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####代理模式* 组成* 抽象角色:通过接口或抽象类生命真实角色实现的业务方法* 代理角色:实现抽象角色,是真是角色的代理* 真实角色:实现抽象角色,定义真实角色所要实现的业务逻辑#####实现Mysql连接类```/** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: gewenrui * Date: 16/3/13 * Time: 上午8:16 */namespace db;//php允许借口存储常量interface IConnectInfo{    //服务器名称    const HOST     = "localhost";    //用户名    const USERNAME = "root";    //密码    const PASSWORD = "";    //数据库名称444444444444444444444    const DBNAME   ="proxylog";    public function doConnect();}class UniversalConnect implements IConnectInfo{    //实现了作用域解析操作符来访问连接值    //静态变量处理速度优势,提供私有可见性提供的封装性    private static $server    = IConnectInfo::HOST;    private static $currentDB = IConnectInfo::DBNAME;    private static $username  = IConnectInfo::USERNAME;    private static $password  = IConnectInfo::PASSWORD;    private static $hookup;    public  function doConnect()    {        //连接数据库        self::$hookup = mysqli_connect(self::$server,self::$username,self::$password,self::$currentDB);        if(self::$hookup){            echo "Successfucl connection to MYSQL"."</br>";        }else if(mysqli_connect_error(self::$hookup)){            echo "".mysqli_connect_error();        }        return self::$hookup;    }}```######进行新建表操作```class CreateTable{    //设置表名    private  $tableMaster = "proxyLog";    private  $hookup;    public function __construct()    {        $this->tableMaster = "proxyLog";        $this->hookup = UniversalConnect::doConnect();        $drop = "DROP TABLE IF EXITS $this->tableMaster"."</br>";        //echo $drop;        if($this->hookup->query($drop) == true){            printf("Old table %s has been dropped"."</br>",$this->tableMaster);        }        $sql = "CREATE TABLE $this->tableMaster (uname VARCHAR(15),pw VARCHAR(120))";        //echo $sql;        if($this->hookup->query($sql) == true){            echo "Table{$this->tableMaster} has been created successful";        }        $this->hookup->close();    }}```######向表中添加数据```class HashRegister{    public function __construct()    {        $this->tableMaster = "proxyLog";        $this->hookup = UniversalConnect::doConnect();        $username = $this->hookup->real_escape_string(trim($_POST['uname']));        $password = $this->hookup->real_escape_string(trim($_POST['pw']));        $sql = "INSERT INTO $this->tableMaster(uname,pw) VALUES('$username',md5('$password'))";        echo $sql;        if($this->hookup->query($sql)){            echo "registeration conpleted";        }else if($result = $this->hookup->query($sql) == false){            printf("Invalid query : %s while query %s");            exit();            $this->hookup->close();        }    }}```#####代理模式实现用户登陆```<?php/** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: gewenrui * Date: 16/3/13 * Time: 上午10:35 */include "demo26.php";interface ISubject{    function request();}//生成一个客户端接受用户post的数据//实现登陆代理class Client{    private $proxy;    private $un;    private $pw;    public function __construct()    {        $this->tableMaster = "proxyLog";        $this->hookup = \db\UniversalConnect::doConnect();        $this->un = $this->hookup->real_escape_string(trim($_POST['uname']));        $this->pw = $this->hookup->real_escape_string(trim($_POST['pw']));        //代理模式        $this->getIface($this->proxy = new Proxy());    }    public function getIface(ISubject $proxy){        $proxy->login($this->un,$this->pw);    }}//代理类class Proxy implements ISubject{    private $tableMaster;    private $hookup;    private $logGood;    private $realSubject;    public  function login($uNow,$pwNow){        $uname = $uNow;        $pw    = md5($pwNow);        $this->logGood = false;        $this->tableMaster = "proxyLog";        $this->hookup = \db\UniversalConnect::doConnect();        $sql = "SELECT pw from $this->tableMaster WHERE uname = '$uname'";        if($result = $this->hookup->query($sql)){            $row = $result->fetch_array(MYSQLI_ASSOC);            echo $pw;            if($row['pw'] == $pw){                $this->logGood = true;            }            $result->close();        }else if(($result = $this->hookup->query($sql)===false)){            printf("failed %s",$this->hookup->error);            exit();        }        $this->hookup->close();        if($this->logGood){            //执行request方法            $this->request();        }else{            echo "username and/or password not on record";        }    }    public function request()    {        $this->realSubject = new RealSubject();        $this->realSubject ->request();    }}class RealSubject implements ISubject{    public function request()    {      $practice = <<<REQUEST        <html>        <head><body><head> data </head>        <body>        <ol>        <li>fuck u silly b</li>        </ol>        </body>        </html>REQUEST;echo $practice;    }}$data = new Client();```

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