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2016-06-13 11:38:04842browse







namespace demo\domain;use \demo\domain\DomainObject;/** *  标记映射 */class ObjectWatcher {	private static $instance;	// 标记映射	private $all = array();		private function __construct() {			}		public  static function getInstance() {		if (!isset(self::$instance)) {			self::$instance = new self();		}				return self::$instance;	}		/**	 * 获得对象对应的键值	 * @param DomainObject $obj	 */	public function getGobalKey(DomainObject $obj) {		$key = get_class($obj) . '_' . $obj->getId();		return $key;	}		/**	 * 添加到all	 * @param DomainObject $obj	 */	public static function add(DomainObject $obj) {		$instance = self::getInstance();		$key = $instance->getGobalKey($obj);		$instance->all[$key] = $obj;	}		/**	 * 从all中删除	 * @param DomainObject $obj	 */	public static function delete(DomainObject $obj) {		$instance = self::getInstance();		$key = $instance->getGobalKey($obj);		unset($instance->all[$key]);	}		/**	 * 判断标记是否存在	 * @param string $className	 * @param int $id	 */	public  static function exists($className, $id) {		$instance = self::getInstance();		$key = "{$className}_{$id}";		if (isset($instance->all[$key])) {			return $instance->all[$key];		}				return null;	}}
        那么在哪里做标记呢?当然是生成查询对象的地方,分别有Mapper::find()、Mapper::insert()、Mapper::createObject()。 Mapper中新增加了addToMap()和getFromMap()。(其它方法没有改变,所以看以忽略吧。)


namespace demo\mapper;use \demo\base\AppException;use \demo\base\ApplicationRegistry;use \demo\domain\DomainObject;use \demo\domain\ObjectWatcher;/** * Mapper */abstract  class Mapper {	// PDO	protected static $PDO;	// config	protected static  $dsn, $dbUserName, $dbPassword;	// PDO选项	protected static $options = array(    	\PDO::MYSQL_ATTR_INIT_COMMAND => 'SET NAMES utf8',    	\PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE,    	\PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION,	); 		public function __construct() {		if (!isset(self::$PDO)) {			// ApplicationRegistry获取数据库连接信息			$appRegistry = ApplicationRegistry::getInstance();			self::$dsn = $appRegistry->getDsn();			self::$dbUserName = $appRegistry->getDbUserName();			self::$dbPassword = $appRegistry->getDbPassword();						if (!self::$dsn || !self::$dbUserName || !self::$dbPassword) {				throw  new AppException('Mapper init failed!');			}						self::$PDO = new \PDO(self::$dsn, self::$dbUserName, self::$dbPassword, self::$options);		}	}		/**	 * 查找指定ID	 * @param int $id	 */	public function findById($id) {		// 从ObjectWatcher中获取		$obj = $this->getFromMap($id);		if (!is_null($obj)) {			return $obj;		}				$pStmt = $this->getSelectStmt();				$pStmt->execute(array($id));			$data = $pStmt->fetch();				$pStmt->closeCursor();				if (!is_array($data) || !isset($data['id'])) {			return $obj;		}		$obj = $this->createObject($data);				return $obj;	}		/**	 * 返回Collection	 */	public function findAll() {		$pStmt = $this->getSelectAllStmt();		$pStmt->execute(array());		$raws = $pStmt->fetchAll(\PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);		$collection = $this->getCollection($raws);				return $collection;	}		/**	 * 插入数据	 * @param \demo\domain\DomainObject $obj	 */	public function insert(DomainObject $obj) {		$flag = $this->doInsert($obj);		// 保存或者更新ObjectWatcher的$all[$key]的对象		$this->addToMap($obj);		return $flag;	}		/**	 *  更新对象	 * @param \demo\domain\DomainObject $obj	 */	public  function update(\demo\domain\DomainObject $obj) {		$flag = $this->doUpdate($obj);				return $flag;	}		/**	 * 删除指定ID	 * @param int $id	 */	public function deleteById($id) {		$pStmt = $this->getDeleteStmt();		$flag = $pStmt->execute(array($id));				return $flag;	}		/**	 * 生成一个$data中值属性的对象	 * @param array $data	 */	public function createObject(array $data) {		// 从ObjectWatcher中获取		$obj = $this->getFromMap($data['id']);		if (!is_null($obj)) {			return $obj;		}				// 创建对象		$obj = $this->doCreateObject($data);		// 添加到ObjectWatcher		$this->addToMap($obj);				return $obj;	}		/**	 * 返回对应key标记的对象	 * @param int $id	 */	private function getFromMap($id) {		return ObjectWatcher::exists($this->getTargetClass(), $id);	}		/**	 * 添加对象到标记映射ObjectWatcher类	 * @param DomainObject $obj	 */	private function addToMap(DomainObject $obj) {		return ObjectWatcher::add($obj);	}		/**	 * 返回子类Collection	 * @param array $raw	 */	public function getCollection(array $raws) {		return $this->getFactory()->getCollection($raws);	}		/**	 * 返回子类持久化工厂对象	 */	public function getFactory() {		return PersistanceFactory::getFactory($this->getTargetClass());			}		protected abstract function doInsert(\demo\domain\DomainObject $obj);		protected abstract function doCreateObject(array $data);		protected abstract function getSelectStmt();		protected abstract function getSelectAllStmt();		protected abstract function doUpdate(\demo\domain\DomainObject $obj);		protected abstract function getDeleteStmt();	protected abstract function getTargetClass();}








