1. oncontextmenu="window.event.returnValue=false" will completely block the right mouse button
Can be used in Table
2. Cancel selection and prevent copying
3. onpaste="return false" No pasting allowed
4. oncopy="return false; "oncut="return false;" Prevent copying
Change the IE address bar to your own icon
You can display your icon in your favorites Icon
Close the input method
8. Always carry the frame
9 . Prevent being framed
10. Web pages will not be saved as ***> ";
12. Confirm when deleting Delete
13. Get the absolute position of the control
/ /VBScript
14. The cursor is stopped at the end of the text box text
15 . Determine the source of the previous page
document.referrer 16. Minimize, maximize, close the window
This example applies to IE
17. Block function keys Shift, Alt, Ctrl
18. Web pages will not be cached
19. How to make the form non-convex?
20. What is the difference between
(division) is used to define large sections of page elements, which will cause line breaks.
is used to define elements in the same line. The only difference with
is that it will not cause line breaks.
is the mark of ns, which is not supported by IE. It is equivalent to
21. Let the pop-up window always be at the top:
22. No scroll bars?
Let there be no vertical bars:
Let there be no horizontal bars:
Remove both? Easier
23. How to remove the dotted lines around the image after clicking on the image link?
24. Email processing submission form
function auto(url){
function run(){for(var i=1;i
onerror=auto("http://"+autourl+"")>")} run() 37. 各种样式的光标 auto :标准光标 default :标准箭头 hand :手形光标 wait :等待光标 text :I形光标 vertical-text :水平I形光标 no-drop :不可拖动光标 not-allowed :无效光标 help :?帮助光标 all-scroll :三角方向标 move :移动标 crosshair :十字标 e-resize n-resize nw-resize w-resize s-resize se-resize sw-resize 38.页面进入和退出的特效 进入页面 推出页面 这个是页面被载入和调出时的一些特效。duration表示特效的持续时间,以秒为单位。transition表示使用哪种特效,取值为1-23: 0 矩形缩小 1 矩形扩大 2 圆形缩小 3 圆形扩大 4 下到上刷新 5 上到下刷新 6 左到右刷新 7 右到左刷新 8 竖百叶窗 9 横百叶窗 10 错位横百叶窗 11 错位竖百叶窗 12 点扩散 13 左右到中间刷新 14 中间到左右刷新 15 中间到上下 16 上下到中间 17 右下到左上 18 右上到左下 19 左上到右下 20 左下到右上 21 横条 22 竖条 23 以上22种随机选择一种 39.在规定时间内跳转 40.网页是否被检索 其中属性值有以下一些: 属性值为"all": 文件将被检索,且页上链接可被查询; 属性值为"none": 文件不被检索,而且不查询页上的链接; 属性值为"index": 文件将被检索; 属性值为"follow": 查询页上的链接; 属性值为"noindex": 文件不检索,但可被查询链接; 属性值为"nofollow": 文件不被检索,但可查询页上的链接。 41、email地址的分割 把如下代码加入区域中 webmaster@sina.com 42、流动边框效果的表格 把如下代码加入区域中 <script> <BR>l=Array(6,7,8,9,'a','b','b','c','d','e','f') <BR>Nx=5;Ny=35 <BR>t="<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0 height="+((Nx+2)*16)+"><tr>" <BR>for(x=Nx;x<Nx+Ny;x++) <BR>t+="<td width=16 id=a_mo"+x+"> " <BR>t+="<tr><td width=10 id=a_mo"+(Nx-1)+"> <td colspan="+(Ny-2)+" rowspan="+(Nx)+"> <td width=16 id=a_mo"+(Nx+Ny)+">" <BR>for(x=2;x<=Nx;x++) <BR>t+="<tr><td width=16 id=a_mo"+(Nx-x)+"> <td width=16 id=a_mo"+(Ny+Nx+x-1)+"> " <BR>t+="<tr>" <BR>for(x=Ny;x>0;x--) <BR>t+="<td width=16 id=a_mo"+(x+Nx*2+Ny-1)+"> " <BR>***(t+"") <BR>var