1. What this article does:
Get user operations through javascript to change url parameters to achieve certain functions, such as queries (specific queries are implemented by server-side code to obtain the parameters in the url to form a query statement) .
2. Preparation work:
A JQuery class library (the version I use is: 1.3.2), a tool class library (Tool.js, basically all codes searched online ), a query library (Search.js, written by myself), an HTML page (used for exercises), add these js codes to the HTML page of the page.
htm page
3.Search.js introduction
a. Requires the support of JQuery and Tool 2 js scripts.
b. By default, there are some id and url parameters that need to be manipulated. They are stored in _UrlHtmlIdAry and _UrlParmAry respectively. Of course, these two can be combined into one. If you want to add a new id, please start with # , and add the corresponding url parameter name.
c. The text id should preferably contain txt (the query box needs special care and needs to contain query); the time id contains date (the start time in the text contains begin, and the end time contains end); the multi-select box id contains cb; the drop-down box id contains drop. These are all for JavaScript to centrally manage.
d. When creating a Search object, a css parameter will be passed in. This css mainly implements effects such as the font color of the drop-down box when the drop-down box is not selected.
e. When the time query box is not filled in content, it defaults to "xxxx-xx-xx"; the query box (query) defaults to "keyword...". They all add the effect of the incoming css, and in the case of changing the content, the css effect is removed.
4. Call Search.js
a. First, run the htm page. Get the picture below:

b. Change var search = new Search('initCss'); in the js code in the previous htm page to var search = new Search(); Refresh the page, we will find the "keyword. ..", "xxxx-xx-xx", and the font color in the drop-down box has changed, as shown in the picture:

That’s what this parameter does. Restore the code.
c. Operate the page as you like, then press the query button or enter directly: http://localhost:1406/search.htm?way=1&query=%u4F60%u597D&date=2010-4-20&me=t&bdate=2019-1- 1&edate=2019-1-2&other=1&otherTxt=helloworld, you will get a picture similar to the one below:

The js code has bound the url parameter content to the page.
d. Remove now
search._UrlHtmlIdAry['other'] = '#dropOther';
search._UrlParmAry['other'] = 'other';
search._UrlHtmlIdAry['otherTxt'] = '#txtOther';
search._UrlParmAry['otherTxt'] = 'otherTxt';
Refresh the page and you will find that query 2 and other bound query contents are not given. This is because _UrlHtmlIdAry and _UrlParmAry do not have corresponding values at this moment, and the corresponding data is not operated. As shown in the picture,

Restore code.
e. Now change search.InitBind(Other); to search.InitBind(); and you will find that the font color of other queries is black instead of the previous red, as shown in the figure,

