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2016-06-20 12:30:45990browse


<?php    function pagef($every,$table){    include('../conf/config.php');    echo "<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='../css/testpg.css'>";    $url=$_SERVER["PHP_SELF"];    $pageNow =isset($_GET['pageNow'])?$_GET['pageNow']:1;    $start=($pageNow-1)*$every;    $allsql = "select * from {$table};";    // die();    // $sql = "select * from test;";    $rest = $conn->query($allsql);    $field = $rest->fetch_fields();    $fieldNum = count($field);   //字段数量    //获取数据量    $rowNum = $rest->num_rows;    // echo "记录条数:".$rowNum;    $allpage=ceil($rowNum/$every);    // echo "----每页分$every"."条时有$allpage"."页<br/>";    // $pageNow=($pageNow-1)*$every;    echo "<table class='table' border=1 cellspacing=0>";          // echo "<h3 class='info'>测试信息表   <a href='addCompany.html' class='link'>添加</a></h3>";                // echo "<h1>$pageNow"."页</h1>";                echo "<tr>";                for ($i=0; $i < $fieldNum; $i++) {                    echo "<td class='td'>".$field[$i]->name."</td>";                }          echo "</tr>";          //显示分页          $sql="select * from $table limit $start,$every;";          // echo $sql;          $newRest = $conn->query($sql);          while($row = $newRest->fetch_row()){               echo "<tr>";               for ($j=0; $j <$fieldNum ; $j++) {                   echo "<td class='td' id='td'>".$row[$j]."</td>";               }               echo "</tr>";          }    echo "</table>";    echo "<div id='divclass'>";    echo "<div id='center'>";    echo "<span class='fy'>$pageNow/$allpage</span>";    echo "<a href='{$url}?pageNow=1' class='fy'>首页</a>";    if($pageNow==1){         echo "<a href='{$url}?pageNow=1' class='fy'>上一页</a>";    }else{        $pagePre=$pageNow-1;        echo "<a href='{$url}?pageNow={$pagePre}' class='fy'>上一页</a>";    }    // echo "<a href='{$url}?pageNow={$pageNow-1}' class='fy'>上一页</a>";    // echo "<a href='{$url}?pageNow={$pageNow+1}' class='fy'>下一页</a>";    if($pageNow==$allpage){       echo "<a href='{$url}?pageNow={$allpage}' class='fy'>下一页</a>";    }else{       $pageNext=$pageNow+1;      //  echo "<h1>$pageNow</h1>";       echo "<a href='{$url}?pageNow={$pageNext}' class='fy'>下一页</a>";    }    echo "<a href='{$url}?pageNow={$allpage}' class='fy' >尾页</a>";    echo "<form action='{$url}' method='get' >";    echo "<select name='pageNow' class='option'>";    echo "<option value='1'>选择分页</option>";          for($i=1;$i<=$allpage;$i++){              echo "<option value='{$i}'>$i</option>";          }    echo "<input type='submit' value='跳转' class='button'>";    echo "</div>";  echo "</div>";$conn->close();}//实际使用一个测试数据表echo pagef(10,'test');?>


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