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 * Mysql操作类


 * 文件名称  Db.class.php


 * 文件描述  mysql操作类



class Db{


    protected $link = null;


    public $table = '';


    protected $options = array();


    protected $sql = '';


    protected $dbCharset = 'utf8';


    protected $cachePath = './cache/';


    protected $cacheFileExt = "php";


    protected $cacheFileName;


    protected $cache = false;


    protected $cacheLimitTime = 60;

    //数据返回类型, 1代表数组, 2代表对象

    protected $returnType = 1;


   * 根据当前动态文件生成缓存文件名


	function setCacheFileName($fileName) {

		$cacheFileName = $this->cachePath . strtoupper(md5($fileName)).".".$this->cacheFileExt;




   * 根据当前动态文件生成缓存文件名


	function getCacheFileName() {

		return  $this->cacheFileName;



     * 连接数据库


     * @access      public

     * @param       array    $db  数据库配置

     * @return      resource 数据库连接标识


    public function connect($db){


        $db['host'] = isset($db['port']) ? $db['host'].':'.$db['port']: $db['host'];

        $db['char'] = isset($db['char']) ? $db['char']: $this->dbCharset;

        $func = $db['pconnect'] ? 'mysql_pconnect' : 'mysql_connect';

        $this->link = $func($db['host'], $db['user'], $db['pwd']);

        mysql_select_db($db['database'], $this->link);

        mysql_query("SET NAMES '{$db['char']}'");

        $this->cachePath = isset($db['cachepath']) ? $db['cachepath']: $this->cachePath;

        return $this->link;



     * 查询符合条件的一条记录


     * @access      public

     * @param       string    $where  查询条件

     * @param       string    $field  查询字段

     * @param       string    $table  表

     * @return      mixed             符合条件的记录


    public function find($where = NULL, $field = '*', $table = ''){

        return $this->findAll($where = NULL, $field = '*', $table = '', FALSE);



     * 查询符合条件的所有记录


     * @access      public

     * @param       string    $where  查询条件

     * @param       string    $field  查询字段

     * @param       string    $table  表

     * @return      mixed             符合条件的记录


    public function findAll($where = NULL, $field = '*', $table = '', $all = TRUE){

        $this->options['where'] = is_null($where) ? @$this->options['where']: $where;

        $this->options['field'] = isset($this->options['field']) ? $this->options['field']: $field;

        $this->options['table'] = $table == '' ? $this->table: $table;

        $sql = "SELECT {$this->options['field']} FROM `{$this->options['table']}` ";

        $sql .= isset($this->options['join']) ? ' LEFT JOIN '.$this->options['join']: '';

        $sql .= isset($this->options['where']) ? ' WHERE '.$this->options['where']: '';

        $sql .= isset($this->options['group']) ? ' GROUP BY '.$this->options['group']: '';

        $sql .= isset($this->options['having']) ? ' HAVING '.$this->options['having']: '';

        $sql .= isset($this->options['order']) ? ' ORDER BY '.$this->options['order']: '';

        $sql .= isset($this->options['limit']) ? ' LIMIT '.$this->options['limit']: '';

        $this->sql = $sql;

        $row = NULL;

        //如果开启了缓存, 那么重缓存中获取数据

        if ($this->cache === TRUE){


            $row = $this->readCache();


        //如果读取失败, 或则没有开启缓存

        if (is_null($row)){

            $result = $this->query();

            $row = $all === TRUE ? $this->fetchAll($result): $this->fetch($result);

            //如果开启了缓存, 那么就写入

            if ($this->cache === TRUE){



            $this->options = array();


        return $row;



     * 读取结果集中的所有记录到数组中


     * @access public

     * @param  resource  $result  结果集

     * @return array


    public function fetchAll($result = NULL){

        $rows = array();

        while ($row = $this->fetch($result)){

            $rows[] = $row;


        return $rows;



     * 读取结果集中的一行记录到数组中


     * @access public

     * @param  resource  $result  结果集

     * @param  int       $type    返回类型, 1为数组, 2为对象

     * @return mixed              根据返回类型返回


    public function fetch($result = NULL, $type = NULL){

        $result = is_null($result) ? $this->result: $result;

        $type = is_null($type) ? $this->returnType: $type;

