 version The function is used to format the value rNumber with iDec decimal points for formatted output
// ---------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
function JFormatNumber(rNumber,iDec)
var sResult,sTemp,i;
var iInt; // Integer part
var iDig; // Decimal part

if (iDec {
sResult = Math.round(rNumber) ;
iInt = Math.floor (rNumber) ;
iDig = rNumber - iInt ;
iDig = Math.round(iDig * Math.pow(10,iDec)) ;
if (iDig >= Math.pow(10,iDec) ) // When the decimal point part is rounded and carried to the integer digit
iInt = iInt 1 ;
iDig = 0 ;
if (iDig == 0) // When the decimal point The part that is 0 is complemented with 0
sTemp = "" ;
for (i = 1;i sResult = iInt "." sTemp ;
if (iDig {
sTemp = "" ;
for (i = 1; i {
if (iDig }
sResult = iInt "." sTemp iDig ;
sResult = iInt "." iDig ;
return sResult ;

// ================================= =================================================
//Part 2 Date related functions
// ===================================== ===============================================

//------------------------------------------------ -------------------------------------
//2.1 This function is used to solve The number of days in iMonth in iYear
//--------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
function JGetDays(iYear ,iMonth)
var StartDate,EndDate,iStart,iEnd,iDays;
switch (iMonth)
case 1: return 31;
case 3: return 31;
case 5: return 31 ;
case 7: return 31 ;
case 8: return 31 ;
case 10: return 31 ;
case 12: return 31 ;
case 4 : return 30;
case 6: return 30;
case 9: return 30;
case 11: return 30;
case 2:
StartDate = new Date(iYear,1,1 );
iStart = StartDate.getTime();
EndDate = new Date(iYear,2,1);
iEnd = EndDate.getTime();
iDays = iEnd - iStart;
iDays = iDays / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24 ;
return Math.round(iDays) ;
break ;

//----- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
//2.2 This function is used to check whether the sDate string is date data
//--- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
function JIsDate(sDate)
var sArray,sTemp;
var i ,i1 = 0,i2 = 0 ;
var iYear,iMonth,iDay ;

sArray = sDate.split("") ;
if (sDate == "")
return false ;
for (i = 0; i {
if ((i1 == 0) && (sArray[i] == "-")) { i1 = i ; continue ;} 
if (i1 > 0 && i2 == 0 && sArray[i] == "-" ) { i2 = i; break ; } 

if (i1 > 0 && i2 > 0)
sTemp = JCopy(sDate,0,i1) ;
if (JIsNumber(sTemp)) //判断年是否是数字型数据
{ iYear = parseInt(sTemp,10) ; } 
{ return false ;}

sTemp = JCopy(sDate,i1   1, i2 - i1 - 1) ;
if (JIsNumber(sTemp)) 

iMonth = parseInt(sTemp,10) ; 
if (iMonth = 13)
{ return false ;}

{ return false ;}

sTemp = JCopy(sDate,i2   1,sDate.length - i2   1) ;
if (JIsNumber(sTemp)) 

iDay = parseInt(sTemp,10) ; 
if (iDay  JGetDays(iYear,iMonth))
{ return false ;}

{ return false ;}

return false ;
return true ;

//2.2 本函数用于检查sTime字符串是否是时间型数据
function JIsTime(sTime)
var sArray,sTemp ;
var i,i1 = 0,i2 = 0 ;
var iHour,iMin,iSecond ;

sArray = sTime.split("") ;
if (sTime == "") 
return false ;
for (i = 0; i {
if ((i1 == 0) && (sArray[i] == ":")) { i1 = i ; continue ;} 
if (i1 > 0 && i2 == 0 && sArray[i] == ":" ) { i2 = i; break ; } 

if (i1 > 0)
sTemp = JCopy(sTime,0,i1) ;
if (JIsNumber(sTemp)) //判断年是否是数字型数据

iHour = parseInt(sTemp,10) ; 
if (iHour = 24) { return false ;}

{ return false ;}

if (i2 > 0)
sTemp = JCopy(sTime,i1   1, i2 - i1 - 1) ;
if (JIsNumber(sTemp)) 

iMin = parseInt(sTemp,10) ; 
if (iMin = 60) { return false ;}

{ return false ;}

sTemp = JCopy(sTime,i2   1,sTime.length - i2   1) ;
if (sTemp != "")
if (JIsNumber(sTemp)) 

iSecond = parseInt(sTemp,10) ; 
if (iSecond = 60) { return false ;}

{ return false ;}

sTemp = sTime ;
if (JIsNumber(sTemp)) //判断年是否是数字型数据

iHour = parseInt(sTemp,10) ; 
if (iHour = 24) { return false ;}

{ return false ;}
return true ;

