微信公众平台OAuth2.0网页授权php示例 用户通过扫描网页提供的二维码实现登陆信息获取,大家参考使用吧 请先下载 snoopy 类 代码如下: /** * 微信公众平台PHP-SDK * Wechatauth为非官方微信登陆API * 用户通过扫描网页提供的二维码实现登陆信息获取 * 主要实现如下功能: * get_login_code() 获取登陆授权码, 通过授权码才能获取二维码 * get_code_image($code='') 将上面获取的授权码转换为图片二维码 * verify_code() 鉴定是否登陆成功,返回200为最终授权成功. * get_login_cookie() 鉴定成功后调用此方法即可获取用户基本信息 * sendNews($account,$title,$summary,$content,$pic,$srcurl='') 向一个微信账户发送图文信息 * get_avatar($url) 获取用户头像图片数据 * @author dodge * @link https://github.com/dodgepudding/wechat-php-sdk * @version 1.1 * */ include "snoopy.class.php"; class Wechatauth { private $cookie; private $_cookiename; private $_cookieexpired = 3600; private $_account = 'test'; private $_datapath = './data/cookie_'; private $debug; private $_logcallback; public $login_user; //当前登陆用户, 调用get_login_info后获取 public function __construct($options) { $this->_account = isset($options['account'])?$options['account']:''; $this->_datapath = isset($options['datapath'])?$options['datapath']:$this->_datapath; $this->debug = isset($options['debug'])?$options['debug']:false; $this->_logcallback = isset($options['logcallback'])?$options['logcallback']:false; $this->_cookiename = $this->_datapath.$this->_account; $this->getCookie($this->_cookiename); } /** * 把cookie写入缓存 * @param string $filename 缓存文件名 * @param string $content 文件内容 * @return bool */ public function saveCookie($filename,$content){ return file_put_contents($filename,$content); } /** * 读取cookie缓存内容 * @param string $filename 缓存文件名 * @return string cookie */ public function getCookie($filename){ if (file_exists($filename)) { $mtime = filemtime($filename); if ($mtime_cookieexpired) return false; $data = file_get_contents($filename); if ($data) $this->cookie = $data; } return $this->cookie; } /* * 删除cookie */ public function deleteCookie($filename) { $this->cookie = ''; @unlink($filename); return true; } private function log($log){ if ($this->debug && function_exists($this->_logcallback)) { if (is_array($log)) $log = print_r($log,true); return call_user_func($this->_logcallback,$log); } } /** * 获取登陆二维码对应的授权码 */ public function get_login_code(){ if ($this->_logincode) return $this->_logincode; $t = time().strval(mt_rand(100,999)); $codeurl = 'https://login.weixin.qq.com/jslogin?appid=wx782c26e4c19acffb&redirect_uri=https%3A%2F%2Fwx.qq.com%2Fcgi-bin%2Fmmwebwx-bin%2Fwebwxnewloginpage&fun=new&lang=zh_CN&_='.$t; $send_snoopy = new Snoopy; $send_snoopy->fetch($codeurl); $result = $send_snoopy->results; if ($result) { preg_match("/window.QRLogin.uuids+=s+"([^"]+)"/",$result,$matches); if(count($matches)>1) { $this->_logincode = $matches[1]; $_SESSION['login_step'] = 0; return $this->_logincode; } } return $result; } /** * 通过授权码获取对应的二维码图片地址 * @param string $code * @return string image url */ public function get_code_image($code=''){ if ($code=='') $code = $this->_logincode; if (!$code) return false; return 'http://login.weixin.qq.com/qrcode/'.$this->_logincode.'?t=webwx'; } /** * 设置二维码对应的授权码 * @param string $code * @return class $this */ public function set_login_code($code) { $this->_logincode = $code; return $this; } /** * 二维码登陆验证 * * @return status: * >=400: invaild code; 408: not auth and wait, 400,401: not valid or expired * 201: just scaned but not confirm * 200: confirm then you can get user info */ public function verify_code() { if (!$this->_logincode) return false; $t = time().strval(mt_rand(100,999)); $url = 'https://login.weixin.qq.com/cgi-bin/mmwebwx-bin/login?uuid='.