        $func = $type === 1 ? 'mysql_fetch_assoc' : 'mysql_fetch_object';

        return $func($result);



     * 执行SQL命令


     * @access      public

     * @param       string    $sql    SQL命令

     * @param       resource  $link   数据库连接标识

     * @return      mixed             数据库结果集


    public function query($sql = '', $link = NULL){

        $sql = empty($sql) ? $this->sql: $sql;

        $link = is_null($link) ? $this->link: $link;

        $this->result = mysql_query($sql, $link);

        if (is_resource($this->result)){

            return $this->result;


        //如果执行SQL出现错误, 那么抛出异常

        exit('<strong>Mysql error:</strong>'.$this->getError());



     * 执行SQL命令


     * @access      public

     * @param       string    $sql    SQL命令

     * @param       resource  $link   数据库连接标识

     * @return      bool              是否执行成功


    public function execute($sql = '', $link = NULL){

        $sql = empty($sql) ? $this->sql: $sql;

        $link = is_null($link) ? $this->link: $link;

        if (mysql_query($sql, $link)){

            return TRUE;


        return FALSE;



     * 插入记录


     * @access public

     * @param  array  $data  插入的记录, 格式:array('字段名'=>'值', '字段名'=>'值');

     * @param  string $table 表名

     * @return bool          当前记录id


    public function add($data, $table = NULL){

        $table = is_null($table) ? $this->table: $table;

        $sql = "INSERT INTO `{$table}`";

        $fields = $values = array();

        $field = $value = '';

        //遍历记录, 格式化字段名称与值

        foreach($data as $key => $val){

            $fields[] = "`{$table}`.`{$key}`";

            $values[] = is_numeric($val) ? $val : "'{$val}'";


        $field = join(',', $fields);

        $value = join(',', $values);

        unset($fields, $values);

        $sql .= "({$field}) VALUES({$value})";

        $this->sql = $sql;


        return $this->insertId();



     * 删除记录


     * @access public

     * @param  string  $where  条件

     * @param  string  $table  表名

     * @return bool            影响行数


    public function delete($where = NULL, $table = NULL){

        $table = is_null($table) ? $this->table: $table;

        $where = is_null($where) ? @$this->options['where']: $where;

        $sql = "DELETE FROM `{$table}` WHERE {$where}";

        $this->sql = $sql;


        return $this->affectedRows();



     * 更新记录


     * @access public

     * @param  array   $data   更新的数据 格式:array('字段名' => 值);

     * @param  string  $where  更新条件

     * @param  string  $table  表名

     * @return bool            影响多少条信息


    public function update($data, $where = NULL, $table = NULL){

        $table = is_null($table) ? $this->table: $table;

        $where = is_null($where) ? @$this->options['where']: $where;

        $sql = "UPDATE `{$table}` SET ";

        $values = array();

        foreach($data as $key => $val){

            $val = is_numeric($val) ? $val : "'{$val}'";

            $values[] = "`{$table}`.`{$key}` = {$val}";


        $value = join(',', $values);

        $this->sql = $sql.$value." WHERE {$where}";


        return $this->affectedRows();



     * 读取缓存


     * @access      public

     * @return      mixed   如果读取成功返回缓存内容, 否则返回NULL


    protected function readCache(){

        $file = $this->getCacheFileName();

        if (file_exists($file)){


            if ((filemtime($file) + $this->cacheLimitTime) < time()){


                return NULL;


            if (1 === $this->returnType){

                $row = include $file;



                $data = file_get_contents($file);

                $row = unserialize($data);


            return $row;


        return NULL;



     * 写入缓存


     * @access      public

     * @param       mixed   $data   缓存内容

     * @return      bool            是否写入成功


    public function writeCache($data){

        $file = $this->getCacheFileName();

        if ($this->makeDir(dirname($file))){

            if (1 === $this->returnType){

				$data = '<?php return '.var_export($data, TRUE).';?>';


				$data = serialize($data);



        return file_put_contents($file, $data);



	 * 清除缓存文件

	 * string $fileName 指定文件名(含函数)或者all(全部)

	 * 返回:清除成功返回true,反之返回false


	function clearCache( $fileName = "all" ) {

		if( $fileName != "all" ) {

			if( file_exists( $fileName ) ) {

				return @unlink( $fileName );