//--------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
//2.3 version The function is used to convert the date string sDate into a date string in the standard format "YYYY-MM-DD";
// The parameter sSplit is the split string;
// -------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
function JFormatDate(sDate,sSplit)
var sArray ;
var i, i1 = 0,i2 = 0;
var iYear,iMonth,iDay;

sArray = sDate.split("");

for (i = 0; i {
if ((i1 == 0) && (sArray[i] == "-")) { i1 = i ; continue ;}
if (i1 > 0 && i2 == 0 && sArray[i] == "-" ) { i2 = i; break ; }

if (i1 > 0 && i2 > 0)
iYear = parseInt(JCopy(sDate,0,i1),10)
iMonth = parseInt(JCopy(sDate,i1 1, i2 - i1 - 1),10)
iDay = parseInt(JCopy(sDate ,i2 1,sDate.length - i2 1),10)

sTemp = iYear sSplit ;
if (iMonth else { sTemp = sTemp iMonth sSplit ;}
if (iDay else { sTemp = sTemp iDay ;}
return sTemp ;

// ----------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------------------
//2.3 This function is used to convert the time string sTime into a time string in the standard format "HH:MM:SS";
// The parameter sSplit is the split string;
// ------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------
function JFormatTime(sTime,sSplit)
var sArray ;
var i ,i1 = 0,i2 = 0;
var iHour,iMin,iSecond;

sArray = sTime.split("");

for (i = 0; i {
if ((i1 == 0) && (sArray[i] == ":")) { i1 = i ; continue ;}
if (i1 > 0 && i2 == 0 && sArray[i] == ":" ) { i2 = i; break ; }

if (i1 > 0 && i2 > 0) // time/ Both minutes and seconds have values
iHour = parseInt(JCopy(sTime,0,i1),10);
iMin = parseInt(JCopy(sTime,i1 1, i2 - i1 - 1), 10);
iSecond = parseInt(JCopy(sTime,i2 1,sTime.length - i2 1),10);
if (i1 > 0 && i2 {
iHour = parseInt(JCopy(sTime,0,i1),10);
iMin = parseInt(JCopy(sTime,i1 1,sTime.length - i1 1),10 );
iSecond = 0;
if (i1{
iHour = parseInt(sTime,10);
iMin = 0 ;
iSecond = 0 ;

if (! JIsNumber(iHour)) { iHour = 0; }
if (! JIsNumber(iMin)) { iMin = 0 ; }
if (! JIsNumber(iSecond)) { iSecond = 0 ; }

if (iHour else { sTemp = iHour sSplit ; }
if (iMin else { sTemp = sTemp iMin sSplit ;}
if (iSecond else { sTemp = sTemp iSecond ;}
return sTemp ;

//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------
//2.4 This function is used to check the text box txtName Whether the data inside is date data
//---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
function JCheckTxtIsDate(txtName,sLabel )
var sValue ;

sValue = JLTrim(JRTrim(txtName.value)) ;
if (JIsDate(sValue))
txtName.value = JFormatDate(sValue,"-");
return true;
strTemp = """ sLabel "" The value is not a legal date data. " unescape("nn");
strTemp = strTemp "The legal date data format is: or . " unescape("nn");
strTemp = strTemp "such as: Can be written as or "
return false;

//----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
//2.4 This function is used to Check whether the data in the text box txtName is time type data
//--------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
function JCheckTxtIsTime (txtName,sLabel)
var sValue ;

sValue = JLTrim(JRTrim(txtName.value)) ;
if (JIsTime(sValue))
txtName.value = JFormatTime(sValue,":");
return true;
strTemp = """ sLabel "" The value is not legal Time data. " unescape("nn");
strTemp = strTemp "The legal time data format is: or . " unescape("nn");
strTemp = strTemp "For example: can be written as or ."
return false;

//--------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
//2.5 This function is used to obtain the current system Date (the date format is "YYYY-MM-DD")
//-------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------
function JGetCurrentDate()
var iYear,iMonth,iDate,Today,sDate;

Today = new Date();
iYear = Today.getYear();
iMonth = Today.getMonth() 1 ;
iDate = Today.getDate() ;

sDate = String(iYear) ;
if (iMonth {
sDate = sDate "-0" String(iMonth) ;
sDate = sDate "-" String(iMonth) ;
if (iDate {
sDate = sDate "-0" String(iDate) ;
sDate = sDate "-" String(iDate) ;
return sDate ;

