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In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills

2016-05-16 15:15:191145browse

1 Grammar

1.1 Basic Grammar


Need to operate the original object, but do not want to affect the original object.

Copy code The code is as follows:

$K_back = clone $K;

Both basic data types and arrays are true copies, that is, true copies. When the attribute is an object, it is false copies. Changing the copy will still affect the original object. Solution:

function __clone(){
  $this->对象 = clone $this->对象

__clone is automatically triggered before cloning and can perform some attribute operations before backup.

2. & pass reference

Method reference passing, changing the source object

Copy code The code is as follows:

function set_K(& $K){...}
function & get_K(){...}

3. static delayed static binding

Application scenario: Both the Dog class and the Person class need a method that returns an instantiation. Both the Dog class and the Person class inherit from the Animal abstract class.

abstract class Animal{
  public static function create(){
    return new static();

class Person extends Animal{...}


4. Interceptor

__get($property), called when accessing undefined properties.
__set($property,$value), called when assigning a value to an undefined property.
__isset($property), called when calling the isset() method on undefined properties.
__unset($property), called when calling the unset() method on undefined properties.
__call($method,$arg_array), called when calling an undefined method.
__call is very useful, but use it with caution because it is too flexible.
Application scenario: There is a Person_Writer class that specifically prints Person class information. If the Person_Writer class is called through the Person class.

class Person {
  private $writer;

  function __call($method_name,$args){
      return $this->writer->method_name($this);

  function __call($method_name,$args){
    $args = $this ;
      return call_user_func_array(


5. Callback function

Application scenario: 3 classes, Product class, Product_Sale class, Product_Totalizer class, to be implemented: when the total price of selling Product exceeds the specified amount, a warning is output.

class Product {
  public $name;
  public $price;

class Product_Sale {
  private $callbacks;

  function register_callback ($callback) {
    if(! is_callback($callback)){
      thow new Exception('callback not callable');
    $this->callbacks[] = $callback;

  function sale ($product){
    print "{$product->name} : 处理中 \n";
    foreach($this->callbacks as $callback){
      call_user_func($callback , $product);

class Produce_Totalizer {
  static function warn_amount ($amt) {
    $count = 0;
    return function ($produce) use ($amt , &count) {
      $count += $produce->price;
      print " count : {count}\n"
        print "超过指定金额{$amt}啦~";

$product_sale = new Produce_Sale();
$product_sale = register_callback(Produce_Totalizer::warn_amount(8)); 

$product_sale->sale(new Product("Durex",6));
$product_sale->sale(new Produce("Jissbon",5));

Durex : 处理中
  count :6 

Jissbon : 处理中 
  count: 11


6. get_class() and instanceof

get_class(class) is used to determine whether it is exactly equal to the class name;

instanceof can determine whether it is itself or inherits from a parent class.

7. Methods in classes and attributes in classes

Copy code The code is as follows:

get_class_methods('class name'): Get all methods in the class.
get_class_vars('class name'): Get all public parameters in the class;

8. Reflection API

2 Mode

2.1 Combination

Problem: Classroom class is inherited by lecture class and seminar class. However, lecture class and seminar class both need to implement one-time billing and N class billing methods. And the output calculation method.

Solution 1: Add a method to calculate one-time payment, a method to charge for N lessons and a method to output the calculation method in the class class.

Solution 2: Use combination to separately encapsulate the processing billing and output calculation methods into a billing strategy class.

In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills

abstract class Cost_Strategy {
  protected $duration;
  abstract function cost ();
  abstract function charge_type();

  public __construct($duration){
    $this->duration = $duration;

class Timed_Const_Strategy extends Cost_Stratedy {
  function cost () {
    //上一次课给5块钱- -.
    return $this->duration * 5;

  function charge_type(){
    return "多次课结算";

class Fixed_Const_Strategy extends Cost_Stratedy {
  function cost (){
    return 30 ;

  function charge_type(){
    return "一次性课结算";

abstract class Leason {

  private $cost_strategy;

  public __construct(Const_Strategy $cost_strategy){
    $this->cost_strategy = $cost_strategy;

  function __call($method_name,$args){
    $args = $cost_strategy ;
      return call_user_func_array(

$leasons[] = new Seminar(new Timed_Const_Strategy(4));
$leasons[] = new Lecture(new Fixed_Const_Strategy(null));

foreach ($leasons as $leason){
  print "leason charge : {$leason->const()}";
  print "charge_type : {$leason->charge_type()}"

leason charge 20. charge_type : 多次课结算;
leason charge 30. charge_type : 一次课结算;

Combined delegation. Same level delegation.

Inheritance is a father-son relationship.

3 Generate object
3.1 Singleton pattern

Make sure there is only one use case in the system. For example, system configuration file.

