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Horizontal accordion: jQuery
热点图书:www.hotbook.cn jQuery-Horizontal Accordion
具有XBOX360 blade界面风格的水平方向Accordion。
jQuery-Horizontal Accordion
jQuery plugin: Accordion
用于创建 折叠菜单的jQuery插件。
jQuery plugin: Accordion
热点图书:www.hotbook.cn Accordion Menu script
基于 jQuery开发的可折叠菜单。
Accordion Menu script
热点图书:www.hotbook.cn jQuery.combobox
jQuery.combobox 是一个采用jQuery开发的combobox控件,可以使用CSS控制该combobox的外观,可以设置各种不同风格的下拉动画效果。
AutoComplete-JQuery Facebook like Autocomplete
基于jQuery开发,类似于FaceBoox提供的 AutoCompleter。
Facebook like Autocomplete jQuery Autocomplete Mod
jQuery Autcomplete插件。能够限制下拉菜单显示的结果数。
jQuery Autocomplete Mod jqac
热点图书:www.hotbook.cn jQuery Tag Suggestion
类似于del.icio.us提供的tag suggesting功能。
jQuery Tag Suggestion Autocomplete-jQuery ajax
利用 jQuery(Ajax),PHP和MySQL开发的 AutoCompleter。
Autocomplete-jQuery ajax jQuery.Suggest
跨浏览器支持,基于jQuery开发的Autocomplete library。
jQuery.Suggest Autocomplete- jQuery plugin
一个jQuery Autocompleter,提供缓存选项来限制对服务器的请求。
jQuery plugin: Autocomplete
jQuery plugin: Autocomplete jSuggest
模仿 Google Suggest功能的AutoComplete jQuery插件。
jSuggest jQuery Live Ajax Search Plug-in
采用 jQuery开发的AutoComplete控件。搜索结果展示框完全可以利用CSS自定义,内容展示是一个HTML页面。
jQuery Live Ajax Search Plug-in ddcombobox
带 AutoComplete功能的下拉选择框jQuery插件。
jQuery Pagination
jQuery Pagination pager jQuery plug-in
jQuery 分页插件。
pager jQuery plug-in JQuery Pager
一个利用 jQuery开发的分页UI控件,可用于数据驱动的web应用程序中。
JQuery Pager
Facebox is a Facebook-style lightbox based on jQuery. Able to display images, divs or entire remote pages.
SimpleModal is a lightweight jQuery plugin that provides a simple interface to create modal dialog boxes.
SimpleModal jTip
jTip is a tool tip developed using jQuery. jTip obtains content through HttpXMLRequest. The usage is simple, just add Jtip to the class of your element, and introduce jtip.js and its style.
jTip BetterTip
A jQuery plug-in that can customize Tooltip. Based on jTip, but more flexible than it.
BetterTip clueTip
clueTip This jQuery plug-in allows you to add links or other elements Tooltip function. When a link includes a title attribute, its content becomes the clueTip's title. The content displayed in clueTip can be obtained through Ajax or from elements in the current page.
clueTip jQuery lightBox plugin
A simple, powerful lightBox control developed based on jQuery .
jQuery lightBox plugin jQuery Impromptu
is used to create modal dialogs, confirm dialogs Box, jQuery plugin for input content dialog box.
jQuery Impromptu jQuery.UI Messenger"Outlook like message notification Widget
This jQuery .UI control is similar to Messenger"Outlook message pop-up reminder box.
jQuery.UI Messenger"Outlook like message notification Widget FancyBox
Developed based on jQuery The Lightbox plug-in supports adding shadow effects to enlarged images and adding navigation operation buttons to a group of related images. In addition to displaying images, the Lightbox can also display iframed content and customize the appearance through CSS.
FancyBox Coda Popup Bubbles
采用 jQuery开发,类似“冒泡”效果的提醒弹出框。
Coda Popup Bubbles jGrowl
jGrowl 用于制作消息弹出框的jQuery插件。产生效果的类似于Mac OSX系统中Growl事件通知框架。
jGrowl jqWindowsEngine
这个 jQuery插件能够帮助你轻松创建Ajax Windows。
jqWindowsEngine jQuery Alert Dialogs
这个 jQuery插件能够替换JavaScript提供的alert()、confirm()和prompt()功能。支持利用CSS自定义对话框外观。
jQuery Alert Dialogs BeautyTips
BeautyTips 是一个jQuery Tooltip插件.
WYSIWYG jQuery插件。整个编辑器文件大小只有17Kb。
Damn Small Rich Text Editor
基于jQuery开发,能够从IFRAME元素创建一个Rich Text Editor。提供了所有基本的Rich Text功能,可设置文本编辑区大小,Ajax上传图片等。
Damn Small Rich Text Editor
Flexigrid is a Grid similar to Ext Gird, but developed based on jQuery. Features it has include: being able to adjust column widths, merge column headers, pagination, sorting, show/hide tables, etc. Data displayed by Flexigrid can be retrieved via Ajax or converted from a regular table.
