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A progressbar widget_jquery based on jquery

2016-05-16 18:17:361194browse

Demo website for this project http://wijmo.com/Wijmo-Open/samples/

Copy codeThe code is as follows:

* wijprogressbar Widget. V1.0
* Copyright (c) Componentone Inc.
* Depends:
* Jquery-1.4.2.js
* jquery.ui.core.js
* jquery.ui.widget.js
*Optional dependence for effect settings:
* jquery.effects.core.js
* jquery.effects.blind.js
* jquery.effects.bounce.js
* jquery.effects.clip.js
* jquery.effects.drop.js
* jquery.effects.explode.js
* jquery.effects.fold.js
* jquery.effects.hightlight.js
* jquery.effects.pulsate.js
* jquery.effects.scale.js
* jquery.effects.shake.js
* jquery.effects.slide.js
* jquery.effects.transfer.js

(function ($) {
$.widget("ui.wijprogressbar", $.ui.progressbar, {
options: {
///The label's alignment on the progress bar. The value should be "east", "west", "center", "north", "south" or "running".
///Code sample:$('.selector').wijprogressbar('option','labelAlign','center').

labelAlign: "center",
///The value of the progress bar,the type should be numeric.
///Code sample:$('.selector').wijprogressbar('option','value',60).

maxValue: 100,
///The minimum value of the progress bar,the type should be numeric.
///Code sample:$('.selector').wijprogressbar('option','minValue',0).

minValue: 0,
///The fill direction of the progress bar.the value should be "east", "west", "north" or "south".
///Code sample:$('.selector').wijprogressbar('option','fillDirection','east').

fillDirection: "east",
///The progressbar's orientation.the value should be 'horizontal' or 'vertical'.
///Code sample:$('selector').wijprogressbar('option','orientation','horizontal').

///orientation: "horizontal",
///Sets the format of the label text.The available formats are as follows:
///{0} or {ProgressValue} express the current progress Value.
///{1} or {PercentProgress} express the current percent of the progress bar.
///{2} or {RemainingProgress} express the remaining progress of the progress bar.
///{3} or {PercentageRemaining} express the remaining percent of the progress bar.
///{4} or {Min} express the min Vlaue of the progress bar.
///{5} or {Max} express the max Value of the progress bar.
///Code sample:$('.selector').wijprogressbar('option','labelFormatString','{0}%').

labelFormatString: "{1}%",
///Set the format of the ToolTip of the progress bar,the expression of the format like the labelFormatString.
///Code sample:$('.selector').wijprogressbar('option','toolTipFormatString','{1}%').

toolTipFormatString: "{1}%",
///The increment of the progress bar's indicator.

///Code sample:$('.selector').wijprogressbar('option','indicatorIncrement',10).
indicatorIncrement: 1,
///The Image's url of the indicator.
///Code sample:$('.selector').wijprogressbar('option','indicatorImage','images/abc.png').

indicatorImage: "",
///The delay of the progressbar's animation.
///Code sample:$('.selector').wijprogressbar('option',

animationDelay: 0,
///The options parameter of the jQuery's animation.
///Code sample:$('.selector').wijprogressbar('option','animationOptions',{animated:'progress',duration:600}).

animationOptions: {
animated: 'progress',
duration: 500
     //when set the options, trigger this method.
_setOption: function (key, value) {
var val, self = this;
switch (key) {
case "value":
val = parseInt(value);
self.options[key] = val;
case "maxValue":
case "minValue":
val = parseInt(value);
self.options[key] = val;
self[key === "maxValue" ? "max" : "min"] = val;
case "labelFormatString":
case "toolTipFormatString":
self.options[key] = value;
//$.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply(this, arguments);
case "orientation":
case "fillDirection":
case "labelAlign":
case "indicatorImage":
self.options[key] = value;
//$.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply(this, arguments);
case "indicatorIncrement":
value = (value == 0 ? 1 : value);
self.options[key] = value;
default: break;
$.Widget.prototype._setOption.apply(self, arguments);
     ///create the widget
_create: function () {
var self = this;
self.min = self.options.minValue;
self.max = self.options.maxValue;
$.ui.progressbar.prototype._create.apply(self, arguments);
self.label = $("").addClass("ui-progressbar-label ui-corner-left").appendTo(self.valueDiv);
self._isInit = true;
     ///Trigger the pressbar event.
_triggerEvent: function (eventName, oldValue, newValue, cancel) {
var ea = $.Event(eventName);
ea.data = {
oldValue: oldValue,
newValue: newValue,
cancel: cancel
this._trigger(eventName, ea);
return ea.data.cancel;
    //refresh the progress value.
_refreshValue: function () {
var self = this;
if (!self._isInit) {
var value = self.value();
var percent = (value - self.min) / (self.max - self.min) * 100;
var o = self.options;