Key points

1: The constructor is private.

2: The class itself contains its own instantiation properties.

In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills

class Preferences {
  private static $instance;
  private function __construct(){ ... }

  public static function get_instance(){
      self::$instance = new Preferences();
    return self::$instance;

$preferences = Preferences::get_instance();

3.2 Factory Mode

Use one parent class to produce multiple subclasses with different functions.

Features: One-to-one correspondence between the product side (Sina Weibo) and the demand side (displaying Sina Weibo).

Problem: In Evernote, the source may be Sina Weibo or Developer Toutiao. When Evernote is displayed, the header and footer of the two are different.

In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills

3.3 Abstract Pattern

RLGL!!!. Evernote not only needs to display Sina Weibo content!!! It also needs to display my Sina account and Weibo!! Damn~ Don’t worry, kiss me.

The factory mode is mainly used to produce one-to-one corresponding product side and demand side, while the abstract mode is to have one demand side (Evernote_display Sina Weibo) and multiple factories (abstract the demand side into multiple demand parties), such as factories that provide Sina content, factories that provide Sina accounts, factories that provide comments on Weibo content, etc.

In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills


abstract class Show_Evernote {
  abstract function get_header_text();
  abstract function get_context();
  abstract function get_footer_text();
  abstract function get_user();
  abstract function get_comment();


class 显示新浪微博 extends Show_Evernote{
  function get_header_text(){...};
  function get_context(){new 新浪微博_内容;}
  function get_footer_text(){...};
  function get_user(){new 新浪微博_账号 ;}
  function get_comment(){new 新浪微博_评论;}

印象笔记控件类->内容 = 显示新浪微博->get_context;
印象笔记控件类->账号 = 显示新浪微博->get_context;

3.4 平行模式

当使用工厂/In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills必须要制定具体的创建者(需求方).

平行模式和In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills的模型图一致,但代码实现不一样.

In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills中父类均为抽象类,而平行模式中,所以类都为普通类,方便父类的实例化.


class Show_Evernote{
  private $内容;
  private $账号;
  private $评论;

  function __construct(内容,账号,评论){
    $this->内容 = 内容;
    $this->账号 = 账号;
    $this->评论 = 评论;

  function get_内容(){
    return clone $this->内容);

  function get_账号(){
    return clone $this->账号);

  function get_评论(){
    return clone $this->评论;

$factory = new Show_Evernote( 
  new 新浪微博内容(),
  new 新浪微博账号(),
  new 新浪微博评论()

印象笔记控件类->显示印象笔记 = $factory;


4 使用对象
4.1 In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills

In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills,可以理解为单一对象管理组合对象(聚合组件),最终组合体下的各个组合部件最好类型一致.不然特殊性越多,需要判断就越多.



In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills

$妹子 = new 人();

$妹子->add_man(new 洗脚男);
$妹子->add_man(new 捶背男);


这是一个很理想的In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills,在现实情况,我们使用In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills,可能不得不创建多种类型的洗脚男,需要添加许多判断条件.

4.2 In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills

In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills,首先洗脚男,洗发男,捶背男都是人,但是如果,一个男的又捶背,又洗发,这怎么玩?.add_man两次?这不科学吧,来给这些男的装饰一下吧~

In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills

abstract class 人{
  abstract function get_well();

class 男 extends 人 {
  private $well = 10;
  function get_well(){
    return $this->well();

abstract class 装饰男类型 extends 人 {
  protected $人;
  function __construct(人 $人){
    $this->人 = $人;

class 捶背装饰 extends 类型男装饰{
  function get_well(){
    return $this->人->get_well()+30;

class 洗发装饰 extends 类型男装饰{
  function get_well(){
    return $this->人->get_well()+20;

class 洗褪装饰 extends 类型男装饰{
  function get_well(){
    return $this->人->get_well()-20;

//创建捶背,能给予的舒服指数 - -嘻嘻.
$人 = new 捶背装饰(new 男);
$人->get_well(); // 10+30 = 40

$人 = new 洗脚装饰(new 洗发装饰(new 捶背装饰(new 男()))); //10+30+20-20 = 40,注意顺序,由里到外执行.

In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills,既(组合+继承),基类方法一定要尽量少,不然子类可能有它不该有的方法.直接类继承,她只可能是一种形态,而她的多种形态可能一并拥有的时候,应该运用组合.



这只是确保不可能出现在男,女之外的第三种人,如果基类为动物,给予服务的可能是鸡,鹅,鸭,那么装饰类型应该运用In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills,动物形态和装饰形态一一对应.方便拓展.

