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A brief introduction to AJAX:
AJAX refers to Asynchronous JavaScript And XML (Asynchronous JavaScript And XML), a web development technology for creating interactive web applications. AJAX allows JavaScript to communicate directly with the server using JavaScript's XMLHttpRequest object. This object allows your JavaScript to exchange data with the web server without reloading the page.
jQuery is a javascript framework, a lightweight encapsulation of javascript that is easy to understand.
Ajax is an asynchronous request technology combined with xml javascript. It can achieve dynamic refresh.
ajax preparation:
1.jquery download:
The latest download address of the official website: http://blog.jquery.com/2011/09/01/jquery-1- 6-3-released/
When downloading, select jQuery 1.6.3 Minified or jQuery 1.6.3 Uncompressed, right-click and select "Download using Thunder"
2. Main knowledge introduction
2.1. Ajax asynchronous transmission steps :
1. Use dom to get the value of the attribute in the text box
document.getElementById("id name").value
2. Create an XMLHttpRequest object
Depending on the browser, there are XMLHttpRequest, ActiveXObject two kinds of objects
3. Register callback function When registering the callback function, only the function name is required, do not add brackets
When registering the callback function, the data returned by the server will be obtained:
The first way: Get the server Plain text data output from the client
The second way: use responseXML to accept the DOM object of the XML data object
4. Set the connection information
5. Send the data and start interacting with the server
Post method/get method
2.2.ajax main method:
(1).getElementById("id attribute value"):
Get the object according to the specified id attribute value
(2 ).getElementsByTagName(tagname):
By searching for any HTML element in the entire HTML document, return a collection of elements with the specified name
(3). Selector:
The selector includes basic selector and hierarchical selection selector, attribute selector, etc. This program only has the basic selector #id, such as:
$("#myDiv"): Find the element with the ID "myDiv"
2.3.XMLHttpRequest object:
XMLHttpRequest can provide the function without reloading the page. When the page is loaded, the web page is updated, the client requests data from the server after the page is loaded, the server receives the data after the page is loaded, and sends data to the client in the background.
2.3.1. Method:
Will override the header sent to the server, forcing text/xml as the mime-type
(2) open(method, url, async, username, password):
Initialize HTTP request parameters, such as URL and HTTP method, but do not send the request.
method parameter is the HTTP method used for the request, including GET, POST and HEAD;
url parameter is the body of the request
async parameter indicates whether the request uses synchronous or asynchronous, false request is synchronous, true request is The asynchronous
username and password parameters are optional and provide authentication qualifications for the authorization required by the url. If specified, they override any qualifications specified by url itself.
Send an HTTP request, using the parameters passed to the open() method, and the optional request body passed to the method
send(body) If by calling open() ) The specified HTTP method is POST or PUT, and the body parameter specifies the request body, as a string or Document object. If the request body is not required, this parameter will be null.
If the async parameter of the previously called open() is false, this method will block and will not return until readyState is 4 and the server's response is fully received.
If the async parameter is true, or this parameter is omitted, send() returns immediately, and as described later, the server response will be processed in a background thread
(4)setRequestHeader(name, value):
Sets or adds an HTTP request to an open but unsent request
The name parameter is the name of the header to be set. This parameter should not include whitespace, colons, or newlines.
The value parameter is the value of the header. This parameter should not include newlines
2.3.2. Attributes:
The event handler function called every time the readyState attribute changes. It may also be called multiple times when readyState is 3.
The status of the HTTP request. When an XMLHttpRequest is first created, the value of this attribute starts from 0 until a complete HTTP response is received, and the value increases to 4.
Each of the 5 states has an associated informal name. The following table lists the states, names and meanings:
The value of readyState will not be decremented except when a request is being processed The abort() or open() method is called during the process. Each time the value of this property is increased, the onreadystatechange event handler is triggered.
The HTTP status code returned by the server, such as 200 for success, and 404 for "Not Found" error. Reading this property when readyState is less than 3 will cause an exception.
The response body (excluding headers) received from the server so far, or an empty string if no data has been received yet.
If readyState is less than 3, this property is an empty string.When readyState is 3, this property returns the response part that has been received so far. If readyState is 4, this property holds the complete response body.
If the response contains a header specifying the character encoding for the response body, use that encoding. Otherwise, Unicode UTF-8 is assumed
(5)responseXML: Response to the request, parsed to XML and returned as a Document object
Code example:
Note: This example consists of a frontend and a backend , the backend uses servlet implementation, but does not go to the database to verify the data. The front desk is composed of html and javascript. The front desk verification adopts two methods. One is to use ajax encapsulated by jquery to realize the dynamic verification of the form. The second is to use the XMLHttpRequest object to realize the dynamic verification of the form. The difference between the two verification methods is just that the javascript script is different. , the front page and the background servlet are the same.
Front-end ajax.html