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2016-06-23 13:58:39950browse

提交后只能获取到时间 但获取不到input的值


public function _FeedBack(){$post = $this->input->post(NULL, TRUE);$ac=$_REQUEST['ac'];if($ac=='activityuser_sn'){ $post['addtime'] = time();$post['txt_Name'] = $tel; $this->asdasd->insert($post);$prize_arr =array('success'=>'true'); //这是提交后填写订单成功的echo json_encode($prize_arr);}}


$(function() {	window.requestAnimFrame = (function() {		return window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || window.oRequestAnimationFrame || window.msRequestAnimationFrame ||		function(callback) {			window.setTimeout(callback, 1000 / 60)		}	})();	var totalDeg = 360 * 3 + 0;	var steps = [];	var lostDeg = [36, 66, 96, 156, 186, 216, 276, 306, 336];	var prizeDeg = [6, 126, 246]; 	//var lostDeg = [36, 66, 96, 156, 186, 216, 276, 306, 336];	//var prizeDeg = [6,36, 66, 96, 126,156, 186, 216,246, 276, 306, 336];	var prize, sncode;	var count = 0;	var now = 0;	var a = 0.01;	var strmsg;	var outter, inner, timer, running = false;	function countSteps() {		var t = Math.sqrt(2 * totalDeg / a);		var v = a * t;		for (var i = 0; i < t; i++) {			steps.push((2 * v * i - a * i * i) / 2)		}		steps.push(totalDeg)	}	function step() {			outter.style.webkitTransform = 'rotate(' + steps[now++] + 'deg)';		outter.style.MozTransform = 'rotate(' + steps[now++] + 'deg)';		if (now < steps.length) {			requestAnimFrame(step)		} else {			running = false;			setTimeout(function() {							if (prize != null) {					$("#sncode").text(sncode);					var type = "";					if (prize == 1) {						type = "一"					} else if (prize == 5) {						type = "二"					} else if (prize == 9) {						type = "三"					}					//alert(prize);					$("#prizetype").text(type);					$("#result").slideToggle(500);					$("#outercont").slideUp(500) 				} else {						//alert(strmsg);						alert("谢谢您的参与,下次再接再厉")														}			},			200)		}	}		function start(deg) {		deg = deg || lostDeg[parseInt(lostDeg.length * Math.random())];		running = true;		clearInterval(timer);		totalDeg = 360 * 5 + deg;		steps = [];		now = 0;		countSteps();		requestAnimFrame(step)	}	window.start = start;		outter = document.getElementById('outer');	inner = document.getElementById('inner');	i = 10;	$("#inner").click(function() {		if (running) return;		if (count >= 2) {			alert("已经 2 次了。");			return		}		if (prize != null) {			alert("不能再参加了");			return		}		$.ajax({			url: "",			dataType: "json",			data: {				token: "o7MB9ji5fQRsE0ZoVAMU7SlnRyMI",				ac: "activityuser",				tid: "5",				t: Math.random()			},			beforeSend: function() {				running = true;				timer = setInterval(function() {					i += 5;					outter.style.webkitTransform = 'rotate(' + i + 'deg)';					outter.style.MozTransform = 'rotate(' + i + 'deg)'				},				1)			},			success: function(data) {				if (data.error == "invalid") {					alert("已经3 次了。");					count = 3;					clearInterval(timer);					return				}				if (data.error == "getsn") {					alert('已经中过,SN码为:' + data.sn);					count = 3;					clearInterval(timer);					prize = data.prizetype;					sncode = data.sn;					start(prizeDeg[data.prizetype - 1]);					return				}				if (data.success) {					prize = data.prizetype;					sncode = data.sn;					//start(prizeDeg[data.prizetype - 1])					start(data.angle)				}								//if (data.error) {				else{					prize = null;					start()									}								running = false;				count++			},						error: function() {								prize = null;				start();				running = false;				count++			},						timeout: 4000		})	})});$("#save-btn").bind("click",function() {	var btn = $(this);	var tel = $("#tel").val();	if (tel == '') {		alert("请输入手机号码");		return	}	var regu = /^[1][0-9]{10}$/;	var re = new RegExp(regu);	if (!re.test(tel)) {		alert("请输入正确手机号码");		return	}	var submitData = {		tid: 5,		code: $("#sncode").text(),		tel: tel,		action: "setTel"	};		$.post('', submitData,	function(data) {		if (data.success) {			alert("提交成功,谢谢您的参与");			$("#result").slideUp(500);			$("#outercont").slideToggle(500);			running = false;			return		} else {alert("提交失败");			$("#result").slideUp(500);			$("#outercont").slideToggle(500);		}					},	"json")				});


$post['txt_Name'] = $tel;

$post = $this->input->post(NULL, TRUE);

$post['txt_Name'] = $tel;

$post = $this->input->post(NULL, TRUE);

	public function _FeedBack(){$post = $this->input->post(NULL, TRUE);if(isset($post['btnSubmit'])){ $post['addtime'] = time(); $this->message->insert($post);}}

<form action="{site_url('message')}" method="post"   name="form1" ><input name="tel" type="text" class="px"  id="tel" value="" ><a id="showcard1" class="submit" href="javascript:void(0)" onClick="document.getElementById('btnSubmit').click()">提交留言</a><input type="submit" name="btnSubmit" value="btnSubmit" onClick="return CheckData();" id="btnSubmit" style="display:none" /></form>

以前是这样的  这样可以获取到值   但是想改成上面那样 就获取不到值了





我想结合js 才没用这个的 
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