// ---------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -
//2.6 This function is used to obtain the current date of the system (the date format is "MM, DD, YYYY")
//---------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------
function JGetCurrentCnDate()
var iYear,iMonth,iDate,Today,sDate;

Today = new Date() ;
iYear = Today.getYear() ;
iMonth = Today.getMonth() 1 ;
iDate = Today.getDate() ;

sDate = String(iYear) ;
if (iMonth {
sDate = sDate "Year 0" String(iMonth) ;
sDate = sDate "Year" String(iMonth) ;
if (iDate {
sDate = sDate "Month 0" String(iDate) ;
sDate = sDate "month" String(iDate);
sDate = sDate "day";
return sDate;
//-------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
//2.5 This function is used to obtain the current time of the system (the time format is "HH:MM:SS" )
// ----------------------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------
function JGetCurrentTime()
var iHour,iMin,iSecond,Today,sTime;

Today = new Date();
iHour = Today.getHours();
iMin = Today.getMinutes();
iSecond = Today.getSeconds() ;

sTime = "" ;

if (iHour { sTime = "0" String(iHour) ; }
{ sTime = String(iHour) ; }

if (iMin { sTime = sTime ":0" String(iMin) ; }
{ sTime = sTime ":" String(iMin) ; }

if (iSecond { sTime = sTime ":0" String(iSecond) ; }
{ sTime = sTime ":" String(iSecond) ; }
return sTime ;

//---------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------
//2.7 This function is used to initialize the relevant year Select,
// The parameter iBefore represents the number of years starting from the current year;
// iAfter represents the number of years forward from the current year; The number of years starting from the current year;
//------------------------------------------------ ------------------------------------------
function JInitYearSelect(iBefore,iAfter ,selName)
var iYear,i,optItem;
var dDate = new Date()

for (i = selName.length; i >= 0; i --)
selName.options[i] = null;

iYear = dDate.getYear();
for (i = iYear - iBefore; i {
optItem = document.createElement("OPTION") ;
optItem.text = i ;
optItem.value = i ;
if (i == iYear) { optItem.selected = true ;}

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
//2.8 本函数用于初始化iYear年iMonth月的日期的Select中的Option,
function JInitDateSelect(iYear,iMonth,selName) 
var iDays,i,optItem,sTemp ;

for (i = selName.length ; i >= 0 ; i --)
selName.options[i] = null;

iDays = JGetDays(parseInt(iYear),parseInt(iMonth)) ;
for (i = 1; i { 
optItem = document.createElement("OPTION") ; 
if (i >= 10)
optItem.text = i ; 
optItem.value = i ; 
optItem.text = "0"   i.toString() ;
optItem.value = "0"   i.toString() ;
if (i == iYear   1) { optItem.selected = true ;}


// ==================================================================================
// 第三部分 输入合法性检查函数
// ==================================================================================

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 3.1 本函数用于判断Text文本输入框的值是否在合法字符串sCorrectStr中
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function JCorrectChar(txtName,sLabel,sCorrectStr)
var i,CheckChar ;

for(i = 0 ; i {
CheckChar = txtName.value.charAt(i) ;
if (sCorrectStr.indexOf(CheckChar) == -1)
strTemp = "“"   sLabel   "”中含有非法字符。"   unescape("nn") ;
strTemp = strTemp   "合法的字符集是:。" ;
window.alert(strTemp) ;
txtName.select() ;
txtName.focus() ;
return false ;
return true ; 

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// 3.2 本函数用于判断一个文本输入框txtName的值是否为空;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
function JTextEmpty(txtName,sLabel)
var strTemp = "" ; 

strTemp = JRTrim(JLTrim(txtName.value)) ;
if (strTemp =="")
strTemp = "“"   sLabel   "”不能为空,请输入正确的“"   sLabel   "”。";
return true;
return false;

// = ================================================== ===============================
//Part 4 String Related Functions
// == ================================================== ==============================

// ---------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
//4.1 This function is used to truncate the leading spaces of the sString string
// -- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
function JLTrim(sString)
var sStr,i ,iStart,sResult = "";

sStr = sString.split("");
iStart = -1 ;
for (i = 0 ; i {
if (sStr[i] != " ")
iStart = i;
if (iStart == - 1) { return "" ;} //Indicates that all characters in sString are spaces, then return an empty string
else { return sString.substring(iStart) ;}

// -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
//4.2 This function is used to add spaces after the sString string. Cut off
//------------------------------------------------ ----------------------------------------
function JRTrim(sString)
var sStr,i,sResult = "",sTemp = "" ;

