Like this You call the script under IE8. After pressing Enter in the IE8 address bar, there is no problem in calling jquery objects, methods, etc., but there will be problems after refreshing. After refreshing, you have to press Enter in the address bar no matter what.
There is no problem under Firefox. Attached is an html script of, you can test it:
Demo:Cross-domain < ;meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<script> <br>function include(path){ <br>var a=document .createElement("script"); <br>a.type = "text/javascript"; <br>a.src=path; <br>//if (a.readStatus == 200) { <br>var head =document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; <br>head.appendChild(a); <br>//} <br>} <br>include(" /jquery-1.3.2.min.js") <br></script>
<script> <br>$(function(){ <br>function sendData(url, callback){ <br> if(!url || typeof url !== 'string'){ <br>return; <br>} <br>url = (url.indexOf('?') > 0 ? '&' : '?' ) 'windowname=true'; <br>var frame = $('<iframe style="display:none;"></iframe>').appendTo("body"); <br>var state = 0; <br>var clear = function(){ <br>try{ <br>frame[0].contentWindow.document.write('');//Clear the content of iframe <br>frame[0].contentWindow .close();//Avoid iframe memory leaks<br>frame.remove();//Delete iframe <br>}catch(e){} <br>}; <br>var getData = function(){ <br>try{ <br>var data = frame[0]; <br>}catch(e){} <br>clear(); <br>if(callback && typeof callback === 'function '){ <br>callback(data); <br>} <br>}; <br>frame.bind('load', function(){ <br>if(state === 1){ <br> getData(); <br>} else if(state === 0){ <br>state = 1; <br>frame[0].contentWindow.location = "none.html"; <br>} <br> }); <br>frame[0].src = url; <br>} <br>//Application: <br>var testurl = ''; <br>$("button").click(function(){ <br>sendData( testurl ,function(result){ <br>var fishDiv = $("#oldFish"); <br>fishDiv.html( "You get The data is: " result ); <br>}) <br>}) <br>}) <br></script>
< ;button>Load data remotely
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