Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >jQuery's value acquisition and assignment operation code for form elements_jquery
$("#keyword")[0].value = "";
/*Get the value of TEXT.AREATEXT*/
var textval = $("#text_id").attr ("value");
var textval = $("#text_id").val();
/*Get the value of the radio button*/
var valradio = $("input[type=radio]:checked").val();
/*Get the values of a group of radio selected items named (items)*/
var item = $('input[name=items]:checked').val();
/*Get the value of the checkbox*/
var checkboxval = $("#checkbox_id").attr ("value");
/*Get the value of the drop-down list*/
var selectval = $('#select_id').val();
/*Text box, Text area*/
$("#text_id").attr("value",");//Clear the content
$("#text_id").attr("value",'test'); //Fill content
/*Multiple selection box checkbox*/
$("#chk_id").attr("checked",");//Make it unchecked
$( "#chk_id").attr("checked",true);//Check
if($("#chk_id").attr('checked')==true) //Determine whether it has been selected
/*Single selection group radio*/
$("input[type=radio]").attr("checked",'2');//Set the item with value=2 as the currently selected item
/*Drop-down box select*/
$("#select_id").attr("value",'test');//Set the item with value=test as the currently selected item
$("testtest2").appendTo("#select_id")//Add the option of the drop-down box
$("#select_id").empty();//Clear the drop-down box
/*Get The value of a group of radio selected items named (items)*/
var item = $('input[name=items]:checked').val(); //If not selected, val() = undefined
/*Get the text of the selected item*/
var item = $("select[name=items] option:selected").text();
/*The second element of the select drop-down box is the currently selected value*/
$('#select_id')[0].selectedIndex = 1;
/*The second element of the radio radio selection group The element is the currently selected value*/
$('input[name=items]').get(1).checked = true;
/*Reset the form*/
$(" form").each(function(){
jQuery takes and assigns values to html elements
Jquery gives basic Control value acquisition and assignment TEXTBOX: var str = $('#txt').val(); $('#txt').val("Set Lbl Value"); //Text box, text area: $( "#text_id").attr("value",'');//Clear the content$("#text_id").attr("value",'test');//Fill the content
Jquery to basic controls Value acquisition and assignment
var str = $('#txt').val();
$('#txt').val("Set Lbl Value");
//Text box, text area:
$("#text_id").attr("value",'');//Clear the content
$("# text_id").attr("value",'test'); // Fill content
var str = $('#lbl').text();
$('#lbl').text("Set Lbl Value");
var valradio = $("input[@type=radio][@checked]").val();
var item = $('input[@name=items][@checked]').val();
var checkboxval = $("#checkbox_id").attr("value");
var selectval = $('#select_id').val();
//Multiple selection box checkbox:
$("#chk_id").attr("checked",'');//Make it unchecked Check
$("#chk_id").attr("checked",true);// Check
if($("#chk_id").attr('checked')==true) / /Determine whether the
radio group radio has been selected:
$("input[@type=radio]").attr("checked",'2'); //Set value=2 The item is the currently selected item
//Drop-down box select:
$("#select_id").attr("value",'test');//Set the item with value=test as the currently selected item Item
$("").appendTo("#select_id")//Add the option of the drop-down box
$("#select_id").empty (); //Clear the drop-down box
Get the value of a set of radio selected items named (items)
var item = $('input[@name=items][@checked]' ).val();//If not selected, val() = undefined
Get the text of the selected item
var item = $("select[@name=items] option[@selected]" ).text();
The second element of the select drop-down box is the currently selected value
$('#select_id')[0].selectedIndex = 1;
The second element of the radio radio selection group The element is the currently selected value
$('input[@name=items]').get(1).checked = true;
//Reset the form
$("form") .each(function(){
}; //Text box, text area: $("#text_id").attr("value",'');//Clear the content $("#text_id").attr("value",'test');/ / Fill content
Jquery’s value collection and assignment to basic controls
var str = $('#txt').val();
$(' #txt').val("Set Lbl Value");
//Text box, text area:
$("#text_id").attr("value",'');/ /Clear content
$("#text_id").attr("value",'test');// Fill content
var str = $('#lbl') .text();
$('#lbl').text("Set Lbl Value");
var valradio = $("input[@type=radio][@checked ]").val();
var item = $('input[@name=items][@checked]').val();
var checkboxval = $("#checkbox_id").attr ("value");
var selectval = $('#select_id').val();
//Multiple selection box checkbox:
$("#chk_id").attr("checked" ,'');//Make it unchecked
$("#chk_id").attr("checked",true);// Make it checked
if($("#chk_id").attr ('checked')==true) //Determine whether the
radio group radio has been selected:
$("input[@type=radio]").attr("checked",'2 '); //Set the item with value=2 as the currently selected item
//Drop-down box select:
$("#select_id").attr("value",'test');/ / Set the item with value=test as the currently selected item
testtest2$("#select_id").empty();//Clear the drop-down box
Get the values of a set of radio selected items named (items)
var item = $('input[ @name=items][@checked]').val();//If not selected, val() = undefined
Get the text of the selected item in select
var item = $("select[@ name=items] option[@selected]").text();
The second element of the select drop-down box is the currently selected value
$('#select_id')[0].selectedIndex = 1;
The second element of the radio radio selection group is the currently selected value
$('input[@name=items]').get(1).checked = true;
//Reset Form