Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial >【请点评】写的一个OOP面向对象的类,功能:扫描整站文件夹!


2016-06-23 14:06:241035browse


<?php/* * *  不支持扫描位置重设 * * $Author: $ * $Id: FileScan.class.php 2013-4-18 15:06:09Z $ **/set_time_limit(0);class FileScan {    public $startpath;    public $startdir;    public $currInfos;    public $skipCheck;    protected $webroot;    protected $outMessage;//tips messages    protected $tablename;    protected $db;    protected $handlepath;    protected $filecount;    protected $timestart;    protected $filesarr;    protected $allowFiletype;    public function __construct()    {        $this->timestart = microtime(true);        $this->webroot = ROOT_PATH;        if(substr($this->webroot,-1) == '/') $this->webroot = substr($this->webroot,0,-1);        $this->db = $GLOBALS['db'];        $this->tablename = 'mytools_filescan';        $this->handlepath = dirname(__FILE__).'/data/filescan.log';        $this->outMessage = array();        $this->fieldsarr = array(        'realpath',     'realpath_md5',        'filepath',     'is_file',      'is_dir',       'fileext',        'filesize',     'filemtime',    'filename',        'is_list','is_detail','rec_id', 'rec_type',        );        if(!$this->TableHas() && !$this->TableCreate() && !$this->TableHas())        {            $this->ShutDown('创建表失败!');        }        $this->currInfos = array();        $this->allowFiletype = array();        $this->setMessage('初始化完毕! ');    }    public function setAllowFiletype($fileext)    {        if(!in_array($fileext,$this->allowFiletype)) $this->allowFiletype[] = $fileext;    }    public function isAllowFiletype($ext)    {        if(!empty($this->allowFiletype) && !in_array($ext,$this->allowFiletype))        {            return FALSE;        }        return TRUE;    }    public function setHandle($path = '')    {       file_put_contents($this->handlepath,$path);    }    public function getHandle()    {        return file_get_contents($this->handlepath);    }    public function setMessage($message)    {        $this->outMessage[] = date('H:i:s ').$message;    }    public function ShutDown($message)    {        $this->setMessage($message);        $this->setMessage(sprintf('<hr />总计耗时:%.6f 秒!扫描到文件<b>%d</b>个',(microtime(true)-$this->timestart),$this->filecount));        foreach($this->outMessage as $k => $v)        {            echo ' '.$v.'<br />';        }        exit();    }    public function resetAll()    {        $this->TableTruncate();        $this->setHandle();        $this->setMessage('已经重设所有!');    }    public function AddRow($infos)    {        $setsql = $comma = '';        foreach($this->fieldsarr as $k)        {            if(isset($infos[$k]))            {                $setsql .= $comma."`$k`='".addslashes( htmlspecialchars( $infos[$k] ) )."'";                $comma = ',';            }        }        if(!empty($setsql))        {            $this->db->query("REPLACE INTO ".$this->tablename." SET {$setsql} ");        }    }    public function DirIsBefore($path1,$path2)    {        $path1 = strtolower($path1);        $path2 = strtolower($path2);        if($path1 == $path2) return TRUE;        $arr1 = explode('/',$path1);        $arr2 = explode('/',$path2);        $arr1Len = count($arr1);        $arr2Len = count($arr2);        $i=0;        while(true)        {            if($i > $arr1Len && $i > $arr2Len) break;            if($arr1[$i] != $arr2[$i])            {                return $this->CompareBefore($arr1[$i],$arr2[$i]);            }            $i++;        }        return FALSE;    }    //文字前后对比    public function CompareBefore($str1,$str2)    {        if($str1 == $str2) return TRUE;        $str1Length = strlen($str1);        $str2Length = strlen($str2);        $i=0;        while(true)        {            if($i > $str1Length && $i > $str2Length) break;            $k1 = $str1{$i};            $k2 = $str2{$i};            if($k1 != $k2)            {                return ( ord($k1) < ord($k2) ) ? TRUE : FALSE;            }            $i++;        }        return FALSE;    }    public function Scan($path = '')    {        //默认从根目录开始扫描        if(empty($path)) $path = $this->webroot;        $this->setHandle($path);        if(file_exists($path))        {            if(is_dir($path))            {                $this->setMessage('正扫描:'.$path.' ...');                $dh = opendir($path);                if($dh)                {                    while(($file = readdir($dh)) !== FALSE)                    {                        if($file != '.' && $file != '..')                        {                            $this->Scan($path.'/'.