Home >Backend Development >PHP Tutorial > php用mysqli模块连数据库Fatal error: Call to a member function query() 。解决思路
php用mysqli模块连数据库Fatal error: Call to a member function query() 。。。。
出现了这个错误:Fatal error: Call to a member function query() on a non-object in D:\wamp\www\bills\model\UserDB.class.php on line 24
<!-- Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware) http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/ --> <?php class Database { var $mysqli; var $showError; public function _construct($configFile="config.inc.php") { require_once($configFile); $this->mysqli=new mysqli($dbhost,$dbuser,$dbpwd,$dbname); if(mysqli_connect_errno()) { echo "物品数据库连接失败!"; } } public function close() { if($this->mysqli) $this->mysqli->close(); $this->mysqli=FALSE; } public function _destruct() { $this->close(); } } class UserDB extends Database { public function queryUserByName($name) { $query="SELECT * FROM Users WHERE name='".$name."'"; if ($result=$this->mysqli->query($query)) //此处提示出错!! return true; else return false; }
<!-- Code highlighting produced by Actipro CodeHighlighter (freeware) http://www.CodeHighlighter.com/ --> <?php function __autoload($className) { include_once "../model/".$className.".class.php"; } $udb=new UserDB(); //明明初始化了,可是到类里面就出错? $idb=new ItemsDB(); echo "jinlaile"; // if(isset($_COOKIE("userInfo"))) // { // $userInfo=unserialize($_COOKIE("userInfo")); // } switch($_GET["action"]) { case "register": $lvalue=$_POST; $rtmp=$udb->queryUserByName($lvalue["name"]); echo "alert"; if($rtmp) //这个名字没有注册 { $rusers=new User($lvalue); if($udb->addUser($rusers)) { setcookie("start",0); setcookie("userInfo",serialize($rusers)); setcookie("username",$rusers->name); header("Location:../view/index.php"); } else header("Location:../view/errors.php?value=tianjia"); } break; }