Flexigrid Ingrid
The functions provided by this jQuery DataGrid are: drag adjustment Column width, paging, sorting, setting row/column styles, etc.
Ingrid jQuery Grid
jqGrid is an Ajaxed jQuery Grid plugin. Provides paging function to add, edit, delete and search records in the table, supports multiple data types input: XML, JSON, Array, etc., multi-row selection, supports subtables, integrated date selection controls, etc.
jQuery Grid tableHover
tableHover is a jQuery plug-in that can color and highlight an entire column or row of a table when the mouse passes over it. Supports tables with colspans and rowspans.
tableHover JQuery.Resizer
A lightweight jQuery plugin for creating Drag the table to adjust the row height and column width.
JQuery.Resizer tablesorter
tablesorter This jQuery plugin can convert standard HTMLTable with THEAD and TBODY tags into A sortable table. TableSorter can sort a variety of data types including Text, URIs, integers, currencies, floats, IP addresses, dates, times and custom data types. Supports sorting of tables with complex headers, supports secondary hidden sorting, and supports multiple browsers: IE6.0, FF2, Safari2.0, Opera9.0.
tablesorter csv2table
csv2table This plug-in can convert CVS files (created using Excel) Convert the content into HTML Table.
csv2table tableFormSynch
tableFormSynch is a jQuery plug-in that updates tables and form data mutually. Functions it provides include: adding new rows based on data in the form. Delete the selected rows and clear all data from the form. tableFormSynch supports all form controls including: checkboxes, radios, buttons and
Farbtastic是一个color picker插件。它能够在一个页面中加入多个颜色选择控件,然后每个控件关联到页面中的一个元素比如:文本输入框。
Farbtastic jQuery Color Picker
一个简单的颜色选择控件。操作方式与Adobe Photoshop中颜色选择操作置。
jQuery Color Picker iColorPicker
iColorPicker 是一个只有6KB大小的jQuery Color Picker。只要将输入框的class属性设置为“iColorPicker”就能变一个漂亮的颜色选择器。
imgAreaSelect This jQuery plug-in can select a rectangular area in an image.
imgAreaSelect Easy Slide
EasySlide is a gallery display developed based on jQuery As a plug-in, EasySlide can automatically arrange and display the graphics in any web page container (Container), and add a pause effect (Pause) when the mouse points to it. It can be used as a gallery display or animation and advertising banner.
Easy Slide Easy News
Easy News is a website that allows you to display it easily A jQuery plug-in for displaying news or graphic content, you can set the effects of Fade In-Out, Slide Up-Down, Left To Right, adjust the display speed, and you can modify the CSS to change the style you like.
Easy News Easy News Plus
Easy News Plus is developed based on Easy News. A jQuery plug-in for scrolling news or graphic content display, but it has a completely different display method from Easy News (with left and right sliding as the main display method).
Easy News Plus jQZoom
Image magnifying glass plug-in developed based on jQuery.
jQZoom jQuery Plugin: Text Highlight
Use javascript to highlight keywords in the page jQuery plugin for colorization.
jQuery Plugin: Text Highlight jCarousel Lite
This jQuery plug-in can help you Carousel to organize images and other content.
jCarousel Lite jCarousel
jCarousel is a jQuery plugin for controlling a list item In horizontal or vertical order, the content of the list items can be static HTML content or content loaded via AJAX. Can scroll forward or backward.
jCarousel Spacegallery-Jquery
A tool developed with jQuery, similar to Flash effect image gallery.
Spacegallery-Jquery jQuery Slider Gallery
This is a photo album control developed based on jQuery , similar to the effect used on Apple's website to showcase products.
jQuery Slider Gallery jQuery Cycle Plugin
jQuery Cycle Plugin is a slideshow plug-in. Supports multiple transformation effects: shuffle, zoom, fade, turnDown, curtainX, scrollRight.
jQuery Cycle Plugin Zoomimage
This jQuery plug-in enables the use of current popular methods to show pictures. Provides: preloading picture prompts, grouping pictures, automatically adjusting picture display ratio, and grouping picture browsing control.
Zoomimage prettyPhoto
prettyPhoto is a "clone" of jQuery lightbox.And add animation effects, gallery browsing and other features.
prettyPhoto ThickBox
ThickBox is a modal dialog UI control. Developed based on jQuery, it can be used to display single or multiple images, embedded content, iframed content, or content obtained through Ajax.
ThickBox Galleria
Galleria is an image display plug-in developed with jQuery. It displays large images one by one via thumbnail navigation. Supports setting the style of the entire photo album through CSS. Ability to create thumbnails proportionally and cut into small images that fit within a thumbnail container. It can trigger some events, so it can perform some actions when the image is loaded.
