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很好用的php rss解析类

2016-06-21 09:06:261041browse


* Rss Parse Class ver0.1
* @link http://www.ugia.cn/?p=42
* @author: legend (PASiOcn@msn.com)
* @version 0.1

class RssParse {

    var $encoding      = "utf-8";
    var $rssurl        = "http://www.ugia.cn/wp-rss2.php";

    var $resource      = "";
    var $tag           = "";

    var $insidechannel = false;
    var $insideitem    = false;
    var $insideimage   = false;

    var $item          = array();
    var $channel       = array();
    var $image         = "";

    var $items         = array();
    var $images        = array();

    function rssReset()
        $this->item    = array();
        $this->channel = array();
        $this->images  = "";
        $this->items   = array();
        $this->images  = array();

    function getResource()
        $fp = @fopen($this->rssurl, "rb");

        if (is_resource($fp)) {

            while($data = fread($fp, 4096)) {
                $ipd .= $data;
            $this->resource = $ipd;

            return true;

        return false;

    function getEncoding()
        if (preg_match('| encoding="([^"]*)"|', $this->resource, $result))
            $this->encoding = strtolower($result[1]);
            $this->encoding = "utf-8";

    function parseRss($rssurl = '')
        if (!empty($rssurl))
            $this->rssurl = $rssurl;

        if (!$this->getResource())
            return false;


        if ($this->encoding != "utf-8")
            $this->resource = iconv($this->encoding, "UTF-8", $this->resource);

        $xml_parser = xml_parser_create("utf-8");

        xml_parser_set_option($xml_parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, false);
        xml_set_object($xml_parser, $this);
        xml_set_element_handler($xml_parser, "startElement", "endElement");
        xml_set_character_data_handler($xml_parser, "characterData");

        xml_parse($xml_parser, $this->resource, true);

        if ( count($this->channel) > 1)
            $this->channel['pubdate'] = $this->mystrtotime($this->channel['pubdate']);
            if ($this->channel['pubdate']            {
                $this->channel['pubdate'] = $this->items[0]['pubdate'];
        return true;

    function getAll()
        return array(
                     'channel' => $this->channel,
                     'items'   => $this->items,
                     'images'  => $this->images

    function getChannel()
        return $this->channel;

    function getItems()
        return $this->items;

    function getImages()
        return $this->images;

    function startElement($parser, $name, $attrs)
        if ($this->insideitem || $this->insideimage || $this->insidechannel)
            $this->tag = strtolower($name);

        switch ($name)
            case "channel" : $this->insidechannel = true; break;
            case "item"    : $this->insideitem    = true; break;
            case "image"   : $this->insideimage   = true; break;

    function endElement($parser, $name)
        if ($name == "channel")
            $this->insidechannel = false;

        else if ($name == "url")
            $this->images[]    = trim($this->image);
            $this->insideimage = false;
            $this->image       = "";
        else if ($name == "item")
            $this->item['pubdate']     = $this->mystrtotime($this->item['pubdate']);
            $this->item['description'] = trim(strip_tags($this->item['description']));
            $this->item['description'] = str_replace(" ", "", $this->item['description']);

            if (strlen($this->item['description']) > 700)
                $this->item['description'] = substr($this->item['description'], 0, 697) . "…";

            $this->items[]         = $this->item;
            $this->item            = array();
            $this->insideitem      = false;

    function characterData($parser, $data)
        if ($this->insideitem)
            switch ($this->tag)
                case "title":       $this->item['title']       .= $data; break;
                case "description": $this->item['description'] .= $data; break;
                case "link":        $this->item['link']        .= $data; break;
                case "dc:date":     $this->item['pubdate']     .= $data; break;
                case "pubdate":     $this->item['pubdate']     .= $data; break;
                case "modified":     $this->item['pubdate']     .= $data; break;
        elseif ($this->insideimage && $this->tag == "url")
            $this->image .= $data;
        elseif ($this->insidechannel)
            switch ($this->tag)
                case "title":         $this->channel['title']       .= $data; break;
                case "description":   $this->channel['description'] .= $data; break;
                case "link":          $this->channel['link']        .= $data; break;
                case "dc:date":       $this->channel['pubdate']     .= $data; break;
                case "pubdate":       $this->channel['pubdate']     .= $data; break;
                case "lastbuilddate": $this->channel['pubdate']     .= $data; break;
                case "modified":      $this->channel['pubdate']     .= $data; break;

     * 日期格式太多,除了php中的strtotime()函数能够转化的,我另外加了一个格式的识别,其他的未写。
    function mystrtotime($time)
        $curtime = strtotime($time);
        if ($curtme        {
            if (preg_match("|\d{4}-\d{2}-\d{2}T\d{2}:\d{2}:\d{2}\+\d{2}:\d{2}|", $time, $result))
                $time = str_replace(array("T", "+"), array(" ", " +"), $time);
                $time[23] = "";

            // if (………

            $curtime = strtotime($time);

        return $curtime;

   function getError($msg)

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