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php 常用验证类及正则

2016-06-23 13:54:44887browse


include "<span style="font-family: Consolas, 'Courier New', Courier, mono, serif; line-height: 18px;">ValidateParameterConfig.php</span>";
class Validation {		private static function getRexp($rexp) 	{		$_rexp = array (			'letter_number'=>'/^[0-9A-Za-z]+$/',//只有字母数字包括大小写			'account'=>'/^[0-9A-Za-z_]+$/',//只有字母数字下划线包括大小写			'ids'=>'/^[0-9]+(\,[0-9]+)*$/',//验证多个id以','分割的类型 例如'1,2,3,4,5'			'number'=>'/^[0-9]+$/',//只可以使数字			'personal_card'=>'/^[0-9A-Za-z]+$/',//身份证			'email'=>'/^([a-zA-Z0-9_\.\-])+\@(([a-zA-Z0-9\-])+\.)+([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,4})+$/',//邮箱			'date'=>'/^((((19|20)\d{2})-(0?(1|[3-9])|1[012])-(0?[1-9]|[12]\d|30))|(((19|20)\d{2})-(0?[13578]|1[02])-31)|(((19|20)\d{2})-0?2-(0?[1-9]|1\d|2[0-8]))|((((19|20)([13579][26]|[2468][048]|0[48]))|(2000))-0?2-29))$/'//日期,包含了闰年		);		if (isset($_rexp[$rexp])) {			return $_rexp[$rexp];		} else {			return $rexp_not_defind;		}	}	public static function validate($data, $config) 	{		$_config = ValidateParameterConfig::getConfig($config);				$k = self::allowExist($data, $_config);		if ($k !== null) {			return $k;		}				foreach($_config as $k=>$c) {			if (isset($data[$k]))			{				if(isset($c['rexp']))				{					if (self::vRexp( $data[$k], $c['rexp']) === false) {						return $k;					}				}								if (isset($c['length'])) 				{					if (self::vLength($data[$k], $c['length']))					{						return $k;					} 				}								if (isset($c['min_length'])) 				{					if (!self::vMinLength($data[$k], $c['min_length']))					{						return $k;					} 				}								if (isset($c['max_length'])) 				{					if (!self::vMaxLength($data[$k], $c['max_length']))					{						return $k;					} 				}			}		}				return null;	}		private static function allowExist($data, $config)	{		foreach ($config as $k=>$v) 		{			if (!isset($v['allow_exist']) || $v['allow_exist'] == true) {				if (!isset($data[$k]))				{					return $k;				}			}		}		return null;	}		public static function vRexp($data, $rexp) {		$_rexp = self::getRexp($rexp);		if (preg_match($_rexp, $data) == false) {				return false;		}		return true;	}		public static function vLength($data, $l) {		if (strlen(trim($data)) == $l) {				return false;		}		return true;	}	public static function vMinLength($data, $l) {		if (strlen(trim($data))  $l) {				return false;		}		return true;	}		public static function vLetterNumber($data) {		if (preg_match(self::getRexp('letter_number'), $data) == false) {				return false;		}		return true;	}		public static function vLetterNumber_($data) {		if (preg_match(self::getRexp('letter_number_'), $data) == false) {				return false;		}		return true;	}		public static function vNumber($data) {		if (preg_match(self::getRexp('number'), $data) == false) {				return false;		}		return true;	}		public static function vEmail($data) {		if (preg_match(self::getRexp('email'), $data) == false) {				return false;		}		return true;	}

class ValidateParameterConfig {	public static function getConfig ($key) 	{		//'allow_exist'=>true或allow_exist不存在表示该参数必传		$_config = array(			'test'=>array(				'letter_number'=>array('rexp'=>'letter_number', 'allow_exist'=>true),				'number'=>array('rexp'=>'number', 'min_length'=>1<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;">'allow_exist'=>false</span>),				'account'=>array('rexp'=>'account', 'max_length'=>20),			)		);		if (isset($_config[$key])) {			return $_config[$key];		} else {			return $config_not_defind;		}	}}



$arr = array('letter_number'=>'abc123', 'account'=>'acb1234_');//参数验证$_msg = Validation::validate($arr, 'test');if ($_msg !== null) {	return $_msg . ' is invalid parameter';}

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