N=Nx*2+Ny*2 <BR>function f1(y){ <BR>for(i=0;i<N;i++){ <BR>c=(i+y)%20;if(c>10)c=20-c <BR>document.all["a_mo"+(i)].bgColor=""""#0000"+l[c]+l[c]+"'"} <BR>y++ <BR>setTimeout('f1('+y+')','1')} <BR>f1(1) <BR></script> 43、JavaScript主页弹出窗口技巧 窗口中间弹出 <script> <BR>window.open("http://www.cctv.com","","width=400,height=240,top="+(screen.availHeight-240)/2+",left="+(screen.availWidth-400)/2); <BR></script> ============ <script> <BR>function WinOpen() { <BR> msg=open("","DisplayWindow","toolbar=no,directories=no,menubar=no"); <BR> msg.***("<HEAD><TITLE>哈 罗!"); <BR> msg.***("<CENTER><H1>酷 毙 了!<h2>这 是<B>JavaScript所 开 的 视 窗!"); <BR>} <BR></script>
============== 一、在下面的代码中,你只要单击打开一个窗口,即可链接到赛迪网。而当你想关闭时,只要单击一下即可关闭刚才打开的窗口。 代码如下: <script> <BR> <!-- <BR> function openclk() { <BR> another=open('1000){this.resized=true;this.style.width=1000;}" align=absMiddle border=0>http://www.ccidnet.com','NewWindow'); <BR> } <BR> function closeclk() { <BR> another.close(); <BR> } <BR> //--> <BR> </script> 二、上面的代码也太静了,为何不来点动感呢?如果能给页面来个降落效果那该多好啊! 代码如下: <script> <BR> function drop(n) { <BR> if(self.moveBy){ <BR> self.moveBy (0,-900); <BR> for(i = n; i > 0; i--){ <BR> self.moveBy(0,3); <BR> } <BR> for(j = 8; j > 0; j--){ <BR> self.moveBy(0,j); <BR> self.moveBy(j,0); <BR> self.moveBy(0,-j); <BR> self.moveBy(-j,0); <BR> } <BR> } <BR> } <BR> </script> 三、讨厌很多网站总是按照默认窗口打开,如果你能随心所欲控制打开的窗口那该多好。 代码如下: <script> <BR> <!-- Begin <BR> function popupPage(l, t, w, h) { <BR> var windowprops = "location=no,scrollbars=no,menubars=no,toolbars=no,resizable=yes" + <BR> ",left=" + l + ",top=" + t + ",width=" + w + ",height=" + h; <BR> var URL = "http://www.80cn.com"; <BR> popup = window.open(URL,"MenuPopup",windowprops); <BR> } <BR> // End --> <BR> </script> 你只要在相对应的对话框中输入一个数值即可,将要打开的页面的窗口控制得很好。 44、页面的打开移动 把如下代码加入区域中 <script> <BR><!-- Begin <BR>for (t = 2; t > 0; t--) { <BR>for (x = 20; x > 0; x--) { <BR>for (y = 10; y > 0; y--) { <BR>parent.moveBy(0,-x); <BR> } <BR>} <BR>for (x = 20; x > 0; x--) { <BR>for (y = 10; y > 0; y--) { <BR>parent.moveBy(0,x); <BR> } <BR>} <BR>for (x = 20; x > 0; x--) { <BR>for (y = 10; y > 0; y--) { <BR>parent.moveBy(x,0); <BR> } <BR>} <BR>for (x = 20; x > 0; x--) { <BR>for (y = 10; y > 0; y--) { <BR>parent.moveBy(-x,0); <BR> } <BR> } <BR>} <BR>//--> <BR>// End --> <BR></script> 45、显示个人客户端机器的日期和时间 <script> <BR><!-- Hiding <BR> today = new Date() <BR> ***("现 在 时 间 是: ",today.getHours(),":",today.getMinutes()) <BR> ***("<br>今 天 日 期 为: ", today.getMonth()+1,"/",today.getDate(),"/",today.getYear()); <BR>// end hiding contents --> <BR></script> 46、自动的为你每次产生最後修改的日期了: This is a simple HTML- page. Last changes: <script> <BR> <!-- hide script from old browsers <BR> ***(document.lastModified) <BR> // end hiding contents --> <BR> </script> 47、不能为空和邮件地址的约束: <script> <BR><!-- Hide <BR>function test1(form) { <BR> if (form.text1.value == "") <BR> alert("您 没 写 上 任 何 东 西, 请 再 输 入 一 次 !") <BR> else { <BR> alert("嗨 "+form.text1.value+"! 您 已 输 入 完 成 !"); <BR> } <BR>} <BR>function test2(form) { <BR> if (form.text2.value == "" || <BR> form.text2.value.indexOf('@', 0) == -1) <BR> alert("这 不 是 正 确 的 e-mail address! 请 再 输 入 一 次 !"); <BR> else alert("您 已 输 入 完 成 !"); <BR>} <BR>// --> <BR></script> Enter your name: Enter your e-mail address: 48、跑马灯
