$(function() {
$(".input ,.login_input,.textarea").focus(function() {
}).blur(function() {
$(this). removeClass("focus");
//Input box prompt, get the object with HintTitle, HintInfo properties
$("[HintTitle],[HintInfo]").focus(function( event) {
$("*").stop(); //Stop all running animations
$("#HintMsg").remove(); //Clear first to prevent repeated errors
var HintHtml = "
- " $(this). attr("HintTitle") "" $(this).attr("HintInfo") "
"; //Set the displayed content
var offset = $(this).offset(); //Get the position of the event object
$("body").append(HintHtml); //Add node
$("#HintMsg").fadeTo(0, 0.85); //Transparency of the object
var HintHeight = $("#HintMsg").height(); //Get the container height
$( "#HintMsg").css({ "top": offset.top - HintHeight "px", "left": offset.left "px" }).fadeIn(500);
}).blur(function( event) {
$("#HintMsg").remove(); //Delete UL
The above content comes from a download website, the specific name has been forgotten....it is for reference only