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php自带SOAP扩展调用web service

2016-06-14 00:02:231196browse

     提起php调用web service,在php4年代的人会立即想到用nusoap调用,这个nusoap是个好东东,不过年久未更新,恐其中会有众多漏洞了,正好已经进入了php5年代了,调用web service用自带的扩展岂不快哉!
     前提:打开php5的web service扩展
This extension makes use of the GNOME xml library. Download and install this library. You will need at least libxml-2.5.4.

This extension is only available if PHP was configured with --enable-soap<br> Windows下:<br> php.ini文件中 <font face="Verdana">extension=php_soap.dll</font> 去掉注释即可<br> <br>     其次:调用实践,以下是俺近期调用的算是一些总结吧<br> <br> <p><font face="Verdana">手册摘录:<br> SoapClient->__soapCall()<br> 说明<br> class SoapClient { </font></p> <p><font face="Verdana">mixed __soapCall ( string function_name, array arguments [, array options [, mixed input_headers [, array &output_headers]]] )</font></p> <p><font face="Verdana">}<br> This is a low level API function that is used to make a SOAP call. Usually, in WSDL mode, you can simply call SOAP functions as SoapClient methods. This method useful in non-WSDL mode when soapaction is unknown, uri differs from the default or when sending and/or receiving SOAP Headers. </font></p> <p><font face="Verdana">On error, a call to a SOAP function can cause PHP to throw exceptions or return a SoapFault object if exceptions are disabled. To check if the function call failed to catch the SoapFault exceptions, check the result with is_soap_fault(). </font></p> <p><font face="Verdana">返回值<br> SOAP functions may return one, or multiple values. If only one value is returned by the SOAP function, the return value of __soapCall will be a simple value (e.g. an integer, a string, etc). If multiple values are returned, __soapCall will return an associative array of named output parameters. </font></p> <p><font face="Verdana">范例<br> 例 1. SoapClient->__soapCall() Examples</font></p> <p><font face="Verdana"><?php </font></font></p> <p><font face="Verdana">$client = new SoapClient("some.wsdl");<br> $client->SomeFunction($a, $b, $c);</font></p> <p><font face="Verdana">$client->__soapCall("SomeFunction", array($a, $b, $c));<br> $client->__soapCall("SomeFunction", array($a, $b, $c), NULL,<br>                     new SoapHeader(), $output_headers);</font></p> <font face="Verdana"> <p><br> $client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => "http://localhost/soap.php",<br>                                      'uri'      => "http://test-uri/"));<br> $client->SomeFunction($a, $b, $c);<br> $client->__soapCall("SomeFunction", array($a, $b, $c));<br> $client->__soapCall("SomeFunction", array($a, $b, $c),<br>                     array('soapaction' => 'some_action',<br>                           'uri'        => 'some_uri'));<br> ?>  <br>  </p> <p> </p> <p>1.in WSDL mode,soapCall应用web service,例子用的是asp.net的web service,提供service.asmx页面,调用及查看都比较简单,手册上的example也大多是这个类型,比较简单</p> <p>SOAP发送的协议:</p> <p>POST /servicepath/service.asmx HTTP/1.1<br> Host:<br> Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8<br> Content-Length: length<br> SOAPAction: ""</p> <p><?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?><br> <envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"><br>   <body> <br>     <servicemethod xmlns=""><br>       <param1>string</param1><br>       <param2>string</param2><br>       <param3>string</param3><br>     </servicemethod><br>   </body> <br> </envelope></p> <p>调用方法:<br> $client = new SoapClient("http://www.xxx.com/service/service.asmx?WSDL");<br> //向SOAP服务方发送参数值<br> $param1 = "p1";<br> $param2 = "p2";<br> $param3 = "p3";</p> <p>//serviceParam1,serviceParam2,serviceParam3为发送参数值所对应的参数名(或service端提供的字段名)<br> $param = array('serviceParam1' => $param1,'serviceParam2' => $param2,'serviceParam3' => $param3);</p> <p>//方法名为ServiceMethod,参数数组为$param,默认以parameters字段标示传递的参数数组<br> $arr = $client->__soapCall('ServiceMethod',array('parameters' => $param));<br> print_r($arr);</p> <p><br> 2.in non-WSDL mode,这种情况下soapaction is unknown</p> <p>SOAP发送协议</p> <p>POST /services/SoapMethod?WSDL HTTP/1.1<br> Host:<br> Connection: Keep-Alive<br> User-Agent: PHP-SOAP/5.2.5<br> Content-Type: text/xml; charset=utf-8<br> SOAPAction: "urn:SoapMethod#ServiceMethod"<br> Content-Length: 1297</p> <p><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><br> <envelope