Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >JavaScript implementation of music player with playlist example sharing_javascript skills
The code adds a playlist compared to the most basic player implementation, and uses MakeList to implement multiple playbacks. If necessary, you can use it directly:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head> <title>Untitled Page</title> </head> <body style="font-family:Verdana; font-size:12px"> <script> /************************************************************* LovelyLife Player V1.0 Edited By LovelyLife At 2006-09-16 All rights reservered Code Start Modify by http://www.tt419.cn/ *************************************************************/ var playid = "LovelyLifePlayer" var status = "status" var curId,arrPL,selected var isStop,isLoop arrPL = new Array() //播放器列表 cur = 0 curId = 0 isStop = false selected = 0 isLoop = true function songObj(Id,url, name){ this.Id = Id this.url = url this.name = name } function playAndpauseIt(){ if(document.getElementById(status).innerText == '暂停'){ document.getElementById(playid).controls.pause() document.getElementById(status).innerHTML ='播放' } else{ document.getElementById(status).innerText = '暂停' document.getElementById(playid).controls.play()} } function stopIt(){ isStop = true document.getElementById(status).innerHTML ='播放' document.getElementById(playid).controls.stop() } function showTimer(){ var cp=document.getElementById(playid).controls.currentPosition var cps=document.getElementById(playid).controls.currentPositionString var dur=document.getElementById(playid).currentMedia.duration; var durs=document.getElementById(playid).currentMedia.durationString; var s = document.getElementById(playid).playState var o = document.getElementById(playid).openState if( s==2 || s==3) document.getElementById('pos').innerText = " " + cps + "/" + durs + " " else document.getElementById('pos').innerText = " 00:00/" + durs + " " if( s == 1 ){ if(isLoop && (curId > (arrPL.length - 1))){ curId = 0 return 0 } clearIt() if(curId<0 || curId>arrPL.length){ alert("当前没有歌曲!,请查看播放列表!") return false } nxtPlay() } if( s == 10 && arrPL.length >0 ) nxtPlay() } function nxtPlay(){ isStop = true if(curId > arrPL.length - 1){ document.getElementById("songName").innerText = "没有歌曲了,请选择上一曲!" document.getElementById(playid).URL = "NULL" return false } curId++ clearIt() setIt(curId) PlayIt(curId) } function prePlay(){ isStop = true if(curId<0){ document.getElementById("songName").innerText = "没有歌曲了,请选择下一曲!" document.getElementById(playid).URL = "NULL" return false } curId-- clearIt() setIt(curId) PlayIt(curId) } function PlayIt(cid){ if(curId<0 || curId>arrPL.length -1){ document.getElementById("songName").innerText = "当前没有歌曲!,请查看播放列表!" return false } url = arrPL[cid].url; curId = cid if(url == "None"){ document.getElementById("songName").innerText = "加载歌曲未找到!播放下一曲!" nxtPlay() return false } document.getElementById(playid).URL = url document.getElementById("songName").innerText = arrPL[cid].name } function clearIt(){ if((arrPL.length - 1 <0) || selected < 0 || selected > arrPL.length){ return false } } function setIt(tid){ if(tid<0 || tid>arrPL.length-1){ document.getElementById("songName").innerText = "当前没有歌曲!,请查看播放列表!" return false } } function InitPlay(songName,url,auto){ var strTemp = "<object classid=\"CLSID:6BF52A52-394A-11d3-B153-00C04F79FAA6\"" strTemp += " type=\"application/x-oleobject\" width=\"0\" height=\"0\" id=" + playid strTemp += " style=\"position:relative; left:0px; top:0px; width:0px; height:0px;\">\n" strTemp += " <param name=\"autoStart\" value=\""+auto+"\">\n" strTemp += " <param name=\"balance\" value=\"0\">\n" strTemp += " <param name=\"currentPosition\" value=\"0\">\n" strTemp += " <param name=\"currentMarker\" value=\"0\">\n" strTemp += " <param name=\"enableContextMenu\" value=\"0\">\n" strTemp += " <param name=\"enableErrorDialogs\" value=\"0\">\n" strTemp += " <param name=\"enabled\" value=\"-1\">\n" strTemp += " <param name=\"fullScreen\" value=\"0\">\n" strTemp += " <param name=\"invokeURLs\" value=\"0\">\n" strTemp += " <param name=\"mute\" value=\"0\">\n" strTemp += " <param name=\"playCount\" value=\"1\">\n" strTemp += " <param name=\"rate\" value=\"1\">\n" strTemp += " <param name=\"uiMode\" value=\"none\">\n" strTemp += " <param name=\"volume\" value=\"100\">\n" strTemp += " <param name=\"URL\" value=\"" + url + "\">\n" strTemp += "</object>\n<font class=HighLight style=\"background-color: #EEE;padding: 8px;height:30px;width:100%\">" strTemp += "<b>点播的歌曲: <marquee width=30% speed=3><font color=red id=songName>" + songName + "</font></marquee>" strTemp += " [<font id=pos></font>]" strTemp += " [<font onclick=playAndpauseIt() style='cursor:hand;' id=" + status + ">播放</font>]" strTemp += "[<font onclick=stopIt() style='cursor:hand;'>停止</font>]" if((arrPL.length - 2) >= 0){ strTemp += "[<font onclick=prePlay() style='cursor:hand;'>上曲</font>]" strTemp += "[<font onclick=nxtPlay() style='cursor:hand;'>下曲</font>]" } strTemp += " </b>" document.getElementById('player').innerHTML = strTemp temptimer=setInterval('showTimer()',1000); } function playX(cur){ PlayIt(cur) clearIt() setIt(cur) curId = cur selected = cur } function MakeList(Id,Url,Name){ arrPL[cur] = new songObj(Id,Url, Name) cur++ } function loopIt(){ if(isLoop){ document.getElementById('sloop').innerText = "不循环" isLoop = false }else{ document.getElementById('sloop').innerText = "循环播放" isLoop = true } } /* Code End */ window.attachEvent('onload', function(){ InitPlay("女人如烟[词曲:穆真 演唱:魏佳艺]","http://happy369.com/yy/nrry.mp3", 1); playAndpauseIt(); }) </script> <div id=player style="width:70%"></div> <script> MakeList(1,"http://happy369.com/yy/nrry.mp3","111"); MakeList(2,"http://www.gxyx.net/sourcefile/0/0/2/2958.wma","222"); MakeList(3,"http://hz.98777.com/rm0402/q/258.rm","333"); MakeList(4,"http://www.gxyx.net/sourcefile/0/0/2/2958.wma","4444"); </script> </body> </html>
MakeList parameters: There are 3 parameters in total. The first parameter is the ID, the second parameter is the URL address of the music, and the third parameter is the name of the song. The instructions are all written in the comments. Everyone is welcome to read and refer to them.