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A summary of learning experience for friends who want to learn Javascript_Basic knowledge

2016-05-16 18:15:27848browse






如果不是一个好的前端工程师,他很难告诉你为什么我们现在提倡使用闭包把以前的全局变量放到闭包中作为闭包函数的局部变量?他也很难对 Javascript变量作用域的相关知识跟你讲透彻。在Javascript里能够形成scope(作用域)的东西有哪些?为什么说全局变量是魔鬼?闭包又是怎么产生的作用域?等等这样很基础,但很重要的知识的意义,他不清楚,将给你听,让你明白这些知识和他们的意义就更困难。




为什么?因为就目前来说,大家(国内甚至是国外的程序员)普遍对Javascript这门编程语言(请允许我这么说)了解和研究得不够深,至少不像大家对 JAVA,C#等这样的语言了解的和研究得那么透。所以这个就引起了另一个问题,现在市面上Javascript的书籍对Javascript这门语言的讲解都不够深入和全面。当然是相对JAVA,C#这样的语言来说。所以这就导致了,学Javascript很困难。当然学任何一门编程语言,特别是学好,学精都不容易。

不过也有好的消息,就是现在大家对Javascript的重视和更深入的研究,现在Javascript书籍里讲解的内容也要比4年前质量高出太多了,可以这么说,你现在开始Javascript正是时候哦!呵呵!所以这里也给大家一个经验,买Javascript的书,最好不要买4年前,也就是2005 年前出版的。最好买近两年出版的书。



如果仔细想想,这个也是很可怕的事情。为什么?因为大家都不再去花心思去研究Javascript底层的知识,只是一味的在这些库的帮助下,构建那些炫目的特效(还好,这些库都是免费的)。或者干脆直接用别人写好的插件。都不知道万一这些库要是开始收费(只是瞎想想),怎么办?还有就是这些库比如有别有用心的人,在中加点什么恶意的东西,我想很难有人会从头到位把一个库研究个透。你怎么办?最严重的就是编程能力的下降,但给人的感觉是入门的门槛更底了。不要被“The Write Less, Do More”这样的广告迷惑了,因为在你加载这个库的同时,别忘了“Size of your web page is much bigger, or say the size is HUGE".

所以当大家使用这些库的时候,我希望大家不仅仅是使用者,也要用心去阅读这些库的代码,从中学习。收获会很大的,而且说不定,你会发现可个改善地方,甚至是有错误的地方。这个是很有可能的。还有就是我刚才提到的,这些库的开发者很多都是从传统的程序员转型过来,或者说是因为开发需要而开始学习 Javascript,很可能会有错误。或者说受以前学习语言的影响,写的程序更像是在写其他的语言,而不是写Javascript,执行效率并不高。所以不要迷信库。


如果你还不明白我提的问题,那么请仔细看看jQuery是怎么实现的吧!如果你还读不懂它,还是多看看我要给你介绍的Javascript的书吧,了解 Javascript的底层和基础的知识。让自己能读懂jQuery,让自己不要jQuery也能实现Dom的拖动,让自己也能写出自己的库。当然这话我说得太大了。不过只要你是真正研究Javascript和相关的知识,你也可以做到的。



《Javascript高级编程技术》:不要被“高级”这两个字吓到,这个书其实是本很不错的入门的书,因为这本书也很详细的介绍了javascript 的全部内置对象和语法,并且介绍了面向对象的思想,DOM、BOM的知识,正则表达式,高级的DOM处理。Ajax的知识,还是很全面的。而且个人认为这本书对基础知识的介绍并不比其他的同类书逊色。比起《Javascript权威指南》(我当时买点的是第4版),我觉得更详细些和更清楚些。在《指南》的第4版中,我觉得那本书中讲的东西有点混乱。感觉一个知识点还没有讲清楚,就给你一个什么类,看得不明不白的。因为没有看《指南》的第五版,所以这里不推荐给大家。而且《高级编程》这本书要比《指南》便宜不少。《高级编程》中也提出了采用功能(future)探测来取代浏览器版本探测来处理脚本兼容性的处理。个人觉得《指南》有的,这本书也都说了。还有我前面提到的,这本书的作者是YAHOO的资深的前端工程师,你可以在他的网站下载到相关的代码。

