Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >jQuery popup layer plug-in simplified version code_jquery
This simplified version cannot pop up the layer in other frames, so there is no cssurl attribute and no target attribute
Copy the code The code is as follows:
String.prototype.replaceAll = function(s1,s2){ return this.replace(new RegExp(s1,"gm"),s2); }; (function($){ /* * $-layer 0.1 - New Wave Javascript * * Copyright (c) 2008 King Wong * $Date: 2008-10-09 $ */ var ___id___ = ""; var ___settings___ = {}; var isMouseDown = false; var currentElement = null; var dropCallbacks = {}; var dragCallbacks = {}; var bubblings = {}; var lastMouseX; var lastMouseY; var lastElemTop; var lastElemLeft; var dragStatus = {}; var holdingHandler = false; $.getMousePosition = function(e){ var posx = 0; var posy = 0; if (!e) var e = window.event; if (e.pageX || e.pageY) { posx = e.pageX; posy = e.pageY; } else if (e.clientX || e.clientY) { posx = e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft; posy = e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop; } return { 'x': posx, 'y': posy }; }; $.updatePosition = function(e) { var pos = $.getMousePosition(e); var spanX = (pos.x - lastMouseX); var spanY = (pos.y - lastMouseY); var _top = (lastElemTop + spanY) > 0 ? (lastElemTop + spanY) : 0; var _left = (lastElemLeft + spanX) > 0 ? (lastElemLeft + spanX) : 0; $("#"+___id___).css("top", _top); $("#"+___id___).css("left", _left); }; $.fn.ondrag = function(callback){ return this.each(function(){ dragCallbacks[this.id] = callback; }); }; $.fn.ondrop = function(callback){ return this.each(function(){ dropCallbacks[this.id] = callback; }); }; $.fn.dragOff = function(){ return this.each(function(){ dragStatus[this.id] = 'off'; }); }; $.fn.dragOn = function(){ return this.each(function(){ dragStatus[this.id] = 'on'; }); }; $.extend({ layerSettings:{ id:"layerp", width:220, height:220, templete:'<p style="height:20px; width:@width@px; background-color:#777777;"> <span id="@moveid@" style="position:relative; left:0px; top:0px; height:20px; width:100px;"> <span id="@titleid@">@title@</span></span> <span class="layerclose" style="position:relative; top:0px; float:right; right:20px; color:red;">close</span> </p><p style="border:solid #ff0000 1px; width:@width@px; height:@height@px;"> <p style="width:100%; height:100%; background-color:#ffffff;" id="@contentid@"> </p></p>', content:'', title:'', isbg:true, opacity:0.3 }, layerSetup: function( settings ) { $.extend( $.layerSettings, settings ); ___settings___[settings.id] = settings; ___id___ = settings.id; }, layershow:function(){ var __bw = $("body").width(); var __bh = $("body").height() > $(window).height() ? $("body").height() : $(window).height(); var _width = $.layerSettings.width; var _height = $.layerSettings.height; if(document.getElementById(___id___)) return; var _moveid = ___id___ + "_move"; var _titleid = ___id___ + "_title"; var _contentid = ___id___ + "_content"; var _cssurl = $.layerSettings.cssurl; var opacity = $.layerSettings.opacity; __index = $.layermaxindex(); var __left = (__bw - _width) > 0 ? (__bw - _width)/2 : 0; var __top = 100; var __bgp = '<p id="'+___id___+'_background" style="background:#000000; filter:alpha(opacity='+(opacity*100)+'); opacity: '+opacity+'; width:'+__bw+'px; height:'+__bh+'px; z-index:'+(__index++)+'; position:absolute; left:0px; top:0px;"></p>'; if($.layerSettings.isbg) { $("body").append(__bgp); } $("body").append('<p id="'+___id___+'" style="z-index:'+__index+';position:absolute; left:'+__left+'px; top:'+__top+'px;"></p>'); var _templete = $.layerSettings.templete; var __templete = _templete.replaceAll("@width@",_width).replaceAll("@height@",_height). replaceAll("@titleid@",_titleid).replaceAll("@contentid@",_contentid) .replaceAll("@title@",jQuery.layerSettings.title).replaceAll("@moveid@",_moveid); $("#"+___id___).append(__templete); $("#"+_contentid).append($.layerSettings.content); $("#"+_titleid).append($.layerSettings.title); var idd = ___id___; $(".layerclose").bind("click",function() { $.layerclose(idd); }); $("#"+___id___).bind("click",function() { var id = this.id; $.layerSetup(___settings___[id]); $(this).css("z-index",$.layermaxindex()); }); $(document).bind("click",function(e) { var pos = $.getMousePosition(e); }); $(document).mousemove(function(e){ if(isMouseDown && dragStatus[currentElement.id] != 'false'){ $.updatePosition(e); if(dragCallbacks[currentElement.id] != undefined){ dragCallbacks[currentElement.id](e, currentElement); } return false; } }); $(document).mouseup(function(e){ if(isMouseDown && dragStatus[currentElement.id] != 'false'){ isMouseDown = false; if(dropCallbacks[currentElement.id] != undefined){ dropCallbacks[currentElement.id](e, currentElement); } return false; } }); (function(){ bubblings[___id___] = true; dragStatus[___id___] = "on"; //setHandler bubblings[this.id] = true; dragStatus[_moveid] = "handler"; $("#"+_moveid).css("cursor", "move"); $("#"+_moveid).mousedown(function(e){ var id = this.id.replace("_move",""); ___id___ = id; $("#"+id).css("z-index",$.layermaxindex()); $.layerSetup(___settings___[id]); if((dragStatus[___id___] == "off") || (dragStatus[___id___] == "handler" && !holdingHandler)) return bubblings["#"+___id___]; isMouseDown = true; currentElement = $("#"+___id___); var pos = $.getMousePosition(e); lastMouseX = pos.x; lastMouseY = pos.y; lastElemTop = document.getElementById(___id___).offsetTop; lastElemLeft = document.getElementById(___id___).offsetLeft; $.updatePosition(e); holdingHandler = true; }); $("#"+_moveid).mouseup(function(e){ holdingHandler = false; }); //end setHandler })(); }, layerclose:function(__id) { $("#"+__id+"_background").remove(); $("#"+__id).remove(); }, layermaxindex:function() { var ___index = 0; $.each($("*"),function(i,n){ var __tem = $(n).css("z-index"); if(__tem>0) { if(__tem > ___index) { ___index = __tem + 1; } } }); return ___index; } }); })(jQuery);
(1) Display layer:
The code is as follows:
function show() { $.layerSetup({ id:"abc",//弹出层的ID title:"test",//标题 content:'test',//内容 isbg:false,//是否显示背景遮照层 opacity:0.3,//背景遮照层的透明度,值越大透明度越低,0为完全透明,1为不透明 templete:'<p class="showwint_mini_title"><span class="showwint_mini_close_btn"> <a href="javascript:void(null);" class="layerclose"></a></span> <span class="showwint_mini_title_content" id="@moveid@"><span id="@titleid@"></span> </span></p><p class="showwint_mini_content"><p class="showwint_mini_content_content" id="@contentid@"></p> </p>'//模板 }); $.layershow(); }
(2 ) Close the layer:
Copy the code The code is as follows:
Note: If your template has a CSS file, you must Just import it directly into this page. This simplified version cannot pop up in other frames, so there is no cssurl attribute and no target attribute.
The above is the simplified version code of jQuery pop-up layer plug-in_jquery. For more related content, please pay attention to the PHP Chinese website (www.php.cn)!