$this->_logincode.'&tip=1&_='.$t; $send_snoopy = new Snoopy; $send_snoopy->referer = "https://wx.qq.com/"; $send_snoopy->fetch($url); $result = $send_snoopy->results; $this->log('step1:'.$result); if ($result) { preg_match("/window.code=(d+)/",$result,$matches); if(count($matches)>1) { $status = intval($matches[1]); if ($status==201) $_SESSION['login_step'] = 1; if ($status==200) { preg_match("/ticket=([0-9a-z-_]+)&lang=zh_CN&scan=(d+)/",$result,$matches); $this->log('step2:'.print_r($matches,true)); if (count($matches)>1) { $ticket = $matches[1]; $scan = $matches[2]; $loginurl = 'https://wx.qq.com/cgi-bin/mmwebwx-bin/webwxnewloginpage?ticket='.$ticket.'&lang=zh_CN&scan='.$scan.'&fun=new'; $send_snoopy = new Snoopy; $send_snoopy->referer = "https://wx.qq.com/"; $send_snoopy->fetch($loginurl); $this->log('step3:'.print_r($send_snoopy->headers,true)); foreach ($send_snoopy->headers as $key => $value) { $value = trim($value); if(strpos($value,'Set-Cookie: ') !== false){ $tmp = str_replace("Set-Cookie: ","",$value); $tmp = str_replace("Path=/","",$tmp); $tmp = str_replace("Domain=.qq.com; ","",$tmp); $cookie.=$tmp; } } $cookie .="Domain=.qq.com;"; $this->cookie = $cookie; $this->saveCookie($this->_cookiename,$this->cookie); } } return $status; } } return false; } /** * 获取登陆的cookie * * @param bool $is_array 是否以数值方式返回,默认否,返回字符串 * @return string|array */ public function get_login_cookie($is_array = false){ if (!$is_array) return $this->cookie; $c_arr = explode(';',$this->cookie); $cookie = array(); foreach($c_arr as $item) { $kitem = explode('=',trim($item)); if (count($kitem)>1) { $key = trim($kitem[0]); $val = trim($kitem[1]); if (!empty($val)) $cookie[$key] = $val; } } return $cookie; } /** * 授权登陆后获取用户登陆信息 */ public function get_login_info(){ if (!$this->cookie) return false; $t = time().strval(mt_rand(100,999)); $send_snoopy = new Snoopy; $submit = 'https://wx.qq.com/cgi-bin/mmwebwx-bin/webwxinit?r='.$t; $send_snoopy->rawheaders['Cookie']= $this->cookie; $send_snoopy->referer = "https://wx.qq.com/"; $send_snoopy->submit($submit,array()); $this->log('login_info:'.$send_snoopy->results); $result = json_decode($send_snoopy->results,true); if ($result['BaseResponse']['Ret'] $this->_login_user = $result['User']; return $result; } /** * 获取头像 * @param string $url 传入从用户信息接口获取到的头像地址 */ public function get_avatar($url) { if (!$this->cookie) return false; if (strpos($url, 'http')===false) { $url = 'http://wx.qq.com'.$url; } $send_snoopy = new Snoopy; $send_snoopy->rawheaders['Cookie']= $this->cookie; $send_snoopy->referer = "https://wx.qq.com/"; $send_snoopy->fetch($url); $result = $send_snoopy->results; if ($result) return $result; else return false; } /** * 登出当前登陆用户 */ public function logout(){ if (!$this->cookie) return false; preg_match("/wxuin=(w+);/",$this->cookie,$matches); if (count($matches)>1) $uid = $matches[1]; preg_match("/wxsid=(w+);/",$this->cookie,$matches); if (count($matches)>1) $sid = $matches[1]; $this->log('logout: uid='.$uid.';sid='.$sid); $send_snoopy = new Snoopy; $submit = 'https://wx.qq.com/cgi-bin/mmwebwx-bin/webwxlogout?redirect=1&type=1'; $send_snoopy->rawheaders['Cookie']= $this->cookie; $send_snoopy->referer = "https://wx.qq.com/"; $send_snoopy->submit($submit,array('uin'=>$uid,'sid'=>$sid)); $this->deleteCookie($this->_cookiename); return true; } }
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