This is because a method parameter is not added to the InitBind() method. This parameter can expand the operation content without changing the InitBind() method. Restore the code.
The first parameter of the f.SearchApply method is ‘#’ plus the id of an operation button (the Search class will add a carriage return event for this button), and the second parameter is the URL address of the page orientation.
Five Code
//Tool class
function Tool() {
//String replacement formatting ('a{0}c{1}','b','d')= > abcd
this.FormatStr = function(str, ary) {
for (var a in ary) {
str = str.replace('{' a '}', ary[a]) ;
return str;
//The string is not empty
this.IsNoNullOrEmpty = function(str) {
if (typeof (str) == "undefined " || str == null || str == '' || str == 'undefined') {
return false;
else {
return true;
//Get URL parameters
this.GetUrlParms = function() {
var args = new Object();
var query = location.search.substring(1);
var pairs = query.split("&");
for (var i = 0; i var pos = pairs[i].indexOf('=') ;
if (pos == -1) continue;
var argname = pairs[i].substring(0, pos);
var value = pairs[i].substring(pos 1);
args[argname] = unescape(value);
return args;
//Find the position of the required character in the string, isCase = true means ignore case
this.FindStr = function(str, findStr, isCase) {
if (typeof (findStr) == 'number') {
return str.indexOf(findStr);
else {
var re = new RegExp(findStr, isCase ? 'i' : '');
var r = str.match(re);
return r == null ? -1 : r.index;
//Search the string to see if there is a corresponding character isCase = true means ignoring case
this.IsFindStr = function(str, findStr, isCase) {
return this. FindStr(str, findStr, isCase) > 0 ? true : false;
//Verify short date 2010-2-2
this.IsShortTime = function(str) {
var r = str.match(/^(d{1,4})(-|/)(d{1,2})2(d{1,2})$/);
if (r == null ) return false;
var d = new Date(r[1], r[3] - 1, r[4]);
return (d.getFullYear() == r[1] && (d .getMonth() 1) == r[3] && d.getDate() == r[4]);
function Search(initCss) {
this._Tool = new Tool();
this._UrlParmAry = { way: 'way', query: 'query', date: 'date', me: 'me', bdate: "bdate", edate: "edate" };
this._UrlHtmlIdAry = { way: '#dropWay', query: '#txtQuery', date: '#txtDate', me: '#cbShowMe', bdate: "#txtDateBegin", edate: "#txtDateEnd" };
this._DateInitStr = 'xxxx-xx-xx';
this._QueryInitStr = '关键字...';
this._Args = this._Tool.GetUrlParms();
this.InitBind = function(fnOther) {
for (var arg in this._Args) {
$(this._UrlHtmlIdAry[arg]).attr('checked', true);
this.SearchApply = function(searchId, gotoUrl) {
var searchObj = this;
$(searchId).click(function() {
window.location.href = gotoUrl searchObj.GetUrlParms();
$(document).keydown(function(event) {
if (event.which == 13) {
this.GetUrlParms = function() {
var parms = '?';
var isFirst = true;
for (var parm in this._UrlParmAry) {
htmlId = this._UrlHtmlIdAry[parm];
htmlVal = escape($(htmlId).val());
if (this._Tool.IsFindStr(htmlId, 'date', true)) {//|| this._Tool.IsFindStr(htmlId, 'Begin', true) || this._Tool.IsFindStr(htmlId, 'End', true)) {
if (this._Tool.IsNoNullOrEmpty(htmlVal) && htmlVal != this._DateInitStr && this._Tool.IsShortTime(htmlVal)) {
if (isFirst != true) parms = "&";
parms = parm '=' htmlVal; isFirst = false;
else if (this._Tool.IsFindStr(htmlId, 'query', true)) {
if (this._Tool.IsNoNullOrEmpty(htmlVal) && unescape(htmlVal) != this._QueryInitStr) {
if (isFirst != true) parms = "&";
parms = parm '=' htmlVal; isFirst = false;
else if (this._Tool.IsFindStr(htmlId, 'drop', true)) {
if (this._Tool.IsNoNullOrEmpty(htmlVal)) {
if (isFirst != true) parms = "&";
parms = parm '=' htmlVal; isFirst = false;
else if (this._Tool.IsFindStr(htmlId, 'cb', true)) {
if ($(htmlId).attr('checked')) {
if (isFirst != true) parms = "&";
parms = parm '=t'; isFirst = false;
//如果关键查询 放在 其它文本查询之前
else if (this._Tool.IsFindStr(htmlId, 'txt', true)) {
if (this._Tool.IsNoNullOrEmpty(htmlVal)) {
if (isFirst != true) parms = "&";
parms = parm '=' htmlVal; isFirst = false;
if (parms == '?') parms = '';
return parms
this.InitCssInfo = function(fnOther) {
var htmlId;
var urlParm;
for (var arg in this._UrlHtmlIdAry) {
urlParm = this._UrlParmAry[arg];
htmlId = this._UrlHtmlIdAry[arg];
if (this._Tool.IsFindStr(htmlId, 'date', true)) {// || this._Tool.IsFindStr(htmlId, 'begin', true) || this._Tool.IsFindStr(htmlId, 'end', true)) {
if ($(htmlId).val() == this._DateInitStr) $(htmlId).val(''); //兼容FF的刷新,FF刷新后仍会将先前的值带到刷新后的页面
if ($(htmlId).val() == '') {
else if (this._Tool.IsFindStr(htmlId, 'query', true)) {
if ($(htmlId).val() == this._QueryInitStr) $(htmlId).val(''); //兼容FF的刷新,FF刷新后仍会将先前的值带到刷新后的页面
if ($(htmlId).val() == '') {
else if (this._Tool.IsFindStr(htmlId, 'drop', true)) {
if (typeof (fnOther) == 'function') {
setTimeout(fnOther, 0);
this.QueryTxTEvent = function(htmlId) {
var searchObj = this;
$(htmlId).blur(function() {
if ($(this).val() == '') {
$(htmlId).focus(function() {
if ($(this).val() == searchObj._QueryInitStr) {
this.TimeTxTEvent = function(htmlId) {
var searchObj = this;
$(htmlId).blur(function() {
if (searchObj._Tool.IsShortTime($(this).val())) {
else if ($(this).val() != '') {
if ($(this).val() == '') {
else {
$(htmlId).focus(function() {
if ($(this).val() == searchObj._DateInitStr) {
this.DropEvent = function(htmlId) {
$(htmlId).change(function() {
//For browser compatibility, different browsers have different font color settings for select
function dropCss(htmlId) {
if ($(htmlId).val() != '') {
$( htmlId).removeClass(initCss);
var count = 0;
$(htmlId ' option:first').addClass(initCss);
else {
$(htmlId) .addClass(initCss);
var count = 0;
$(htmlId ' option').each(function() {
if (count > 0) {
$(this). css('color', 'black');
count ;
6. Summary: This Search class brings a lot of convenience to work. Of course, my learning of js and JQuery is still in its infancy. If there are bugs, please report them and I will make changes in time.
7. DownloadCode package download