// if (sString.length == 0) { return "" ;} // The parameter sString is an empty string

sStr = sString.split("");
for (i = sStr.length - 1; i >= 0; i --) // Reverse the string
sResult = sResult sStr[i];
sTemp = JLTrim(sResult); // Truncate spaces before the string

if (sTemp == "") { return " " ; }

sStr = sTemp.split("");
sResult = "" ;
for (i = sStr.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) / / Reverse the processed string
sResult = sResult sStr[i];
return sResult;

// -- -------------------------------------------------- --------
//This function is used to truncate the leading and trailing spaces of the sString string
// ------------------- ------------------------------------------
function JTrim(sString)
var strTmp ;

strTmp = JRTrim(JLTrim(sString)) ;

return strTmp ;

// ---- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
//4.3 This function is used to test the length of the string sString;
// Note: For this function Say, 1 Chinese character represents 2 units of length;
// ---------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
function JLen(sString)
var sStr,iCount,i,strTemp;

iCount = 0;
sStr = sString.split("");
for (i = 0; i {
strTemp = escape(sStr[i]);
if (strTemp.indexOf("%u",0) == -1) // Indicates that it is a Chinese character
iCount = iCount 1;
iCount = iCount 2;
return iCount;

//--------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
//4.4 This function is used to copy the string sString from iStart Start iCount length
// Note: When using this function, the length units of iStart and iCount are all English character lengths;
// That is, 1 English letter represents 1 unit length, and 1 Chinese character represents 2 unit length.
// When the last character copied is only half a Chinese character, it is discarded;
// When the position of iStart is the last half of a Chinese character, iStart will start from the next valid character ;iStart starts from 0
//---------------------------------------- -------------------------------------
function JCopy(sString,iStart,iCount)
var sStr,i,j,strTemp = "",sResult = "";
var iResultLen = 0 ;

if (iStart if (iCount
sStr = sString.split("");

j = 0 ;
for (i = 0 ; i {
strTemp = escape(sStr[i]);
if (j >= iStart) // Copy the string
sResult = sResult sStr[i];
if (strTemp.indexOf( "%u",0) == -1) // The copied non-Chinese characters
iResultLen = iResultLen 1 ;
j = j 1 ;
iResultLen = iResultLen 2 ;
j = j 2 ;

if (iResultLen if (iResultLen > iCount) // The last character is only half a Chinese character, so it is discarded;
sResult = sResult.substring(0,sResult.length - 1);
if (iResultLen = iCount) { break ; }
if (strTemp.indexOf("%u",0) == -1) // Not Chinese characters
{ j = j 1 ; }
{ j = j 2 ; }
return sResult ;

/ /------------------------------------------------ -------------
// This function is used to extract data within []
// -------------- ---------------------------------------------
function JSplitId (sId_Name)
var sStr,i,sResult = "" ;
var iStart = 0 ,iEnd = 0 ;

sStr = sId_Name.split("");
for (i = 0; i{
if (sStr[i] == "[")
iStart = i 1;
break ;

for (i = 0; i{
if (sStr[i] == "]")
iEnd = i - 1 ;
break ;

if ((iStart > 0) && (iEnd > 0) && (iEnd >= iStart) )
sResult = JCopy(sId_Name,iStart,iEnd - iStart 1) ;
sResult = "" ;
return sResult ;

// ================================= ===============================
//This function is used to automatically convert the content in the input text box into Uppercase characters
// ============================================= =====================
function JToUpperCase()
if ((window.event.keyCode >= 97) && (window .event.keyCode {
window.event.keyCode = window.event.keyCode - 32 ;

// ==== ================================================== ==========
// This function is used to automatically convert the content in the input text box into lowercase characters
// ============== ==================================================
function JToLowerCase()
if ((window.event.keyCode >= 65) && (window.event.keyCode {
window.event.keyCode = window.event.keyCode 32 ;

// ========================== ======================================
// This function is used to limit text input Only numbers "0" to "9", "." can be entered in the box
// ============================== ====================================
function JNumberText()
if (!(((window.event.keyCode >= 48) && (window.event.keyCode || (window.event.keyCode == 13) || (window.event.keyCode == 46)))
window.event.keyCode = 0 ;

