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PHP WebSocket 客户端类 WebSocketClient

2016-06-20 12:41:541939browse

<?phpnamespace Common\Library;// ini_set('display_errors', 1);// error_reporting(E_ALL);/** * Very basic websocket client. * Supporting draft hybi-10.  *  * @author Simon Samtleben <web@lemmingzshadow.net> * @version 2011-10-18 */class WebSocketClient{	private $_host;	private $_port;	private $_path;	private $_origin;	private $_Socket = null;	private $_connected = false;		public function __construct() { }		public function __destruct()	{		$this->disconnect();	}	public function sendData($data, $type = 'text', $masked = true)	{		if($this->_connected === false)		{			trigger_error("Not connected", E_USER_WARNING);			return false;		}				if( !is_string($data)) {			trigger_error("Not a string data was given.", E_USER_WARNING);			return false;				}		if (strlen($data) == 0)		{			return false;		}		$res = @fwrite($this->_Socket, $this->_hybi10Encode($data, $type, $masked));				if($res === 0 || $res === false)		{			return false;		}				$buffer = ' ';		while($buffer !== '')		{						$buffer = fread($this->_Socket, 512);		}		return true;	}	public function connect($host, $port, $path, $origin = false)	{		$this->_host = $host;		$this->_port = $port;		$this->_path = $path;		$this->_origin = $origin;				$key = base64_encode($this->_generateRandomString(16, false, true));						$header = "GET " . $path . " HTTP/1.1\r\n";		$header.= "Host: ".$host.":".$port. "\r\n";		$header.= "Upgrade: websocket\r\n";		$header.= "Connection: Upgrade\r\n";		//$header.= "Sec-WebSocket-Extensions: permessage-deflate; client_max_window_bits\r\n";		$header.= "Sec-WebSocket-Key: " . $key . "\r\n";		if($origin !== false)		{			$header.= "Sec-WebSocket-Origin: " . $origin . "\r\n";		}		$header.= "Sec-WebSocket-Version: 13\r\n\r\n";				$this->_Socket = fsockopen($host, $port, $errno, $errstr, 2);		socket_set_timeout($this->_Socket, 2, 10000);		//socket_write($this->_Socket, $header);		$res = @fwrite($this->_Socket, $header);		if( $res === false ){			echo "fwrite false \n";		}				$response = @fread($this->_Socket, 1500);		//$response = socket_read($this->_Socket);		preg_match('#Sec-WebSocket-Accept:\s(.*)$#mU', $response, $matches);		if ($matches) {			$keyAccept = trim($matches[1]);			$expectedResonse = base64_encode(pack('H*', sha1($key . '258EAFA5-E914-47DA-95CA-C5AB0DC85B11')));			$this->_connected = ($keyAccept === $expectedResonse) ? true : false;		}		return $this->_connected;	}		public function checkConnection()	{		$this->_connected = false;				// send ping:		$data = 'ping?';		@fwrite($this->_Socket, $this->_hybi10Encode($data, 'ping', true));		$response = @fread($this->_Socket, 300);		if(empty($response))		{						return false;		}		$response = $this->_hybi10Decode($response);		if(!is_array($response))		{						return false;		}		if(!isset($response['type']) || $response['type'] !== 'pong')		{						return false;		}		$this->_connected = true;		return true;	}	public function disconnect()	{		$this->_connected = false;		is_resource($this->_Socket) and fclose($this->_Socket);	}		public function reconnect()	{		sleep(10);		$this->_connected = false;		fclose($this->_Socket);		$this->connect($this->_host, $this->_port, $this->_path, $this->_origin);			}	private function _generateRandomString($length = 10, $addSpaces = true, $addNumbers = true)	{  		$characters = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ!"ยง$%&/()=[]{}';		$useChars = array();		// select some random chars:    		for($i = 0; $i < $length; $i++)		{			$useChars[] = $characters[mt_rand(0, strlen($characters)-1)];		}		// add spaces and numbers:		if($addSpaces === true)		{			array_push($useChars, ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ');		}		if($addNumbers === true)		{			array_push($useChars, rand(0,9), rand(0,9), rand(0,9));		}		shuffle($useChars);		$randomString = trim(implode('', $useChars));		$randomString = substr($randomString, 0, $length);		return $randomString;	}		private function _hybi10Encode($payload, $type = 'text', $masked = true)	{		$frameHead = array();		$frame = '';		