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## PHP导入导出Excel,CSV## HTML```<form action="{:U('Admin/Unit/importcsv')}" method="post" name="myform" id="myform" enctype="multipart/form-data">    <input type="hidden" name="unit_id" value="{$unit_id}"/>    <h3 style="background:#006699; color:#FFFFFF; width:450px;">{$unit.1.1.num}号楼/{$unit.1.1.unit}单元</h3>    <p>        请选择要导入的CSV文件:        <br/>        <input type="file" name="file">        <input type="submit" name="dosubmit" id="dosubmit" class="dialog btn btn-primary" value="导入CSV">        <input class="btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="javascript:history.back(-1);" value="{:L('GOBACK')}" >        <!-- <input type="button" class="btn" value="导出CSV" onclick="window.location.href='do.php?action=export'"> -->    </p></form>```### PHP 导入> function importcsv```/**     * [importcsv description]     * @return [type] [description]     */    public function importcsv() {        if (IS_POST) {            $filename = $_FILES['file']['tmp_name'];            if (empty($filename)) {                $this->error("csv导入文件请不要为空");            }            $handle = fopen($filename, 'r');            function input_csv($handle) {                $out = array();                $n = 0;                while ($data = fgetcsv($handle, 10000)) {                    $num = count($data);                    for ($i = 0; $i < $num; $i++) {                        $out[$n][$i] = $data[$i];                    }                    $n++;                }                return $out;            }            $result = input_csv($handle); //解析csv            //$number = count($result, COUNT_RECURSIVE) - count($result);            // $len_result = count($result);            $len_result = count($result) - 1;            if ($len_result == 0) {                $this->error("csv导入数据为空");            }            foreach ($result as $kr => $vr) {            //这里写你的业务逻辑                if ($kr) {                    $i = 0;                    //中文转码                    $data['estate_id'] = iconv('gb2312', 'utf-8', $vr[$i++]); //楼盘ID                    $data['num'] = iconv('gb2312', 'utf-8', $vr[$i++]); //楼栋                    $data['unit'] = iconv('gb2312', 'utf-8', $vr[$i++]); //单元                    $data['floors'] = iconv('gb2312', 'utf-8', $vr[$i++]); //楼层                    $data['number'] = iconv('gb2312', 'utf-8', $vr[$i++]); //门牌号                    $data['status'] = iconv('gb2312', 'utf-8', $vr[$i++]); //状态                    $data['type'] = iconv('gb2312', 'utf-8', $vr[$i++]); //关联户型                    $data['market_money'] = iconv('gb2312', 'utf-8', $vr[$i++]); //市场价                    //create_time last_time NOW_TIME                    $data['create_time'] = iconv('gb2312', 'utf-8', NOW_TIME); //创建时间                    $data['last_time'] = iconv('gb2312', 'utf-8', NOW_TIME); //修改时间                    $list = D('Property')->add($data);                }            }            if ($list) {                $unit_info = D('Unit')->where('id=' . I('unit_id'))->find();                $map['estate_id'] = $unit_info['estate_id'];                $map['building'] = $unit_info['building'];                $buildid = D('Building')->where($map)->getField('id');                $success = D('Unit')->where('id=' . I('unit_id'))->data(array('status' => 1))->save();                if ($success) {                    $this->success("csv导入成功!共导入" . $len_result . "条数据", U('Admin/Unit/index', array('id' => $buildid)));                }            } else {                $this->error("csv导入失败!");            }            fclose($handle); //关闭指针        } else {            $info = M('Unit')->where('id=' . I('id'))->find();            $buid = D('Property')->bulid_property($info);            S('buid' . time() . I('id'), $buid);            $protype = D('Estate')->get_project_type($info['estate_id']);            $this->assign('unit', $buid);            $this->assign('unit_id', I('id'));            $this->assign('protype', $protype);            $this->assign('estate_id', 'buid' . time() . I('id'));            $this->display();        }    }```### PHP 导出> 这里本来想导出Excel,先导出成csv了,具体的大家可以按自己的意愿更改> function exportcsv```    /**     * [exportcsv description]导出Excel     * @return [type] [description]     */    public function exportcsv() {        //导出Excel     estate_id num unit        $id = I('id');        if (isset($id) && !empty($id)) {            $unit_info = D('Unit')->where('id=' . $id)->find();            if ($unit_info) {                $map = array();                $map['estate_id'] = $unit_info['estate_id']; //楼盘ID                $map['num'] = $unit_info['building']; //楼栋                $map['unit'] = $unit_info['unit']; //单元                $result = M('property')->where($map)->select();                if ($result) {                    $title = array('序列', '项目#楼盘', '楼栋', '单元', '楼层', '门牌号', '状态', '关联户型', '市场价', '创建时间', '修改时间');                    foreach ($result as $k => $v) {                        $data[$k][] = $v['id']; //序列                        $data[$k][] = idtoname($v['estate_id'], 'Estate', 'name', 'id') . '#' . $v['estate_id']; //项目#楼盘                        $data[$k][] = $v['num']; //楼栋                        $data[$k][] = $v['unit']; //单元                        $data[$k][] = $v['floors']; //楼层                        $data[$k][] = $v['floors'] . '0' . $v['number']; //门牌号                        $data[$k][] = $v['status']; //状态                        $data[$k][] = idtoname($v['type'], 'ProType', 'name', 'id'); //关联户型                        $data[$k][] = format_price($v['market_money']); //市场价                        $data[$k][] = time_format($v['create_time']); //创建时间                        $data[$k][] = time_format($v['last_time']); //修改时间                    }                    export_csv_xls($title, $data);                    unset($title, $data);exit;                }            } else {                $this->error("未查询到楼盘单元信息!");            }        } else {            $this->error("csv导入失败!");        }    }```> function export_csv_xls```function export_csv_xls($title, $array = '', $code = 'gb2312', $filename = "") {    if (!$filename) {        // $filename = date("Y-m-d") . ".xls";        $filename = randStr(10) . ".xls";    }    header("Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-execl");    header("Content-Type: application/vnd.ms-excel; charset=" . $code);    header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename");    header("Pragma: no-cache");    header("Expires: 0");    if ($code == "gb2312") {        $title = array_map("utf8togb2312", $title);    }    echo implode("\t", $title) . "\n";    if ($array) {        foreach ($array as $v) {            if ($code == "gb2312") {                $v = array_map("utf8togb2312", $v);            }            echo implode("\t", $v) . "\n";        }    }}```> function utf8togb2312```function utf8togb2312($str) {//编码转换    $str = format_xml_num($str);    $bianma = mb_detect_encoding($str);    if ($bianma == "GB2312") {        return $str;    } else {        return iconv($bianma, 'GB2312', trim($str));    }}```> function format_xml_num```function format_xml_num($str) {//导出格式化数字    if (strlen((float) $str) >= 12 && is_numeric((float) $str) && (float) $str && !strpos($str, '.')) {        $str = "'" . (string) $str;    }    return $str;}```

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