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PHP PDO事务提交mysql语句

2016-06-23 14:39:02890browse

$db = new PDO ( 'mysql:host=' . $cfg ['hostanme'] . ';dbname=' . $cfg ['dbname'], $cfg ['username'], $cfg ['password'] );		$db->exec ( "set character_set_client = utf8" );		$db->exec ( "SET character_set_results =utf8" );		$db->exec ( "SET character_set_connection = utf8" );				$db->query ( "BEGIN" ); // 事务开始				$calories ="sa阿萨德";		$sth = $db->prepare(' INSERT INTO `test_user`  values ( null,1, :calories);');		$sth->execute(array(':calories' => $calories ));				$sths = $db->prepare(' INSERT INTO `test_users`  values ( null,1, :calories);');		$sths->execute(array(':calories' => $calories )); //故意写错的				$lastid = $db->lastInsertId();						$sd = $sth->rowCount();

想问一下,通过这种方式处理事务,是不是每次只能执行一条sql,然后在判断? 如果我SQL语句很多,例如10条以上,那不是要写10多个,判断10多次? 有没有一次可以执行多条sql的事务? 另外,mysql 中,存储过程怎么写事务?PHP如何调用?


DROP PROCEDURE IF EXISTS pro_rep_shadow_rs;create procedure pro_rep_shadow_rs(out rtn int)   begin       -- 如果出现异常,会自动处理并rollback    declare exit handler for  sqlexception ROLLBACK ;     		           -- 启动事务       start transaction;       insert into test_user values(NULL,1,'啊是大三的');		insert into test_user VALUES(NULL,23,'sdsd',ss); --故意写错的           -- 运行没有异常,提交事务       commit;       -- 设置返回值为1      set rtn=1;   end;   


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