除了服务类型,服务男的样子也很重要,这就多了一种装饰,现在有装饰男类型和相貌男类型,这种情况怎么破,其实类似.In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills

复制代码 代码如下:

$人 =new 男类型(new 捶背(new 帅哥麦(new 男())));

4.3 外观模式



5 执行任务
5.1 策略模式




abstract class 人 {

  protectd $支付方式;

  function set_支付方式(){...}

  function 付款(金额){
    return $支付方式->付款($金额);

abstract class 付款{
  abstract function 付款($金额);

class 支付宝付款 extends 付款{

  function 付款($金额){
    return 外接支付宝付款流程($金额);

$男 =new 男();


$支付宝支付账单 = new 支付宝付款($金额);
$人 = new 男();
$人->set_支付方式(new 支付宝付款());

5.2 In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills





In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills


interface 被观察者{
  function attach(观察者);
  function detatch(观察者);
  function notify();

class Login implements 被观察者{
  private $观察者;

  function __construct(){
    $this->观察者 = array();

  function attach($观察者){
    $this->观察者 = $观察者; 

  function detach($观察者){

  function notify(){
    foreach ($this->观察者 as $单个观察者){

interface 观察者{
  function update(被观察者);

abstract class Login_观察者 implements 观察者{
  private $login;
  function __construct (Login $login){
    $this->login = $login;

  function update(观察者 $观察者){
    if ($观察者 ===$this->login){
  abstract function do_update(Login $login);

class 邮件观察者 extends 登陆观察者 {
  function do_update(Login $login){
    //判断条件 发送邮件

class 日志观察者 extends 登陆观察者 {
  function do_update(Login $login){
    //判断条件 记录到日志;

$login = new Login();
new 邮件观察者 ($login);
new 日志观察者 ($login);

PHP有内置的SPL实现上述的In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills.

5.3 In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills

问题: 在一个军队中,有很多军队,军队下面可能包含军队/步兵/弓箭手,这时我们要显示一个军队的战斗力/需要粮食的各级分配?(遍历对象并设置显示方法).怎么办?.解决办法是军队还是保存自己的基本信息,设置一个访问者,访问者包含总战斗力方法和总粮食的方法.

In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills


abstract class 军队访问者{
  abstract function 访问(单元);

  function 访问军队($军队){
  function 访问弓箭手($弓箭手){

  function __call($method_name,$args){
    if(strrpos($method_name, "访问")){
      return call_user_func_array(

class 军队战斗力访问者 extends 军队访问者{
  private $text="";

  function 访问($单元){
    $ret = "";
    $pad = 4*$单元->getDpth(); //设置显示深一级前面多4个空格.
    $ret .= sprintf( "%{$pad}s","");
    $ret .= get_class($单元). ": ";
    $ret .= "战斗力: " .$单元->bombardStrenth()."\n";
    $this->text .=$ret;

  function get_text(){
    return $this->text;


abstract class 单元{
  function 接受($军队访问者){
    $method = "访问_".get_class($this);

  private $depth;
  protected function set_depath($depth){

  function get_depth(){
    return $this->depth;

abstract class 综合单元 extends 单元{
  function 接受($军队访问者){
    foreach($this->单元集合 as $this_unit){

class 军队 extends 综合单元{
  function bombardStrenth(){
    $ret =0;
    foreach($this-units() as $unit){
      $ret += $unit->bombardStrenth();
    return $ret

class 弓箭手 extends 单元{
  function bombardStrenth(){
    return 4;


$main_army = new Army();
$main_army->add_unit(new 步兵());
$main_army->add_unit(new 弓箭手());

$军队战斗力访问者_实例 =new 军队战斗力访问者();
print $军队战斗力访问者->get_text();


复制代码 代码如下:

军队: 战斗力: 50
    步兵: 攻击力 :48
    弓箭手: 攻击力: 4

5.4 In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills




In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills比较适合命令执行例如登陆,反馈等简单只需要判断是否成功的任务

In-depth PHP object-oriented, patterns and practices_javascript skills


abstract class Command{
  abstract function execute(Conmmand_Context $context);

class Login_Command extends Command{
  function execute(CommandContext $context){
    $managr =Register::getAccessManager();
    $user = $context->get("username");
    $pass = $context->get('pass');
    $user_obj = $manager->login($user,$pass);
      return false;
    return true;


class Command_Facotry{
  public function get_command($action){
    $class = UCFirst(strtolower($action))."_Command";
    $cmd = new $class();
    return $cmd;



class Controller{
  private $context;
  function __construct(){
    $this->context =new Command_Context();
  function process(){
    $cmd Command_Factory::get_commad($this->context->get('action'));
      //成功 分发视图


$controller =new Controller();
$context = $controller->get_context();

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