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JS practice code
The relevant source code is as follows:
1.beginFormPanel.js (function: display of the form in the outer html file)
<script> var beginFormPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.form.FormPanel,{ constructor:function() { beginFormPanel.superclass.constructor.call ( this, { title:"myForm(绝不裸奔)", width:418, height:180, frame:true, labelWidth:45, style:"margin-left:250px", defaultType:"textfield", defaults:{anchor:"95%"}, items: [ { fieldLabel:"姓名", name:"name" }, { fieldLabel:"年龄", name:"age" }, { fieldLabel:"性别", name:"sex" }, { fieldLabel:"住址", name:"addr" } ], buttons: [ { text:"添加" }, { text:"修改" }, { text:"删除" } ], renderTo:Ext.getBody() } ) ; } }) ; </script>
2.beginPanel.js (function: GridPanel and window and the implementation of FormPanel in the window)
<script> /**************************** FormPanel *****************************************************/ var myWindowForm = Ext.extend(Ext.form.FormPanel,{ constructor:function() { myWindowForm.superclass.constructor.call ( this, { labelWidth:45, defaultType:"textfield", defaults:{anchor:"93%"}, style:"padding:5px", baseCls:"x-plain", items: [ { fieldLabel:"姓名", name:"name", allowBlank:false, blankText:"姓名不能够为空!" }, { fieldLabel:"年龄", name:"age", allowBlank:false, vtype:"age", blankText:"年龄不能够为空!" }, { fieldLabel:"性别", name:"sex", allowBlank:false, blankText:"性别不能够为空!" }, { fieldLabel:"住址", name:"addr", allowBlank:false, blankText:"住址不能够为空!" } ] } ) ; }, getValues:function() { if(this.getForm().isValid()) { return new Ext.data.Record(this.getForm().getValues()) ; } else { throw error("表单验证没通过哦!") ; } }, setValues:function(record) { this.getForm().loadRecord(record) ; }, reset:function() { this.getForm().reset() ; } }) ; /******************************** Window ***********************************/ var myWindow = Ext.extend(Ext.Window,{ form:new myWindowForm(), constructor:function() { myWindow.superclass.constructor.call ( this, { title:"myWindow(绝不裸奔)", width:300, height:185, frame:true, plain:true, modal:true, items:this.form, closable:false,//禁止关闭 collapsible:true,//可折叠 buttons: [ { text:"确定", handler:this.onSubmitClick, scope:this }, { text:"取消", handler:this.onCancelClick, scope:this } ] } ) ; this.addEvents("submit") ; }, close:function() { this.hide() ; }, onSubmitClick:function() { /* try { this.fireEvent("submit",this,this.form.getValues()) ; } catch (error) { Ext.Msg.alert("警告","请将需要填写的信息填写完整!") ; } */ this.fireEvent("submit",this,this.form.getValues()) ; this.close() ; }, onCancelClick:function() { //上面不加scope属性则提示this.form为空 this.form.reset() ; this.close() ; } }) ; /************************** GridPanel **************************************/ var beginMyPanel = Ext.extend(Ext.grid.GridPanel,{ insertWin:new myWindow(), constructor:function() { //this.insertWin = new myWindow() ; var myData = [ ["th","91","非女","地球"], ["thtwin","92","男","地球"], ["thtwinj2ee","93","非女","地球"], ["thj2ee","94","男","地球"], ["thtwin","95","非女","地球"] ] ; var myRecord = Ext.data.Record.create ( ["name","age","sex","addr"] ) ; var myColumn = new Ext.grid.ColumnModel ( [ {header:"姓名",dataIndex:"name"}, {header:"年龄",dataIndex:"age"}, {header:"性别",dataIndex:"sex"}, {header:"住址",dataIndex:"addr"} ] ) ; var myStore = new Ext.data.Store ( { proxy:new Ext.data.MemoryProxy(myData), reader:new Ext.data.ArrayReader ( {}, myRecord ) } ) ; beginMyPanel.superclass.constructor.call ( this, { title:"myGridPanel(thtwinj2ee)", frame:true, width:418, height:250, cm:myColumn, ds:myStore, style:"margin:20,0,10,250", tbar: [ { text:"添加人员", handler:function() { this.insertWin.show() ; }, scope:this }, "-",//得到的结果为:| {text:"修改人员"}, "-", {text:"删除人员"} ], selModel:new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel ( { listeners: { "rowselect": { fn:function(row,index,record) { this.setTitle("修改之后的GridPanel的名字!") ; //注意下面的这句 ***** 1 ****** this.fireEvent("rowselect",record) ; }, scope:this } } } ), renderTo:Ext.getBody() } ) ; myStore.load() ; //注意下面这句 ***** 2 ****** this.addEvents("rowselect") ; this.insertWin.on("submit",this.onInsertWinSubmit,this) ; }, insert:function(myRecord) { this.getStore().add(myRecord) ; }, onInsertWinSubmit:function(insertWin,myRecord) { this.insert(myRecord) ; } }) ; </script>
3. Performance of static html page
<html> <head> <title></title> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="../AllRes/resources/css/ext-all.css"/> <script type="text/javascript" src="../AllRes/adapter/ext/ext-base.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="../AllRes/ext-all.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="beginPanel.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript" src="beginFormPanel.js"></script> <script> Ext.onReady(function(){ Ext.QuickTips.init() ; Ext.form.Field.prototype.msgTarget="side" ; Ext.apply(Ext.form.VTypes,{ "age":function(value) { //此处用正则表达式要使 if(/^\d+$/.test(value)) { return true ; } return false ; }, "ageText":"请输入正确的年龄!" } ) ; /* var newnewMyWindowForm = new myWindowForm() ; newMyWindowForm.render(Ext.getBody()) ; */ // var newnewMyWindow = new myWindow() ; // newMyWindow.show() ; var myGridPanel = new beginMyPanel() ; var myForm = new beginFormPanel() ; //注意下面这句与***** 1 ****** 和 ***** 2 ******的关系 myGridPanel.on ( "rowselect", function(selectedRow) { this.getForm().loadRecord(selectedRow) ; }, myForm ) ; }) ; </script> </head> <body> </body> </html>