$file);                        }                    }                }            } elseif(is_file($path)) {                $this->Record($path);                $this->filecount++;            } else {                return;            }        }    }    public function GetFileInfos($filepath)    {        $arr = array();        if(file_exists($filepath))        {            if(is_file($filepath))            {                $a1 = pathinfo($filepath);                //过滤类型                if(!$this->isAllowFiletype($a1['extension']))                {                    return;                }                $arr['is_file'] = 1;                $arr['is_dir'] = 0;                $arr['fileext']   = $a1['extension'];                $arr['filename']  = $a1['filename'].'.'.$a1['extension'];                $arr['filemtime'] = filemtime($filepath);                $arr['filesize'] = filesize($filepath);                //商品列表页                if(preg_match('/\/product\/(\d+)\/index(-\d+)?\.html?$/i',$filepath,$matches))                {                    $arr['rec_id'] = intval($matches[1]);                    $arr['rec_type'] = 'gl';                }                //商品详细页                elseif( preg_match('/\/product\/[^\/]+\/(\d+)\.html?$/i',$filepath,$matches) ){                    $arr['rec_id'] = intval($matches[1]);                    $arr['rec_type'] = 'gd';                }            } else {                $arr['is_file'] = 0;                $arr['is_dir'] = 1;            }            $arr['filepath']    =   $filepath;            $arr['realpath']    =   realpath($filepath);            $arr['realpath_md5']=   md5($arr['realpath']);  //防止重复写入数据        }        return $arr;    }    public function fileext($filepath)    {        return substr($filepath,strrchr($filepath,'.'));    }    public function Record($filepath)    {        $infos = $this->GetFileInfos($filepath);        if(!empty($infos)) $this->AddRow($infos);        return TRUE;    }    public function TableCreate()    {        $sql =<<<EOFCREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `mytools_filescan` (  `id` int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,  `realpath_md5` char(32) NOT NULL,  `realpath` varchar(200) NOT NULL,  `filepath` varchar(200) NOT NULL,  `is_file` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',  `is_dir` tinyint(1) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',  `fileext` varchar(60) NOT NULL,  `filesize` bigint(20) NOT NULL,  `filemtime` int(10) NOT NULL,  `filename` varchar(60) NOT NULL,  `rec_id` int(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0',  `rec_type` enum('gl','al','gd','ad') NOT NULL,  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),  UNIQUE KEY `realpath_md5` (`realpath_md5`)) ENGINE=MyISAM  DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8 AUTO_INCREMENT=1 ;EOF;        $this->db->query($sql);        return TRUE;    }     public function TableTruncate()    {        $this->db->query('TRUNCATE '.$this->tablename);    }    public function TableDrop()    {        $this->db->query("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS ".$this->tablename);    }    public function TableHas()    {        return $this->db->getOne('SHOW TABLES LIKE \''.$this->tablename.'\' ') == $this->tablename ? TRUE : FALSE ;    }    public function Summary()    {        $size1M = 1024*1024;        $sqlarr = array(        '总共文件数目:'   =>  ' 1 ',        '大于1M:'         =>  ' filesize > '.$size1M,        '大小为0:'        =>  ' filesize=0 ',        '<b><font color="red">危险的文件</font></b>' =>" fileext REGEXP 'exe|dll|zip|rar' ",        );        $message = $comma = '';        foreach($sqlarr as $k => $v)        {            $r = $this->db->getOne("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ".$this->tablename." WHERE ".$v);            $message .=  $comma.$k. ' '.$r.' ';            $comma = ',';        }        $this->setMessage($message);    }    public function num_bitunit($num)    {        $bitunit = array(' B',' KB',' MB',' GB');        for ($key = 0, $count = count($bitunit); $key < $count; $key++)        {           if ($num >= pow(2, 10 * $key) - 1) // 1024B 会显示为 1KB           {               $num_bitunit_str = (ceil($num / pow(2, 10 * $key) * 100) / 100) . " $bitunit[$key]";           }        }        return $num_bitunit_str;    }    public function real_url($filepath)    {        return str_replace($this->webroot,'',$filepath);    }    public function __destruct()    {        clearstatcache();    }}

    if(!is_object($fscan)) $fscan = new FileScan();    $fscan->resetAll();    $fscan->setAllowFiletype('htm');    $fscan->setAllowFiletype('html');    $fscan->Scan(ROOT_PATH.'product');    $fscan->Summary();    $fscan->ShutDown('扫描完毕!<a name="bottom" id="bottom"></a><a href="?act=report">点击这里查看结果</a>!<script>window.location.hash="#bottom";</script>');

缺陷:没有实现从指定目录开始扫描整站。里面加了目录对比的,function DirIsBefore(),但是如果当前开始目录为 “/zzzzzz.zip”,然后存在文件夹“/aaaaa/aaaaaa/ddddd/”的时候,仍旧是会扫描到~ 对比没有彻底实现。




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