			}else return false;


		if ( is_dir( $this->cachePath ) ) {

			if ( $dir = @opendir( $this->cachePath ) ) {

				while ( $file = @readdir( $dir ) ) {

					$check = is_dir( $file );

					if ( !$check )

					@unlink( $this->cachePath . $file );


				@closedir( $dir );

				return true;


				return false;



		  return false;




	   * 连续建目录

	   * string $dir 目录字符串

	   * int $mode   权限数字

	   * 返回:顺利创建或者全部已建返回true,其它方式返回false


	function makeDir( $dir, $mode = "0777" ) {

		if( ! $dir ) return 0;

		$dir = str_replace( "\\", "/", $dir );


		$mdir = "";

		foreach( explode( "/", $dir ) as $val ) {

			$mdir .= $val."/";

			if( $val == ".." || $val == "." || trim( $val ) == "" ) continue;


			if( ! file_exists( $mdir ) ) {

				if(!@mkdir( $mdir, $mode )){

					return false;




		return true;


	//自动加载函数, 实现特殊操作

    public function __call($func, $args)


         if(in_array($func, array('field', 'join', 'where', 'order', 'group', 'limit', 'having')))


               $this->options[$func] = array_shift($args);

               return $this;

         } elseif($func === 'table'){

               $this->options['table'] = array_shift($args);

               $this->table            = $this->options['table'];

               return $this;


        //如果函数不存在, 则抛出异常

         exit('Call to undefined method Db::' . $func . '()');




    public function affectedRows($link = null){

		$link = is_null($link) ? $this->link : $link;

		return mysql_affected_rows($link);



    public function insertId($link = null){

        $link = is_null($link) ? $this->link : $link;

        return mysql_insert_id($link);



    public function free($result = null){

         $result = is_null($result) ? $this->result : $result;

         return mysql_free_result($result);



	public function getError($link = NULL){

        $link = is_null($link) ? $this->link : $link;

        return mysql_error($link);



	public function getErrno($link = NULL){

        $link = is_null($link) ? $this->link : $link;

        return mysql_errno($link);






include ('DB.php');   //引入类文件

$db = new Db();    //实例化mysql操作类


$config['host']     = 'localhost';   //mysql主机

$config['user']     = 'root';        //用户

$config['pwd']      = '';            //密码

$config['port']     = '3306';        //端口

$config['database'] = 'message';     //数据库

$config['char']     = 'utf8';        //字符集

$config['pconnect'] = FALSE;         //是否使用持久性连接

$link = $db->connect($config);  //传入配置, 连接数据库, $link为连接标识

$rows = $db->table('test')->field('*')->order('id DESC')->limit(0, 10)->findAll();

//上面的操作, 相当于执行SQL命令: SELECT * FROM test ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 0, 10;




// 执行的效果和上面相同, 但是多了一个cache方法,也就缓存了这次查询 cache()有三个参数, cache(缓存名称, 有效时间, 缓存路径); 缓存名称默认是使用md5(SQL命令)为名称, 有效时间默认为1分钟, 缓存路径可以在连接数据库时进行配置


$data = array(

       'name'  => 'xiaokai',

       'pass'  => '123456',



// 这样就插入了一条记录 注意这里$data的格式为 array('字段名称1' => '值1', '字段名称2' => '值2', .....);

//相当于执行SQL命令: INSERT INTO test(`name`, `pass`) VALUES('xiaokai', '123456');

//朋友们可能奇怪了, add 函数并没有传入表名称啊, 为什么会执行这样的SQL命令呢?

//其实在上面查询的时候就已经使用$db->table('test')方法了, 这里已经传入了表名称, 所以在操作就不需要指定表名称了.

//有插入就有删除, 下面来删除

$db->delete('id = 10');

//这样就删除了test表中 id为10的记录

//相当于执行SQL命令: DELETE FROM test WHERE id = 10;


//下面构造数组, 然后更新一条记录

$data = array(

       'name'  => '123456',

       'pass'  => 'xiaokai',


$db->update($data, 'id = 10');


//相当于执行SQL命令: UPDATE test set name = '123456', pass = 'xiaokai' WHERE id = 10; 


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