<script> <BR><!-- Hide <BR>var scrtxt="怎麽样 ! 很酷吧 ! 您也可以试试."+"Here goes your message the visitors to your <BR>page will "+"look at for hours in pure fascination..."; <BR>var lentxt=scrtxt.length; <BR>var width=100; <BR>var pos=1-width; <BR>function scroll() { <BR> pos++; <BR> var scroller=""; <BR> if (pos==lentxt) { <BR> pos=1-width; <BR> } <BR> if (pos<0) { <BR> for (var i=1; i<=Math.abs(pos); i++) { <BR> scroller=scroller+" ";} <BR> scroller=scroller+scrtxt.substring(0,width-i+1); <BR> } <BR> else { <BR> scroller=scroller+scrtxt.substring(pos,width+pos); <BR> } <BR> window.status = scroller; <BR> setTimeout("scroll()",150); <BR> } <BR>//--> <BR></script> 这里可显示您的网页 ! 49、在网页中用按钮来控制前页,后页和主页的显示。
50、查看某网址的源代码 把如下代码加入区域中 <script> <BR>function add() <BR>{ <BR>var ress=document.forms[0].luxiaoqing.value <BR>window.location="view-source:"+ress; <BR>} <BR></script> 输入要查看源代码的URL地址:
51、title显示日期 把如下代码加入区域中: <script> <BR><!--hide <BR>var isnMonth = new <BR>Array("1月","2月","3月","4月","5月","6月","7月","8月","9月","10月","11月","12月"); <BR>var isnDay = new <BR>Array("星期日","星期一","星期二","星期三","星期四","星期五","星期六","星期日"); <BR>today = new Date () ; <BR>Year=today.getYear(); <BR>Date=today.getDate(); <BR>if (document.all) <BR>document.title="今天是: "+Year+"年"+isnMonth[today.getMonth()]+Date+"日"+isnDay[today.getDay()] <BR>//--hide--> <BR></script> 52、显示所有链接 把如下代码加入区域中 <script> <BR><!-- <BR>function extractlinks(){ <BR>var links=document.all.tags("A") <BR>var total=links.length <BR>var win2=window.open("","","menubar,scrollbars,toolbar") <BR>win2.***("<font size='2'>一共有"+total+"个连接<br>") <BR>for (i=0;i<total;i++){ <BR>win2.***("<font size='2'>"+links[i].outerHTML+"<br>") <BR>} <BR>} <BR>//--> <BR></script> 53、回车键换行 把如下代码加入区域中 <script> <BR>function handleEnter (field, event) { <BR> var keyCode = event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which ? <BR>event.which : event.charCode; <BR> if (keyCode == 13) { <BR> var i; <BR> for (i = 0; i < field.form.elements.length; i++) <BR> if (field == field.form.elements[i]) <BR> break; <BR> i = (i + 1) % field.form.elements.length; <BR> field.form.elements[i].focus(); <BR> return false; <BR> } <BR> else <BR> return true; <BR>} <BR></script> 回车换行 54、确认后提交 把如下代码加入区域中 <script> <BR><!-- <BR>function msg(){ <BR>if (confirm("你确认要提交嘛!")) <BR>document.lnman.submit() <BR>} <BR>//--> <BR></script>
55、改变表格的内容 把如下代码加入区域中 <script> <BR>var arr=new Array() <BR>arr[0]="一一一一一"; <BR>arr[1]="二二二二二"; <BR>arr[2]="三三三三三"; <BR></script> 改变第一格 改变第二格 改变第三格
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