var cancel = self._triggerEvent("beforeProgressChanging", self.element.attr("aria-valuenow"), value, false);
if (cancel) {
width: "",
height: ""
          // If have animation.
if (o.animationOptions.animated && o.animationOptions.duration > 0) {
setTimeout($.proxy(function () {
var o = self.options.animationOptions;
var animateOptions = {
content: self.valueDiv,
complete: $.proxy(function () {
self._triggerEvent("progressChanged", self.element.attr("aria-valuenow"), value, false);
}, self),
step: $.proxy(function (ovalue) {
}, self),
processValue: percent
var animations = $.ui.wijprogressbar.animations;
var duration = o.duration;
var easing = o.animated;
if (easing && !animations[easing]) {
easing = "progress";
if (!animations[easing]) {
animations[easing] = function (options) {
this.progress(options, {
easing: easing,
duration: duration || 1000
animations[easing](animateOptions, self.options.animationOptions);

}, self), o.animationDelay);
else {
//trigger the progressChanged event.
var oldValue = self.element.attr("aria-valuenow");
self._triggerEvent("progressChanged", oldValue, value, false);
       ///Set the label's position of the progress bar.
_setLabelSide: function () {
var self = this;
var fillDirection = self.options.fillDirection;
var labelAlign = self.options.labelAlign;
if (self._isHorizontal()) {
if (labelAlign === "west" || labelAlign === "east" || labelAlign === "center") {
self.label.css("width", self.element.width() 'px');
if (labelAlign === "running") {
self.label.css("width", "auto");
else {
self.element.css("line-height", "normal");
self.valueDiv.css("line-height", "normal");
self.label.css("height", labelAlign === "north" ? self.element.height() 'px' : "auto");
else {
if (labelAlign === "west" || labelAlign === "east" || labelAlign === "center") {
self.label.css({ "line-height": self.element.height() 'px', "width": self.element.width() 'px' });
if (labelAlign === "running") {
self.label.css({ "height": "auto", "width": self.element.width() 'px' });
else {
self.element.css("line-height", "normal");
self.valueDiv.css("line-height", "normal");
self.label.css("height", labelAlign === "north" ? self.element.height() 'px' : "auto");
       ///get the progress bar's progress orientation.
_isHorizontal: function () {
return this.options.fillDirection === "west" || this.options.fillDirection === "east";
    ///start the progress
startTask: function () {
/// Start the progress
if ($(":animated", this.element).length == 0) {
var value = this.value();
       ///stop the progress
stopTask: function () {
/// Stop the progress
       //init the progress bar
_initElements: function () {
var self = this;
var o = self.options;
self.element.removeClass("ui-wijprogressbar-west ui-wijprogressbar-east ui-wijprogressbar-north ui-wijprogressbar-south").addClass("ui-wijprogressbar-" o.fillDirection);
var height = self.element.height();
self.valueDiv.css("line-height", "");
self.label.removeClass("lb_west lb_east lb_south lb_north lb_center lb_running").addClass("lb_" o.labelAlign)
.css("line-height", "").css({
left: "",
right: "",
top: "",
bottom: ""
if (self._isHorizontal()) {
.css("line-height", height "px");
else {
if (self.options.indicatorImage !== "") {
self.valueDiv.css("background", "transparent url(" self.options.indicatorImage ") repeat fixed");
     ///refresh the progress
_refreshProgress: function (value) {
var self = this;
var ea = new $.Event('progressChanging');
var nowValue = value * (self.max - self.min) / 100 self.min;
var o = self.options;
var cancel = self._triggerEvent("progressChanging", self.element.attr("aria-valuenow"), nowValue, false);
if (cancel) {
if (self._isHorizontal()) {
self.valueDiv.toggleClass(o.fillDirection === "east" ? "ui-corner-right" : "ui-corner-left", value === self.max).width(value "%");
else {
self.valueDiv.toggleClass(o.fillDirection === "south" ? "ui-corner-bottom" : "ui-corner-top", value === self.max).height(value "%");
self.element.attr("aria-valuenow", nowValue);
var txt = self._getFormatString(o.labelFormatString, value);
var _tooTip = self._getFormatString(o.toolTipFormatString, value);
self.element.attr("title", _tooTip);
     ///play progress animation.
_performAnimating: function (obj) {
var self = this;
var len = Math.floor(obj / self.options.indicatorIncrement);
obj = len * self.options.indicatorIncrement;
var o = self.options;