Galleria jQuery Flash Plugin
A jQuery plugin for embedding Flash in pages Film.
jQuery Flash Plugin jQuery.SerialScroll
jQuery.SerialScroll is a tool for creating A jQuery plug-in for scrolling effects that supports horizontal/vertical scrolling and mixed scrolling effects.
jQuery.SerialScroll InnerFade
InnerFade This jQuery plugin can make any set of elements (img, div, etc.) to achieve fade-in and fade-out playback effects.
InnerFade NyroModal
A jQuery-based development, very flexible and customizable appearance/ Animated modal dialog box. The target content can be called through Ajax, the dialog box size can be changed, etc.
NyroModal CrossSlide
CrossSlide This jQuery plugin implements some common Javascript slide shows Animation effects such as: dynamic movement, scaling, gradient, slide in and out, etc.
CrossSlide Magnify
Magnify is a jQuery plug-in that can add a magnifying glass function to images.
Magnify Img Notes
is used to display when the mouse is moved over the picture An information prompt box.
Img Notes FancyZoom
FancyZoom uses zoom effects to display images or any HTML pages , there is no need to open another page to load images, and its effect is also available on the official Apple Mac website.
FancyZoom Jcrop
Jcrop is a cross-browser jQuery image cutting plug-in (jQuery image crop plugin). Supports adding CSS styles to the cutting box, adding callback events (Callbacks) when selecting or dragging, and can constrain the width and height when cutting.
Jcrop Galleriffic
Galleriffic is a tool for creating quick showcases of photos in albums jQuery plugin. Pictures can be viewed as a slideshow or manually click on the thumbnails to view them. Galleriffic also supports paging, allowing it to display more images.
Galleriffic Image Upload and Auto Crop
Image upload and auto crop developed using PHP jQuery Crop tool.
Image Upload and Auto Crop prettyGallery
prettyGallery is a gallery navigation control Slider. Developed based on jQuery, in addition to navigating images, it also supports any other content. Navigation scroll speed and image title descriptions can be configured.
prettyGallery jQuery.popeye
jQuery.popeye This plug-in can combine a group of Convert an ordered picture list into a simple photo album. When you click on the image, the image will be enlarged in Lightbox style. The picture display box provides forward/backward control and the ability to add notes and descriptions to each picture. jQuery.popeye can automatically adjust the height and width of the display frame according to the image size.
jQuery.popeye s3Slider
s3Slider is a jQuery slideshow plug-in with similar effects smooth slideshow.
You can transparently display the description information of the currently shown picture anywhere on the picture.
s3Slider Pirobox
Lightbox control developed with jQuery. Ability to automatically adjust display image size based on browser window size. Provides forward/backward control links. Dynamically load image effects. Easy to customize.
Pirobox Simple Controls Gallery
This is a picture slideshow control developed with jQuery . Provides a pause/play/forward/reverse control menu. This jQuery slideshow can be set to automatically play pictures when the page is opened and store recently viewed pictures in cookies.
Simple Controls Gallery Agile Carousel
Jquery Slideshow plugin. Easy to customize picture switching effects. Provides functions such as turning on/off picture title display, adding text watermarks, etc.
Agile Carousel jQuery Plugin-Page Peel
This is a page used to create a Page jQuery plug-in for Peel (page curl/page peeling) special effects.
jQuery Plugin-Page Peel Easy Slider
A jQuery plugin that navigates when clicked When you press the button, you can play pictures or any other content horizontally or vertically.
Easy Slider imgPreview
Image preview jQuery plugin. When the mouse moves over the image link, an image display box similar to a tooltip effect will appear next to the link.
imgPreview Jquery Fade In.Fade Out
Jquery Fade In.Fade Out Captify
这个 jQuery插件能够在图片上显示标题信息,当鼠标放到图片上时滑动出现。
Captify jParallax
这是一个用于生成视差现象的jQuery插件。mParallax能够产生的效果与 jParallax一样但采用Mootools框架开发。
jQuery plugin: Treeview
jQuery plugin: Treeview
FastFind Menu Script
Draggable nested menu form, based on dynamic "AJAX" response.
FastFind Menu Script iconDock
iconDock A Fisheye menu developed based on jQuery.
iconDock jQuery UI Tabs
jQuery UI Tabs: a powerful yet easy-to-use tool Tab control.
jQuery UI Tabs jstree
jsTree is a jQuery-based Tree control. Supports three data sources: XML, JSON, and Html. Provides operations for creating, renaming, moving, deleting, dragging and dropping nodes. You can customize the rules for creating, deleting, nesting, renaming, and selecting nodes. A variety of listening events can be added to these operations.
jstree jQuery File Tree
jQuery File Tree is a configurable Ajax file browser jQuery plugin . You can customize the appearance through CSS, specify the file tree expansion icon, define your own expansion/collapse events, configure loading information, etc.
jQuery File Tree Superfish
jQuery menu plugin supports horizontal/vertical orientation and will not be blocked by the
Verification categoryHot book: www.hotbook.cn
jQuery plugin: Validation
jQuery validation plugin.
jQuery plugin: Vali