xmlns:soap-env="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:ns1="urn:SoapMethod" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:soap-enc="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/" xmlns:ns2="" soap-env:encodingstyle="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/encoding/"><br> <body> <br> <servicemethod><br> <servicemethodsection xsi:type="ns2:ServiceObjectType"><br> <param1 xsi:type="xsd:string">01019</param1><br> <param2 xsi:type="xsd:long">10</param2><br> <param3 xsi:type="xsd:long">0</param3><br> <param4 xsi:type="xsd:long">11</param4><br> </servicemethodsection><br> </servicemethod><br> </body> <br> </envelope></p> <p>调用方法:<br> 2.1传递一个参数:<br> try {<br>       $client = new SoapClient(null,   <br>       array('location' => '','uri' => ''));    <br>       $result =  $client->__soapCall('ServiceMethod', array('fieldName' => "data")); //以数组形式传递params <br>       //$result =  $client->__soapCall('ServiceMethod', array(new SoapParam("data", 'fieldName')));  //以构造服务端参数的形式构造参数传递给服务端  <br>       var_dump($result);<br>   } <br>   catch (Exception $e) <br>   {<br>       printf("Message = %s",$e->__toString());<br>   }<br>   <br> 附:手册解释<br> class SoapParam { </p> <p>__construct ( mixed data, string name )</p> <p>}<br> 参数</p> <p>data<br> The data to pass or return. You can pass this parameter directly as PHP value, but in this case it will be named as paramN and the SOAP Service may not understand it. </p> <p>name<br> The parameter name</p> <p>2.2传递多个参数:<br> 如果服务端在non wsdl的情况下要求传递一个对象参数,该对象中包含多个属性,则code如下</p> <p>try {<br>       $client = new SoapClient(null, array('location' => '','uri' => 'urn:SoapName'));   //uri部分也可能是uri地址</p> <p>      class Obj{ <br>        public $param1 = '01019';<br>        public $param2 = 10;<br>        public $param3 = 0;<br>        public $param4 = 11;<br>       }</p> <p>    $struct = new Obj();  //创建服务端要求传递的对象<br>     //如果服务端变态到传递的参数有的参数类型是你编程语言中没有的数据类型,如本人用php,没有Java的Long类型(一般做web service都要考虑到通用性,数据类型都是string或int型,而且我认为根本没必要用Long类型。没办法服务端不改,只能我这边改)就要将参数进行强制类型转换处理,这样的处理也只是在SOAP传输中将xml的参数类型替换成服务端所要求的类型名,并不是真实转化传递的数据类型<br>     $struct->param1 = iconv('gb2312','utf-8',$struct->param1);<br>     $struct->param2 = new SoapVar($struct->param2,XSD_LONG);<br>     $struct->param3 = new SoapVar($struct->param3,XSD_LONG);<br>     $struct->param4 = new SoapVar($struct->param4,XSD_LONG);</p> <p>    //序列化对象中使用SoapVar的方法参考php手册对SoapVar的解释,每个参数都解释的很清楚<br>     $soapstruct = new SoapVar($struct, SOAP_ENC_OBJECT, "ServiceObjectType", "http://soapinterop.org/xsd"); //对象序列化,注意区分,SOAP对象的序列化不是用serialize<br>     <br>       $result =  $client-> ServiceMethod(new SoapParam($soapstruct, 'ServiceMethodSection')); <br>      //$result =  $client->__soapCall('ServiceMethod', array(new SoapParam($soapstruct, 'ServiceMethodSection')));<br>      <br>       var_dump($result);<br>   } catch (Exception $e) {<br>       printf("Message = %s",$e->__toString());<br>   }</p> <p>附:PEAR Manual中找到的SoapVar的解释<br> SoapVar<br> SoapVar -- Changes the Returntype of a variable<br> Description</p> <p>new SoapVar (mixed variable, long type)</p> <p>Warning <br> This function is EXPERIMENTAL. That means, that the behaviour of this function, the function name, in concreto ANYTHING documented here can change in a future release of this package WITHOUT NOTICE. Be warned, and use this function at your own risk.<br>  <br> You can change the return type of variable - so that it works better with non-PHP applications for example. </p> <p>type should be one of the following </p> <p>XSD_1999_TIMEINSTANT <br> XSD_STRING <br> XSD_BOOLEAN <br> XSD_DECIMAL <br> XSD_FLOAT <br> XSD_DOUBLE <br> XSD_DURATION <br> XSD_DATETIME <br> XSD_TIME <br> XSD_DATE <br> XSD_GYEARMONTH <br> XSD_GYEAR <br> XSD_GMONTHDAY <br> XSD_GDAY <br> XSD_GMONTH <br> XSD_HEXBINARY <br> XSD_BASE64BINARY <br> XSD_ANYURI <br> XSD_QNAME <br> XSD_NOTATION <br> XSD_NORMALIZEDSTRING <br> XSD_TOKEN <br> XSD_LANGUAGE <br> XSD_NMTOKEN <br> XSD_NAME <br> XSD_NCNAME <br> XSD_ID <br> XSD_IDREF <br> XSD_IDREFS <br> XSD_ENTITY <br> XSD_ENTITYS <br> XSD_INTEGER <br> XSD_NONPOSITIVEINTEGER <br> XSD_NEGATIVEINTEGER <br> XSD_LONG <br> XSD_INT <br> XSD_SHORT <br> XSD_BYTE <br> XSD_NONNEGATIVEINTEGER <br> XSD_UNSIGNEDLONG <br> XSD_UNSIGNEDINT <br> XSD_UNSIGNEDSHORT <br> XSD_UNSIGNEDBYTE <br> XSD_POSITIVEINTEGER <br> </p></font><p> <br> HTTP协议精解.rar<br> SOAP协议规范.rar<br> </p>

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