For example: or = '100px'. It should be noted here that the size unit (such as px) must be specified when setting any geometric properties. At the same time, any geometric properties return a string representing the style instead of A numerical value (e.g. '100px' instead of 100). In addition, operations like can also obtain the style value set in the element's style attribute. If you put the styles in a CSS file, the above method will only return an empty string. In order to obtain the real and final style of the element, the book gives a function
Understanding how to obtain the position of an element on the page is the key to constructing interactive effects. First review the characteristics of the position attribute value in CSS.
static: Static positioning, this is the default way of positioning elements, it simply follows the document flow. But when the element is positioned statically, the top and left attributes are invalid.
relative: Relative positioning, the element will continue to follow the document flow unless affected by other instructions. Setting the top and left attributes causes the element to be offset relative to its original position.
Absolute: Absolute positioning. An absolutely positioned element is completely out of the document flow. It will be displayed relative to its first non-statically positioned ancestor element. If there is no such ancestor element, its positioning will be relative to the entire document. .
fixed: Fixed positioning positions the element relative to the browser window. It completely ignores browser scrollbar dragging.
The author has encapsulated a cross-browser function for obtaining the page position of an element
There are several important element attributes: offsetParent, offsetLeft, offsetTop (you can click directly to the relevant page of the Mozilla Developer Center)
return elem.parentNode == elem.offsetParent ?
elem.offsetLeft :
// otherwise , we need to find the position relative to the entire
// page for both elements, and find the difference
pageX(elem) - pageX(elem.parentNode);
//find the vertical positioning of an element within its parent
function parentY(elem) {
//if the offsetParent is the element's parent, break early
return elem.parentNode == elem.offsetParent ?
elem .offsetTop :
// otherwise, we need to find the position relative to the entire
// page for both elements, and find the difference
pageY(elem) - pageY(elem.parentNode);
The last problem with element position is to obtain the position of the element when positioning the css (non-static) container. With getStyle, this problem is easily solved
//find the left position of an element
function posX(elem) {
//get the computed style and get the number out of the value
return parseInt(getStyle(elem, 'left'));
//find the top position of an element
function posY(elem) {
/ /get the computed style and get the number out of the value
return parseInt(getStyle(elem, 'top'));
Next is to set the position of the element, this Very simple.
//a function for setting the horizontal position of an element
function setX(elem, pos) {
//set the 'left' css property, using pixel units = pos 'px';
// a function for setting the vertical position of an element
function setY(elem, pos) {
//set the 'top' css property, using pixel units = pos 'px' ;
There are two more functions, used to adjust the current position of the element, which are very practical in animation effects
//a function for adding a number of pixels to the horizontal
//position of an element
function addX( elem, pos) {
//get the current horz. position and add the offset to it
setX(elem, posX(elem) pos);
//a function that can be used to add a number of pixels to the
//vertical position of an element
function addY(elem, pos) {
//get the current vertical position and add the offset to it
setY (elem, posY(elem) pos);
After knowing how to get the position of the element, let’s take a look at how to get the size of the element.
Get the current height and width of the element
function getHeight(elem) {
return parseInt( getStyle(elem, 'height'));
function getWidth(elem) {
return parseInt(getStyle(elem, 'width'));
In most cases, the above method is sufficient, but problems may arise in some animation interactions. For example, for animations that start at 0 pixels, you need to know in advance how high or wide the element can be. Secondly, when the display attribute of the element is none, you will not get the value. Both of these problems occur when performing animations. For this purpose the author gives functions to obtain the potential height and width of elements.
//요소의 가능한 전체 높이 찾기
function fullHeight(elem) {
//요소가 표시되면 offsetHeight를 사용하여 높이를 가져옵니다. , getHeight()
if(getStyle(elem, 'display') != 'none')
return elem.offsetHeight || getHeight(elem)
//그렇지 않으면 다음과 같이 표시를 처리해야 합니다. 요소가 없으므로 보다 정확한 읽기를 위해 CSS 속성을 재설정합니다.
var old = ResetCSS(elem, {
position:'absolute '
//clientHeigh를 사용하여 요소의 전체 높이를 알아보세요. 아직 작동하지 않으면 getHeight 함수를 사용하세요.
var h = elem.clientHeight ||
/ /마지막으로 CSS의 원래 속성을 복원합니다.
restoreCSS(elem, old)
//요소의 전체 높이를 반환합니다.
return h; //요소의 전체 높이 찾기, 가능한 너비
function fullWidth(elem) {
// 요소가 표시되면 offsetWidth를 사용하여 너비를 가져옵니다. offsetWidth()를 사용합니다.
if(getStyle(elem, 'display') != 'none')
Return elem.offsetWidth || getWidth(elem)
//그렇지 않으면 디스플레이를 없음으로 처리해야 합니다. 이므로 정확성을 높이기 위해 CSS를 재설정합니다.
var old = ResetCSS(elem, {
읽기 });//clientWidth를 사용하면 요소의 전체 높이를 찾을 수 있습니다. 아직 작동하지 않으면 getWidth 함수를 사용하세요.
var w = elem.clientWidth || getWidth(elem)// 마지막으로 원본 CSS를 복원합니다
restoreCSS(elem , old);
//요소의 전체 너비를 반환합니다.
return w;
//CSS 세트를 설정하는 함수입니다. Properties
function ResetCSS(elem, prop) {
var old = {};//각 속성 탐색
for(var i in prop) {
//이전 속성 값 기록
old[i] =[i] ;
//새 값 설정[i] = prop[i];
return old; >}
//원래 CSS 속성 복원
function RestoreCSS(elem, prop) {
for(var i in prop)[i] = prop[i]
그리고 내용이 많아서 내일 계속하겠습니다. 노트북 화면이 너무 작아서 글을 쓸 때마다 계속 전환됩니다. 그리고 앞으로. . . 이제 듀얼 디스플레이를 구입할 시간입니다!