// ============= ================================================== =============================
// This function is used to open a centered window and return the name of the opened window , the effect is better when used together with fucusWin() and closeWin()
// Where sUrl: relative address, pw: width; ph: height
// ============= ================================================== ============================
function reOpenWin(sUrl,pw,ph){
var sFeature,sw=pw ,sh=ph;
sFeature="width=" sw ",height=" sh ",top=" ((window.screen.height-sh)/2-15) ",left=" ((window. screen.width-sw)/2-5) ",";
return window.open(sUrl,"",sFeature);
// ============================================= ================================================== ==========
// This function is used to open a centered window with a vertical scroll bar, and returns the name of the opened window. It has better effect when used together with fucusWin() and closeWin() Jia
// ============================================== ================================================== ============
function reOpenWinSc(sUrl,pw,ph){
var sFeature,sw=pw,sh=ph;
sFeature="width=" sw " ,height=" sh ",top=" ((window.screen.height-sh)/2-15) ",left=" ((window.screen.width-sw)/2-5) ",scrollbars=yes ";
return window.open(sUrl,"",sFeature);

// ================== ================================================== ======================================
// This function is used to detect the input Content length is the specified length.
// ============================================= ================================================== ===========
function checkLen(obj,iLen,desc){
alert( """ desc "" The length cannot exceed 〖" iLen "〗 bytes, each Chinese character is two bytes! ");
return false;
return true;

// ========================================= ================================================== ================
// This function is used to center the window
// ================== ================================================== ======================================
function winCenter(){
window .moveTo((screen.width-document.body.clientWidth-10)/2,(screen.height-document.body.clientHeight-30)/2);

// == ================================================== ================================================== ===
// One of the detection drop-down boxes must be selected
// ================================ ================================================== ==========================
function selNotEmpty(obj,sLabel){
var strTemp = "" ;
strTemp = JTrim(obj.value);
if (strTemp == ""){
strTemp = """ sLabel "" cannot be empty, please select the correct "" sLabel "".";
return true;
return false;

// ================================================ ================================================== =======
// Focus is set on the incoming window
// =========================== ================================================== ===============================
function fucusWin(winName){
if( winName!=null){
var sWinName=(winName.name).toString;
// alert(e); //Ignore errors

// ========================== ================================================== ==============================
//Close window
// ======== ================================================== ================================================
function closeWin(winName){

// ==================================== ================================================== ===================
//Restrict input of Enter key
// ================ ================================================== ========================================
function JNotInputEnter(){
if(window.event.keyCode=13) window.event.keyCode=0;

// =================== =============================================
// This function is used to limit the text input box to only input integer data [0-9]
// =========================== =======================================
function JIntNumText(){
if (!(((window.event.keyCode >= 48) && (window.event.keyCode || (window.event.keyCode == 13)))
window.event.keyCode = 0 ;

// ========================== =======================================
// This function is used to limit text Only letters [A-Za-z] can be entered in the input box
// =============================== =================================
function JInputLetter(){
if ( !((( window.event.keyCode >= 65) && (window.event.keyCode || ((window.event.keyCode >= 97) && (window.event.keyCode || (window.event.keyCode == 13)))
window.event.keyCode = 0 ;

// === ================================================== ===========
// This function is used to limit the text input box to only input phone content [0-9], -, (),
// ==== ================================================== ==========
function JInputTel(){
if (!(((window.event.keyCode >= 48) && (window.event.keyCode || (window.event.keyCode == 45)|| (window.event.keyCode == 13)
|| (window.event.keyCode == 40)|| (window.event.keyCode == 41)))
window.event.keyCode = 0 ;

// =============== =================================================
// This function is used to limit the text input box to only input date content [0-9], -, /,
// ================= ===============================================
function JInputDate(){
if ( !(((window.event.keyCode >= 48) && (window.event.keyCode || (window.event.keyCode == 45)
|| (window.event.keyCode == 47)|| (window.event.keyCode == 13)))
window.event.keyCode = 0 ;

// ========================================== ========================
// This function is used to determine whether the content of the passed file box is an integer
// == ================================================== ============
function JIsIntNum(Oject,sLabel){
var vNum = /^[d] $/;
if(!vNum.test(Oject.value )){
var strTemp = """ sLabel "" must be an integer, please enter the correct "" sLabel "".";
return true;
return false;

reOpenWin 함수(sUrl,pw,ph){
var sFeature,sw=pw,sh=ph; 
sFeature="width=" sw ",height=" sh ",top=" ( (window.screen.height-sh)/2-15) ",left=" ((window.screen.width-sw)/2-5) ","; 
return window.open(sUrl,"" ,sFeature);

기능 reOpenWinSc(sUrl,pw,ph){
var sFeature,sw=pw,sh=ph; 
sFeature="width=" sw ", height=" sh ",top=" ((window.screen.height-sh)/2-15) ",left=" ((window.screen.width-sw)/2-5) ",scrollbars=yes" ; 

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