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2016-06-13 12:05:18983browse


转载自: PHP与C(或其它语言)通过消息队列进行通讯,完整代码


<?php/* * class msg * Use for communication between php and php; * Create at: 12:08 2012/10/31 * Author: leixun([email&#160;protected]) * version 1 - 14:01 2012/10/31 */class msg{	private $id;	private $msg_id;	private $_serialize = true;	/**	 * @param $_id ID	 */	public function msg($_id, $_serialize = true){		if(!function_exists('msg_get_queue'))		{			die('msg queue function not installed, Reconfigure PHP with --enable-sysvmsg <br/>');		}		$this->id = $_id;		$this->msg_id = msg_get_queue ( $_id );		$this->_serialize = $_serialize;		if ($this->msg_id === false) {			die(basename(__FILE__).'->'.__LINE__.': Unable to create message quee');		}	}	/**	 * @data data to send	 * @type message type	 */	public function send( $data, $type = 1, $blocking = false )	{		if (!msg_send ($this->msg_id, $type, $data, $this->_serialize, $blocking, $msg_err))		{			return "Msg not sent because $msg_err\n";		}		return true;	}	/**	 * @param $type message type	 * @param $maxsize The maximum size of message to be accepted,	 */	public function receive($no_wait = true, $type = 1 , $maxsize = 1024 )	{		$rs = msg_receive ( $this->msg_id , $type ,	$type , $maxsize , $message , $this->_serialize, $no_wait?MSG_IPC_NOWAIT:NULL , $errorcode);		if($rs)			return $message;		else			return false;	}	public function remove()	{		msg_remove_queue($this->msg_id);	}	}


<?phpdefine('base_path' , dirname(__FILE__));//msg_write.phpinclude(base_path.'/msg.php');$msg = new msg(1, false);$msg1 = new msg(2, false);if($argv[1]=='del') $msg->remove();  $str = 'There are no user contributed notes for this page.';while(1){        $data = substr($str,0,rand(18,25));        $msg->send(rand().$data, rand(1,10));        echo $data." -> sent\n";        echo 'Get:'.$msg1->receive(false, 0).chr(10);        sleep(3);        //usleep(10000);}echo 'Done';


C, gcc -g -o m msg.c -lpthread;

#include <stdio.h>#include <errno.h>#include <stdlib.h>#include <fcntl.h>#include <string.h>#include <unistd.h>#include <sys/types.h>#include <sys/ipc.h>#include <sys/msg.h>#define MAX_MSG_LEN 512static int php_msg = -1;static int php_msg1 = -1;static int running = 1;static void *php_msg_handler_thread(void *arg);static int msg_send(int msg_id, int fd, char *data);struct msg_st {	long mtype;	char mtext[MAX_MSG_LEN];};int main(int argc,char **argv){	printf("go 1 \n");	if((php_msg= msgget((key_t)1,0666|IPC_CREAT)) == -1)	{		perror("php_msg create");		return 0;	}		if((php_msg1= msgget((key_t)2,0666|IPC_CREAT)) == -1)	{		perror("php_msg create");		return 0;	}	/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////	pthread_t php_msg_pthread;	int rs = pthread_create(&php_msg_pthread, NULL, (void*(*)(void*))php_msg_handler_thread, (void *)NULL);	if(rs!=0)	{		perror("php_msg_pthread create");		return 0;	}	pthread_join(php_msg_pthread, NULL);	return 0;}static void *php_msg_handler_thread(void *arg){	struct msg_st php_data;			printf("sizeof(struct msg_st)=%d\n",sizeof(struct msg_st));	char* data;	data = malloc(MAX_MSG_LEN);	char *pre = "You told me:";		while(running){		//ssize_t msgrcv(int msqid, void *msgp, size_t msgsz, long msgtyp, int msgflg); 		if(msgrcv(php_msg,(void *) &php_data, MAX_MSG_LEN, 0 , 0) == -1)		{			perror("msgrcv");			if(errno==E2BIG)			{								if(msgctl(php_msg,IPC_RMID,0) == -1)  				{  					fprintf(stderr,"msgctl(IPC_RMID) failed \n");  				}   			}			else if(errno == EINVAL)			{				sleep(1);			}		}else{					printf("recevier mssage : %s , type= %d\n", php_data.mtext, php_data.mtype);			memset(data, '\0', MAX_MSG_LEN);			memcpy(data, pre, strlen(pre));			memcpy(data+strlen(pre), php_data.mtext, strlen(php_data.mtext));			msg_send(php_msg1, 2, data);						bzero(php_data.mtext, strlen(php_data.mtext));		}		//break;	}	free(data);}static int msg_send(int msg_id, int fd, char *data){	struct msg_st some_data;	//some_data = malloc( sizeof(struct msg_st) );	memcpy(some_data.mtext, data, strlen(data) + 1);	some_data.mtext[strlen(data)] = '\0';	some_data.mtype= fd;	printf("will send %s \n", &some_data.mtext);	//int msgsnd(int msqid, const void *msgp, size_t msgsz, int msgflg); 	if((msgsnd(msg_id,(void *) & some_data, strlen(data), 0)) == -1)				{		perror("msgsnd");		return 0;	}	return 1;}



再运行:php msg_write.php




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