namespace demo\domain;use \demo\domain\DomainObject;/** *  标记映射 */class ObjectWatcher {	private static $instance;	// 标记映射	private $all = array();	// 保存新建对象	private $new = array();	// 保存被修改过的对象(“脏对象”)	private $dirty = array();	// 保存删除对象	private $delete = array();		private function __construct() {			}		public  static function getInstance() {		if (!isset(self::$instance)) {			self::$instance = new self();		}				return self::$instance;	}		/**	 * 获得对象对应的键值	 * @param DomainObject $obj	 */	public function getGobalKey(DomainObject $obj) {		$key = get_class($obj) . '_' . $obj->getId();		return $key;	}		/**	 * 添加到all	 * @param DomainObject $obj	 */	public static function add(DomainObject $obj) {		$instance = self::getInstance();		$key = $instance->getGobalKey($obj);		$instance->all[$key] = $obj;	}		/**	 * 从all中删除	 * @param DomainObject $obj	 */	public static function delete(DomainObject $obj) {		$instance = self::getInstance();		$key = $instance->getGobalKey($obj);		unset($instance->all[$key]);	}		/**	 * 添加到new	 * @param DomianObject $obj	 */	public static function addNew(DomainObject $obj) {		$instance = self::getInstance();		$instance->new[] = $obj;	}		/**	 * 添加到dirty	 * @param DomianObject $obj	 */	public static function addDirty(DomainObject $obj) {		$instance = self::getInstance();		if (!in_array($obj, $instance->dirty, true)) {			$instance->dirty[$instance->getGobalKey($obj)] = $obj;		}	}		/**	 * 添加到delete	 * @param DomainObject $obj	 */	public static function addDelete(DomainObject $obj) {		$instance = self::getInstance();		$instance->delete[$instance->getGobalKey($obj)] = $obj;	}		/**	 * 清除标记dirty new delete	 * @param DomainObject $obj	 */	public static function addClean(DomainObject $obj) {		$instance = self::getInstance();		// unset删除保存的对象		unset($instance->dirty[$instance->getGobalKey($obj)]);		unset($instance->delete[$instance->getGobalKey($obj)]);		// 删除new中的对象		$instance->new = array_filter($instance->new, function($a) use ($obj) {			return !($a === $obj);		});	}		/**	 * 判断标记是否存在	 * @param string $className	 * @param int $id	 */	public  static function exists($className, $id) {		$instance = self::getInstance();		$key = "{$className}_{$id}";		if (isset($instance->all[$key])) {			return $instance->all[$key];		}				return null;	}		/**	 * 对new dirty delete 中的标记对象执行操作	 */	public function performOperations() {		$instance = self::getInstance();				// new		foreach ($instance->new as $obj) {			$obj->finder()->insert($obj);		}				// dirty		foreach ($instance->dirty as $obj) {			$obj->finder()->update($obj);		}				// delete		foreach ($instance->delete as $obj) {			$obj->finder()->delete($obj);		}				$this->new = array();		$this->dirty = array();		$this->delete = array();	}}