if (o.labelAlign === "running") {
if (self._isHorizontal()) {
var eleWidth = self.element.width();
var labelWidth = self.label.outerWidth();
var progressWidth = self.valueDiv.outerWidth();
var left = eleWidth === progressWidth ? eleWidth - labelWidth : obj * eleWidth / 100 - labelWidth labelWidth * (eleWidth - progressWidth) / eleWidth;
self.label.css(o.fillDirection === "east" ? "left" : "right", left);
else {
var eleHeight = self.element.height();
var labelHeight = self.label.outerHeight();
var progressHeight = self.valueDiv.outerHeight();
var top = eleHeight === progressHeight ? eleHeight - labelHeight : obj * eleHeight / 100 - labelHeight labelHeight * (eleHeight - progressHeight) / eleHeight;
self.label.css(o.fillDirection === "south" ? "top" : "bottom", top);
       //set the label'text
_setLabelsText: function (text) {
if (!this._isHorizontal() && this.options.labelAlign === "rightOrBottom") {
this.label.html('' text '');

       //format the text
_getFormatString: function (format, val) {
var self = this;
var processValue = parseInt(self.element.attr("aria-valuenow"));
var remainingProcess = self.max - processValue
var percentProgress = val;
var percentageRemaining = 100 - val;
var r = /{0}/g;
format = format.replace(r, processValue.toString());
r = /{ProgressValue}/g;
format = format.replace(r, processValue.toString());
r = /{1}/g;
format = format.replace(r, percentProgress.toString());
r = /{PercentProgress}/g;
format = format.replace(r, percentProgress.toString());
r = /{2}/g;
format = format.replace(r, remainingProcess.toString());
r = /{RemainingProgress}/g;
format = format.replace(r, remainingProcess.toString());
r = /{3}/g;
format = format.replace(r, percentageRemaining.toString());
r = /{PercentageRemaining}/g;
format = format.replace(r, percentageRemaining.toString());
r = /{4}/g;
format = format.replace(r, self.min);
r = /{Min}/g;
format = format.replace(r, self.min);
r = /{5}/g;
format = format.replace(r, self.max);
r = /{Max}/g;
format = format.replace(r, self.max);
return format;
     ///위젯을 파괴합니다.
destroy: function () {
this.element.removeClass("ui-wijprogressbar ui-widget ui-widget -content ui-corner-all ui-wijprogressbar-h").removeAttr("title");
$.Widget.prototype.destroy.apply(this, 인수);
 ///진행률 표시줄 애니메이션. 사용자가 맞춤 애니메이션을 작성하려면 애니메이션 옵션을 재정의할 수 있습니다. 그리고 애니메이션을 옵션 키로 설정하세요.
$.extend($.ui.wijprogressbar, {
animations: {
진행: 함수(옵션, 추가) {
options = $.extend({
easing: "swing",
기간: 1000
}, 옵션, 추가);
options.content.stop(true, true).animate({
widthvalue: options.processValue
}, options)
}); })(jQuery);

위젯은 주로 UI 수준을 다룹니다. 실용적인지 여부는 jQuery의 기존 CSS 프레임워크를 활용해야 알 수 있습니다. themeRoller를 사용하면 스킨을 쉽게 변경할 수 있습니다. 기능에 관해서는 사용자 피드백을 통해 점진적으로 개선될 수 있습니다.
이 진행률 표시줄 자체는 jQuery ui 진행률 표시줄에서 상속되었습니다. 오픈소스이기 때문에 좋은 아이디어만 있으면 필요한 기능을 추가할 수 있습니다.
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