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Pure JS drawing mathematical functions_javascript skills

2016-05-16 18:53:461487browse

The drawing object Plot includes JS to draw points, JS to draw lines, JS to draw sine sin, and JS to draw cosine cos, tan, circle, and polygon.
You can set the origin position, brush color, brush thickness, and coordinate line color.
In fact, the principle is very simple. Use a div with a length of 1px and a width of 1px to simulate points, from points to lines, and from lines to surfaces.
Post them here to learn from each other, so that newbies in JS will not think that js drawing is such a mysterious thing.

[Ctrl A select all Note:
If you need to introduce external Js, you need to refresh to execute <script> //辅助函数 function $(id){return document.getElementById(id)}; /** * 绘图对象 * 包含各个绘图函数,比如画点,线段,多边形,圆等 * 和一些绘图参数,比如背景颜色,画笔颜色 **/ var Plot = { //画布,所有被画出来的元素都append到这个container container: null, //原点x ox: 500, //原点y oy: 300, //坐标颜色 baseLineColor: 'black', //画笔颜色 brushColor: 'red', //画笔粗细 brushWeight: 1, //baseLineX,baseLineY保存坐标线,用于坐标移位 baseLineX: null, baseLineY: null, //初始化方法,设置画布,原点位置,坐标线颜色,画笔颜色,画笔粗细 init: function(containerId, ox, oy, baseLineColor,brushColor,brushWeight){ if($(containerId)){ Plot.container = $(containerId); } else{ alert('You should specify an element in which you can draw plot!'); return; } if((typeof ox)=='number'){ Plot.ox = ox; } if((typeof oy)=='number'){ Plot.oy = oy; } Plot.baseLineColor = baseLineColor; Plot.brushColor = brushColor; Plot.brushWeight = brushWeight; Plot.drawCoordinate(); }, //设置原点函数 setOPoint: function(ox,oy){ Plot.ox = ox; Plot.oy = oy; Plot.container.removeChild(Plot.baseLineX); Plot.container.removeChild(Plot.baseLineY); Plot.drawCoordinate(); }, //设置画笔粗细函数 setBrushWeight: function(weight){ Plot.brushWeight = weight; }, setBrushColor: function(color){ Plot.brushColor = color; }, //画坐标线 drawCoordinate: function(){ var baseLineX = document.createElement('div'); baseLineX.style.position = "absolute"; baseLineX.style.left = 0; baseLineX.style.top = Plot.oy; baseLineX.style.fontSize = '1px'; baseLineX.style.height = '1px'; baseLineX.style.width = '100%'; baseLineX.style.overflow = 'hidden' baseLineX.style.backgroundColor = Plot.baseLineColor; Plot.container.appendChild(baseLineX); Plot.baseLineX = baseLineX; var baseLineY = document.createElement('div'); baseLineY.style.position = "absolute"; baseLineY.style.left = Plot.ox; baseLineY.style.top = 0; baseLineY.style.fontSize = '1px'; baseLineY.style.height = '100%'; baseLineY.style.width = '1px'; baseLineY.style.overflow = 'hidden' baseLineY.style.backgroundColor = Plot.baseLineColor; Plot.baseLineY = baseLineY; Plot.container.appendChild(baseLineY); }, //清理画布,移走所有对象 clean: function(){ Plot.container.innerHTML =""; Plot.drawCoordinate(); }, //画点,相对原点 drawDot: function(x,y){ var dot = document.createElement('div'); dot.style.left = Plot.ox + x + 'px'; dot.style.top = Plot.oy - y + 'px'; dot.style.height = Plot.brushWeight; dot.style.width = Plot.brushWeight; dot.style.position = 'absolute'; dot.style.fontSize = '1px'; dot.style.backgroundColor = Plot.brushColor; dot.style.overflow = "hidden"; Plot.container.appendChild(dot); dot = null; }, //sin函数曲线,传入角度,比如90,180,360 sin: function(angle){ for(var i=0; i<angle; i++){ Plot.drawDot(i,Math.sin(i/180*Math.PI)*100); } }, //tan函数曲线 tan: function(){ for(var i=0; i<720; i++){ if(Math.tan(i/180*Math.PI)*100>Plot.oy){ continue; } Plot.drawDot( i, Math.tan(i/180*Math.PI)*50 ); } }, //cos函数曲线,传入角度,比如90,180,360 cos: function(angle){ for(var i=0; i<angle; i++){ Plot.drawDot(i,Math.cos(i/180*Math.PI)*100); } }, //画线从(x0,y0)到(x1,y1) line: function(x0,y0,x1,y1){ //竖线 if((x1-x0)==0){ for( var i=((y1>y0)?y0:y1); i<((y1>y0)?y1:y0); i++ ){ Plot.drawDot(x1, i); } return; } //横线 if((y1-y0)==0){ for( var i=((x1>x0)?x0:x1); i<((x1>x0)?x1:x0); i++ ){ Plot.drawDot(i, y1); } return; } //斜线 //k=斜率,直线方程为y=kx + b var k = (y1-y0)/(x1-x0); if(k<=1){ for(var i=((x1>x0)?x0:x1); i<((x1>x0)?x1:x0); i++){ Plot.drawDot(i, k*i+y1-k*x1 ); } } else{ for(var i=((y1>y0)?y0:y1); i<((y1>y0)?y1:y0); i++){ Plot.drawDot((i-y1+k*x1)/k,i); } } return; }, //画圆,radius是半径,(xi,yi)为圆心 circle: function(radius,xi, yi){ if((typeof xi)=='undefined'){ xi = 0; } if((typeof yi)=='undefined'){ yi = 0; } //i为角度,从0到360 var i=0; while(i<360){ var _x0 = Math.sin(i/180*Math.PI)*radius; var _y0 = Math.cos(i/180*Math.PI)*radius; var step = radius/100; //随着半径的增大,划出来的圆周断断续续,下面的做法 //使画圆周的点数随着半径的增大而增大,使画出来的圆周更圆润. if(1/step>1){ step = 1; } else if(1/step<0.2){ step = 0.2; } else{ step = 1/step; } Plot.drawDot(_x0+xi, _y0+yi); i = i+ step; } }, //画多边形,传入一个点列 polygon: function(dots){ if(typeof dots=='undefined'){ alert('you should specify some dots to draw!'); return; } if(dots.constructor!=Array){ alert('you should specify some dots to draw!'); return; } for(var i=0; i<dots.length-1; i++){ Plot.line(dots[i].x,dots[i].y, dots[i+1].x,dots[i+1].y); if(i==1&&dots.length==2){ break; } } Plot.line(dots[0].x, dots[0].y, dots[dots.length-1].x, dots[dots.length-1].y); } }; </script>]<script> //测试代码 Plot.init('main', 500, 500, 'green','red',1); Plot.sin(720); Plot.setBrushWeight(3); Plot.cos(720); Plot.setBrushWeight(2); Plot.circle(200,100,100); Plot.setBrushColor('purple'); Plot.circle(100,100,100); Plot.setBrushColor('blue'); Plot.circle(50,100,100); var t = new Array(); var dots = new Array(); dots[0] = {x:-10,y:-10}; dots[1] = {x:400,y:10}; dots[2] = {x:400,y:300}; dots[3] = {x:10,y:300}; Plot.polygon(dots); </script>
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