namespace demo\domain;use \demo\domain\HelperFactory;use \demo\domain\ObjectWatcher;/** * 领域模型抽象基类 */abstract class DomainObject {	protected  $id = -1;		public function __construct($id = null) {		if (is_null($id)) {			// 标记为new 新建			$this->markNew();		} else {			$this->id = $id;		}	}		public function getId() {		return $this->id;	}		public function setId($id) {		$this->id = $id;		$this->markDirty();	}		public function markNew() {		ObjectWatcher::addNew($this);	}		public function markDirty() {		ObjectWatcher::addDirty($this);	}		public function markDeleted() {		ObjectWatcher::addDelete($this);	}		public function markClean() {		ObjectWatcher::addClean($this);	}		public static function getCollection($type) {		return HelperFactory::getCollection($type);	}		public function collection() {		return self::getCollection(get_class($this));	}		public static function getFinder($type) {		return HelperFactory::getFinder($type);	}		public function finder() {		return self::getFinder(get_class($this));	}}


/** * Mapper */abstract  class Mapper {	//...		/**	 * 查找指定ID	 * @param int $id	 */	public function findById($id) {		// 从ObjectWatcher中获取		$obj = $this->getFromMap($id);		if (!is_null($obj)) {			return $obj;		}				$pStmt = $this->getSelectStmt();				$pStmt->execute(array($id));			$data = $pStmt->fetch();				$pStmt->closeCursor();				if (!is_array($data) || !isset($data['id'])) {			return $obj;		}		$obj = $this->createObject($data);				return $obj;	}			/**	 * 插入数据	 * @param \demo\domain\DomainObject $obj	 */	public function insert(DomainObject $obj) {		$flag = $this->doInsert($obj);		// 保存或者更新ObjectWatcher的$all[$key]的对象		$this->addToMap($obj);		$obj->markClean();		// 调试用的				echo 'insert :' . get_class($obj) . '_' . $obj->getName() . '_' . $obj->getId() .'<br>';			return $flag;	}		/**	 *  更新对象	 * @param \demo\domain\DomainObject $obj	 */	public  function update(\demo\domain\DomainObject $obj) {		$flag = $this->doUpdate($obj);		$obj->markClean();		// 调试用的				echo 'update :' . get_class($obj) . '_' . $obj->getName() . '_' . $obj->getId() .'<br>';					return $flag;	}			/**	 * 生成一个$data中值属性的对象	 * @param array $data	 */	public function createObject(array $data) {		// 从ObjectWatcher中获取		$obj = $this->getFromMap($data['id']);		if (!is_null($obj)) {			return $obj;		}				// 创建对象		$obj = $this->doCreateObject($data);		// 添加到ObjectWatcher		$this->addToMap($obj);		// 清除new标记        ObjectWatcher::addClean($obj);				return $obj;	}		//...}



namespace demo\controller;/** * Controller */class Controller {	// ...		private function handleReuqest() {		$request = new \demo\controller\Request();		$appController = \demo\base\ApplicationRegistry::getInstance()->getAppController();		// 执行完所有Command,有可能存在forward		while ($cmd = $appController->getCommand($request)) {			// var_dump($cmd);			$cmd->execute($request);			// 把当前Command设为已执行过			$request->setLastCommand($cmd);		}		// 工作单元执行任务		ObjectWatcher::getInstance()->performOperations();		// 获取视图		$view = $appController->getView($request);		// 显示视图		$this->invokeView($view);	}		// ...}


namespace demo\command;use demo\domain\Classroom;use demo\base\ApplicationRegistry;use demo\domain\ObjectWatcher;use demo\domain\HelperFactory;class Test extends Command {	protected function doExecute(\demo\controller\Request $request) {		$crMapper = HelperFactory::getFinder('demo\domain\Classroom');				// 新创建的对象 markNew()		$crA = new Classroom();		$crA->setName('四年(3)班');				// 修改后的“脏”数据		$crB = $crMapper->findById(1);		$crB->setName("五年(2)班");	}}
insert :demo\domain\Classroom_四年(3)班_58update :demo\domain\Classroom_五年(2)班_1


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