Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >JavaScript implements iframe automatic height adjustment and cross-domain cross-domain between different main domain names_javascript skills
Everyone knows that Js has a same-origin policy, which means that iframes nested in different main domain names do not allow Js to communicate.
For example, I have a website, and I want to embed its website pages in the website. Then I can use iframe to reference the address of the third-party website.
However, the problem is that the height of the iframe is fixed and cannot be well integrated with third-party websites. For example, the third-party website uses a waterfall flow plug-in. To automatically calculate the height during rolling loading, let’s talk about cross-domain first: iframe main Domain names have different cross-domain methods. If an iframe is placed in the website A.com B.com A and references B.com, in this case, the Js in B.com cannot access A.com. Cross-domain JS must have the same origin, that is, the same main domain name, so what should we do?
We can introduce an iframe in B.com, let’s call it C for now. This iframe loads a web page in A.com. In this way, if the same source exists, the web page in the iframe in B.com can communicate with A.com. Next, as long as B and C communicate, let C communicate with A to complete the B->A communication, so that when the height of B changes, C is notified, and C notifies A to adjust the iframe height.
Communication between B and C can actually be achieved through the url address. The B.com iframe is set to hidden, and C can receive it when the src address is changed.
Stop talking nonsense and get on with the code
<html> <script src="{$smarty.const.STATIC_URL}/js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script> <script> var test = function() { $('#h1').html('test'); } </script> <body> <h1 id="h1">nba.alltosun.net</h1> <iframe id="ifm" width="760" height="100" src="http://***.sinaapp.com/"></iframe> </body> </html>
<html> <head></head> <body> <h1>**.appsina.com</h1> <button id="button">设置高度</button> <div id="div" style="height:200px;display:none;"></div> <script src="http://nba.alltosun.net/js/jquery-1.7.1.min.js"></script> <script> $(function(){ window.ifrH = function(e){ var searchUrl = window.location.search; var b = null; var getParam = function(url, param) { var q = url.match(new RegExp( param + "=[^&]*")), n = ""; if (q && q.length) { n = q[0].replace(param + "=", ""); } return n; } var f = getParam(searchUrl,"url"), h = getParam(searchUrl, "ifmID"), k = getParam(searchUrl, "cbn"), g = getParam(searchUrl, "mh"); var iframeId = 'testiframe'; var iframe = document.getElementById(iframeId); var divId = 'alltosun'; if (!iframe){ var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); iframe.id = iframeId; iframe.style.display = "none"; iframe.width = 0; iframe.height = 0; document.body.appendChild(iframe); } if (e && e.type == "onload" && h) { b.parentNode.removeChild(b); b = null; } if (!b) { b = document.createElement("div"); b.id = divId; b.style.cssText = "clear:both;" document.body.appendChild(b); } var l = b.offsetTop + b.offsetHeight; iframe.src = (decodeURIComponent(f) || "http://*****/test2") + "&h=" + l + "&ifmID=" + (h || "ifm") + "&cbn=test" + "&mh=" + g + "&t=" + ( (+ new Date())); if (e && e.type =="onload") { window.onload = null; } } window.onload = function() { ifrH({type: "onload"}); } // ifrH(); $('button').click(function(){ $('div').show(); ifrH(); }) }) </script> </body> </html>
C proxy file
<script> var search = window.location.search, getSearchParam = function (search, key) { var mc = search.match (new RegExp ( key + "=([^\&]*)") ), ret=""; mc && mc.length && (ret = mc[0].replace( key + "=","")); return ret; }, // 参数h h = getSearchParam(search,"h"), ifmID = getSearchParam(search,"ifmID"), cbn = getSearchParam(search,"cbn"), // 宽高 mh = getSearchParam(search,"mh") || h, isFunction = function(fn){ return !!fn && !fn.nodeName && fn.constructor != String && fn.constructor != RegExp && fn.constructor != Array && (/function/i).test(fn + ""); }; try{ if(parent && parent.parent){ ifm = parent.parent.document.getElementById(ifmID); ifm && mh && (ifm.height=mh); fn=parent.parent[cbn]; isFunction(fn) && fn.call(); ifm=null; } }catch(ex){ console.log(ex); } </script>