《Javascript DOM 编程艺术》:我个人的感觉是学习DOM编程的经典入门书籍,作者是webstandards.org的创始人之一,书中以浅显易懂的语言,教你一步一步的来讲解DOM编程,一点点地提升网站的用户体验。书中一直强调不唐突的脚本开发,网站要向后兼容,强调网站的可访问性。这个也是大家在做前端开发时应当努力追求的,也是必须要有的开发指导思想。可惜很多的后台开发的程序员,根本没有这个概念,所以你在开发的时候,一定要给你的程序员多洗脑。呵呵!

The Third Edition of "The Definitive Guide to CSS": To do front-end development, you must understand CSS. The book introduces CSS2 in great detail. Look at it carefully. Every time I look at it, I will gain something new.

"Website Reconstruction" and "CSS Website Layout Record" (the only recommended book written by a Chinese): After reading this, you will know why you should learn WEB standards? You will know that the job of a front-end engineer is important.

Improvement stage:

"Javascript DOM Advanced Programming": This book not only introduces the DOM programming skills in detail, but also talks about the use of object-oriented programming methods and the use of namespaces to manage the development libraries written in the book. As you learn, your personal DOM Javascript library is constantly enriched. Haha, as I said before, you can write your own library. Of course, the code in the book is relatively loose and cannot be applied to actual enterprise-level development. However, the introduction of closures and object-oriented development ideas in the book will raise your understanding of JS to another level, although the explanation of object-oriented development is not deep enough.

"XML Development Guide": We know ajax, where X refers to XML, so if you want to understand the relevant knowledge of XML, you must read this book. After reading it, you will find that there are too many things to understand about XML. Maybe you only know a little bit compared to what you know. By the way, let me tell you here, I do not recommend you to use XML as the data carrier of your Ajax program. Why? Because it is very uneconomical. You first convert the data into an XML document, and then extract the data from the XML document through Javascript and convert the document into data. And the browser's handling of XPath compatibility will drive you crazy. Now we have a JSON that replaces it. But since XML is already the default data communication carrier for many standards, such as RSS, you still have to master it.

Personally, I feel that learning Javascript is basically the same as reading these books. Of course, these books are also recommended for you to read "Mastering Javascript", "PPK Talks about Javascript", "Advanced CSS Skills", "Ajax in Action", "Ajax Advanced Programming", and "JavaScript: The Good Parts (Photocopy Version)".

After reading these books, you will understand the relevant knowledge of Javascript, understand CSS (you will know what selectors CSS has), and you will understand the knowledge of XML. Haha, you should be able to solve the basic development by yourself. And you also have an understanding of Javascript object-oriented development and have backward-compatible development ideas. Obviously after reading these books, you will have a deeper understanding of WEB standards.

Of course, if you want to be an excellent front-end engineer, you need to learn more than these. You also need to know SEO optimization knowledge, because the pages you write must be friendly to search engines and have a reasonable structure. You also need to understand SQL and databases, and preferably background programming languages ​​such as C#. The two main reasons are to improve yourself comprehensively and to fully understand object-oriented programming. The ideas of these traditional languages ​​are more mature, but you must know that the inheritance mechanism of Javascript is different from that of these traditional programming languages. So don't use Javascript to write C#. There is another important reason. You have to cooperate with the programmers in the background. If you want them to implement your unobtrusive development ideas more resolutely, you must brainwash them frequently. But you need to make them listen to what you say. You need to understand what he says, and you'd better give him some good suggestions, so that they will listen to you. For the development of our WEB standards, just work harder!

What I want to add here is that for front-end development, you have to work hard to learn JSON and regular expressions. There is currently no book that introduces regular expressions in detail. Then there is the data carrier of JSON that replaces XML in AJAX programs. Master JSON. Much easier than XML. Finally, there is the use of closures and the idea of ​​object-oriented development that everyone and I have mentioned many times.

Haha, the last thing is to practice more, apply the knowledge you have learned to actual development, and communicate more with friends. I also hope to exchange more experiences with everyone. Let’s make progress together!

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