I have also seen some column splitting effects on the Internet, and there is also a jquery plug-in jquery.splitter.js, but they basically fail to solve a problem: if there is an iframe on the page, when dragging the dividing line past the iframe, the mouse will not operate. Yes, I have opened a post to discuss this issue. This example uses a small trick to solve this problem and make dragging smooth.
Splitter demo <script> <br>/* <br>* splitter.js <br>* author: sunxing007 <br>* http://blog.csdn.net/sunxing007 <br>* date: 08/26/2009 <br><br>************************************************************************************** <br>The css script below is needed for the html page when using splitter.js, please save <br>it as splitter.css, and modify it carefully. <br>************************************************************************************** <br>#splitter_container{ <br>width: 100%; <br>height: 100%; <br>border: solid #eee 1px; <br>margin: 0px; <br>padding: 0px; <br>overflow: hidden; <br>} <br>#splitter_left_panel{ <br>width: 300px; <br>height: 100%; <br>float: left; <br>border: solid blue 0px; <br>} <br>#splitter_bar{ <br>width: 8px; <br>height: 100%; <br>float: left; <br>background-color: #ccc; <br>cursor: col-resize; <br>} <br>#splitter_right_panel{ <br>height: 100%; <br>padding-top: 10px; <br>} <br>************************************************************************************** <br>How to use this splitter? <br>************************************************************************************** <br><!-- <br> <html> <br><head> <br><title>Splitter demo</title> <br><link href="splitter.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" /> <br><script src="splitter.js"></script>
************************ *************************************************** *************
/**this is a helper function used to get the dom element specified by id **/
function $(id){return document.getElementById(id );}
/**the main functionality of splitter **/
var Splitter = {
container: null,
lPanel: null,
rPanel: null,
bar: null,
movingBar: null,
//Initial, maximum and minimum width of the left panel
lPanelInitWidth: '250px',
lPanelMaxWidth: '500px',
lPanelMinWidth: '200px ',
rPanelInitWidth: '800px',
rPanelMaxWidth: '999px',
rPanelMinWidth: '500px',
//The color of the divider when it is dragged
barActiveColor: '# 0080ff',
//Whether the maximum/minimum width is set for the left panel
isWidthLimit: true,
init: function(config){
alert( 'Can not initialize splitter.');
this.container = $(config.id);
if( !($('splitter_left_panel')&&$('splitter_right_panel')&&$('splitter_bar'))){
alert('Can not initialize splitter.');
this.lPanel = $('splitter_left_panel');
this.rPanel = $('splitter_right_panel');
this.bar = $('splitter_bar');
this.lPanelMaxWidth = config.lPanelMaxWidth;
this.lPanelMinWidth = config. lPanelMinWidth;
this.rPanelMaxWidth = config.rPanelMaxWidth;
this.rPanelMinWidth = config. rPanelMinWidth;
this.lPanelInitWidth = config.lPanelInitWidth;
this.rPanelInitWidth = config. rPanelInitWidth;
this.barActiveColor = config.barActiveColor;
if (config.isWidthLimit!=undefined){
this.isWidthLimit = config.isWidthLimit;
var mask = document.createElement('div');
document.body.appendChild(mask) ;
position = 'absolute';
left = '0px';
top = '0px';
zIndex = 900;
width = '100%';
height = '100%';
display = 'none';
backgroundColor = '#ccc';
filter = 'alpha(opacity=10)';
Splitter.mask = mask;
this.bar.onmousedown = Splitter.start;
start: function(){
var o = Splitter.container;
o.lastMouseX = event.x;
Splitter.mask.style.display = '';
var movingBar = document. createElement('div');
position = 'absolute';
left = Splitter.bar.offsetLeft 'px ';
top = '0px';
width = Splitter.bar.currentStyle.width;
height = '100%';
backgroundColor = Splitter.barActiveColor;
zIndex = 999;
cursor = 'col-resize';
movingBar.dx = 0;
Splitter.movingBar = movingBar;
document.onmousemove = Splitter.move;
document.onmouseup = Splitter.end;
move: function(){
var o = Splitter.container;
var dx = event.x - o.lastMouseX;
Splitter.movingBar. dx = Splitter.movingBar.dx dx;
var left = parseInt(Splitter.movingBar.style.left) dx;
Splitter.movingBar.style.left = left;
o.lastMouseX = event.x ;
end: function(){
document.onmousemove = null;
document.onmouseup = null;
Splitter.mask.style.display = 'none';
var dx = Splitter.movingBar.dx;
var w = parseInt(Splitter.lPanel.currentStyle.width) dx;
if(Splitter.isWidthLimit ){
var _width = (w > parseInt(Splitter.lPanelMaxWidth) ? Splitter.lPanelMaxWidth : (w < parseInt(Splitter.lPanelMinWidth) ?
Splitter.lPanelMinWidth : w));
w = _width;
Splitter.lPanel.style.width = w;
"" width="100%" src="http://www.jb51.net">
How to use splitter.js:< ;br>
There needs to be a div on the page as a container (id=splitter_container): the draggable effect is carried out in this container
There need to be 3 divs in the container, representing the left column ( id=splitter_left_panel), dividing line (id=splitter_bar), right column (id=splitter_right_panel)
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
border: solid #eee 1px;
margin: 0px;
padding: 0px;
overflow: hidden;
width: 300px;
height: 100%;
float: left;
border: solid blue 0px;
}< ;br>
width: 8px;
height: 100%;
float: left;
background-color: #ccc;
cursor: col-resize;
height: 100%;
padding-top: 10px;
Add onload event handler to body to trigger splitter:
onload="Splitter.init({id: 'splitter_Container', isWidthLimit: true});" < br>
The init method of Splitter passes in a json object as a configuration parameter, of which the container id is required.
You can also configure more parameters, such as:
isWidthLimit : optional value true, false, set whether to limit the width of the left panel;
lPanelMaxWidth: the maximum width of the left panel, for example: 500px;
lPanelMinWidth: the minimum width of the left panel, for example: 100px ;
barActiveColor: the color when the dividing line is dragged: such as 'red', '#0080ff';
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