$payloadLength = strlen($payload);				switch($type)		{					case 'text':				// first byte indicates FIN, Text-Frame (10000001):				$frameHead[0] = 129;							break;								case 'close':				// first byte indicates FIN, Close Frame(10001000):				$frameHead[0] = 136;			break;					case 'ping':				// first byte indicates FIN, Ping frame (10001001):				$frameHead[0] = 137;			break;					case 'pong':				// first byte indicates FIN, Pong frame (10001010):				$frameHead[0] = 138;			break;		}				// set mask and payload length (using 1, 3 or 9 bytes) 		if($payloadLength > 65535)		{			$payloadLengthBin = str_split(sprintf('%064b', $payloadLength), 8);			$frameHead[1] = ($masked === true) ? 255 : 127;			for($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++)			{				$frameHead[$i+2] = bindec($payloadLengthBin[$i]);			}			// most significant bit MUST be 0 (close connection if frame too big)			if($frameHead[2] > 127)			{				$this->close(1004);				return false;			}		}		elseif($payloadLength > 125)		{			$payloadLengthBin = str_split(sprintf('%016b', $payloadLength), 8);			$frameHead[1] = ($masked === true) ? 254 : 126;			$frameHead[2] = bindec($payloadLengthBin[0]);			$frameHead[3] = bindec($payloadLengthBin[1]);		}		else		{			$frameHead[1] = ($masked === true) ? $payloadLength + 128 : $payloadLength;		}		// convert frame-head to string:		foreach(array_keys($frameHead) as $i)		{			$frameHead[$i] = chr($frameHead[$i]);		}		if($masked === true)		{			// generate a random mask:			$mask = array();			for($i = 0; $i < 4; $i++)			{				$mask[$i] = chr(rand(0, 255));			}						$frameHead = array_merge($frameHead, $mask);					}								$frame = implode('', $frameHead);		// append payload to frame:		$framePayload = array();			for($i = 0; $i < $payloadLength; $i++)		{					$frame .= ($masked === true) ? $payload[$i] ^ $mask[$i % 4] : $payload[$i];		}		return $frame;	}		private function _hybi10Decode($data)	{		$payloadLength = '';		$mask = '';		$unmaskedPayload = '';		$decodedData = array();				// estimate frame type:		$firstByteBinary = sprintf('%08b', ord($data[0]));				$secondByteBinary = sprintf('%08b', ord($data[1]));		$opcode = bindec(substr($firstByteBinary, 4, 4));		$isMasked = ($secondByteBinary[0] == '1') ? true : false;		$payloadLength = ord($data[1]) & 127;						switch($opcode)		{			// text frame:			case 1:				$decodedData['type'] = 'text';							break;					case 2:				$decodedData['type'] = 'binary';			break;						// connection close frame:			case 8:				$decodedData['type'] = 'close';			break;						// ping frame:			case 9:				$decodedData['type'] = 'ping';							break;						// pong frame:			case 10:				$decodedData['type'] = 'pong';			break;						default:				return false;			break;		}				if($payloadLength === 126)		{		   $mask = substr($data, 4, 4);		   $payloadOffset = 8;		   $dataLength = bindec(sprintf('%08b', ord($data[2])) . sprintf('%08b', ord($data[3]))) + $payloadOffset;		}		elseif($payloadLength === 127)		{			$mask = substr($data, 10, 4);			$payloadOffset = 14;			$tmp = '';			for($i = 0; $i < 8; $i++)			{				$tmp .= sprintf('%08b', ord($data[$i+2]));			}			$dataLength = bindec($tmp) + $payloadOffset;			unset($tmp);		}		else		{			$mask = substr($data, 2, 4);				$payloadOffset = 6;			$dataLength = $payloadLength + $payloadOffset;		}					if($isMasked === true)		{			for($i = $payloadOffset; $i < $dataLength; $i++)			{				$j = $i - $payloadOffset;				if(isset($data[$i]))				{					$unmaskedPayload .= $data[$i] ^ $mask[$j % 4];				}			}			$decodedData['payload'] = $unmaskedPayload;		}		else		{			$payloadOffset = $payloadOffset - 4;			$decodedData['payload'] = substr($data, $payloadOffset);		}				return $decodedData;	}}


// 使用 WebSocket 通知客户端		$client = new \Common\Library\WebSocketClient();		$client->connect($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 943, '/');			$payload = json_encode(array(			'code' => 'xxx',			'id' => '1'		));		$rs = $client->sendData($payload);			if( $rs !== true ){			echo "sendData error...\n";		}else{			echo "ok\n";		}

来自: http://my.oschina.net/skq/blog/552923

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