格式 |
camelize | capitalize | underscore | dasherize | inspect |
变形 |
toArray | succ | times |
A useful method here is inspect. According to the reference manual, its function is to "return the string representation of the string for debugging (that is, enclosed in single quotes or double quotes, and use '' to inspect special characters. Escape)", this method is also involved in Object's toJSON.
Since it involves characters that need to be escaped, we naturally need a copy of the escape character information, which is given directly below:
String.specialChar = {
'b': '\b',
't': '\t',
'n': '\n',
'f': '\f',
'r': '\r',
'\': '\\'
[In JSON.js, there is an extra '"', because "" cannot appear in the string in JSON, so it needs to be escaped]
The first step, of course, is to Replace special escape characters, initial version:
function inspect () {
return this.replace(/[btnfr\]/,function(a){
return String.specialChar[a];
For JSON form, double quotes are necessary. Therefore, we should be able to choose our own return form. Therefore, give inspect a parameter useDoubleQuotes. The default is to use single quotes to return the string.
function inspect(useDoubleQuotes) {
var escapedString = this.replace(/[btnfr\]/,function(a){
return String.specialChar[a];
if (useDoubleQuotes){
return '"' escapedString. replace(/"/g, '\"') '"';
return "'" escapedString.replace(/'/g, '\'') "'";
Now this is similar to the function in the source code, but the implementation in the Prototype source code is not like this. The main difference lies in the escapedString section. All control characters are directly listed in the source code, expressed as [x00-x1f], plus '' is [x00-x1f\], so the initial version of the above modification is:
function inspect(useDoubleQuotes) {
var escapedString = this.replace(/[x00-x1f\]/g , function(character) {
if (character in String.specialChar) {
return String.specialChar[character];
return character ;
if ( useDoubleQuotes) return '"' escapedString.replace(/"/g, '\"') '"';
return "'" escapedString.replace(/'/g, '\'') "'";
Attached is the ASCII control character encoding table, corresponding to x00-x1f:

If you find that in addition to the characters in String.specialChar, there are other control characters, there is also a step in the source code, which is to convert the control characters into unicode representation, because this method itself Just to get the string form.
For example, the vertical tab character 'v'. 'v'.inspect() -->'u000b'
Full version:
function inspect(useDoubleQuotes) {
var escapedString = this.replace(/[x00-x1f \]/g, function(character) {
if (character in String.specialChar) {
return String.specialChar[character];
return '\u00' character.charCodeAt() .toPaddedString(2, 16);
if (useDoubleQuotes) return '"' escapedString.replace(/"/g, '\"') '"';
return "'" escapedString.replace(/'/g, '\'') "'";
where toPaddedString(length[, radix]) converts the current Number object to a string, if If the length of the converted string is less than the value specified by length, 0 is used to pad the remaining digits on the left. The optional parameter radix is used to specify the base used for conversion. This is an extension of Number in Prototype, just know it for now.
Therefore, 'v'.charCodeAt().toPaddedString(2, 16) is to convert the character encoding of 'v' into a hexadecimal two-digit encoding character [the operation character will not be limited in range, so it will not exceed] , and finally start with 'u00'.
Method description:
toArray: Split the string into a character array.
succ: Convert the last character of the string to subsequent characters according to the Unicode alphabet
times: Repeat the string.
The corresponding specific implementation is also very simple. The important part of the String part lies in the subsequent script, JSON and replacement processing, and the others are enhanced.
function toArray() {
return this.split('');
Where split('') splits the string into individual Characters and returned in the form of an array. If you want to enhance it further, you can give a parameter to toArray to specify the delimiter.
function toArray(pattern) {
return this. split(pattern);
console.log(toArray.call('my name is xesam',' '));//["my", "name", "is", "xesam" ]
It’s just the use of split, but it’s not done in the source code because it’s not necessary.
function succ() {
return this.slice(0, this.length - 1) String.fromCharCode(this.charCodeAt(this.length - 1) 1);
The main ones here are fromCharCode and charCodeAt methods of use. It can also be seen from the code that the obvious difference between the two is that fromCharCode is a static method of String, while charCodeAt is a method of string (hanging on String.prototype). Then the two have exactly the opposite effect. The following is the explanation given by http://www.w3school.com.cn:
fromCharCode() accepts a specified Unicode value and then returns a string.
The charCodeAt() method returns the Unicode encoding of the character at the specified position. This return value is an integer between 0 - 65535.
Specific to succ, taking the string 'hello xesam' as an example, first get all the characters 'hello xesa' except the ending character, and then add the character 'n' after 'm' in the Unicode table, so the result It's 'hello xesan'
Based on this, we want to print all letters from 'a' to 'z', you can use the following function:
function printChar(start,end){
var s = (start '').charCodeAt()
var e = (end '').charCodeAt();
if(s > e){
s = [e,e=s][0];
for(var i = s ;i <= e; i ){
function times(count) {
return count < 1 ? '' : new Array(count 1).join(this);
The function of times is to repeat the entire string. The main idea is to add the current character to Calling join as a concatenator of arrays yields the expected results. Of course, you can also add it using a loop, but it's not that simple.
If you want to repeat each character in the string, you can use the same idea:
String.prototype.letterTimes = function(count){
var arr = [];
arr.length = count 1;
return this.replace(/w/g ,function(a){
return arr.join(a);
camelize | capitalize | underscore | dasherize These four are mainly about variable name conversion.
camelize: Convert a string separated by dashes into Camel form
capitalize: Convert the first letter of a string to uppercase and all other letters to lowercase.
underscore: Converts a Camel-form string into a series of words separated by underscores ("_").
dasherize: Replace all underscores in the string with dashes ("_" is replaced with "-").
The most obvious one can be used in the mutual conversion between CSS attributes and DOM style attributes [class and float do not fall into this category]. Corresponding to the above method, the camelize method can be used to convert CSS attributes into the corresponding DOM style attributes, but there is no such method in reverse, so the underscore -> dasherize method must be called continuously.
function camelize() {
return this.replace (/- (.)?/g, function(match, chr) {
return chr ? chr.toUpperCase() : '';
The core is the use of the replace method, the rest is quite simple, see "A Brief Analysis of the Application of the Replace Method in Strings"
function capitalize() {
return this.charAt(0).toUpperCase() this.substring(1).toLowerCase();
Just pay attention here to the difference between charAt (charAt() method can return the character at the specified position.) and charCodeAt.
function underscore() {
return this.replace(/::/g, '/')
.replace(/([A-Z] )([A-Z][a-z])/g, '$1_$2')
.replace(/ ([a-zd])([A-Z])/g, '$1_$2')
.replace(/-/g, '_')
Example to illustrate the steps:
.replace(/::/g, '/') //'helloWorld/ABCDefg'
.replace( /([A-Z] )([A-Z][a-z])/g, '$1_$2')//helloWorld/ABC_Defg
.replace(/([a-zd])([A-Z])/g, '$1_$2') //hello_World/ABC_Defg
.replace(/-/g, '_') //hello_World/ABC_Defg
.toLowerCase(); //hello_world/abc_defg
This method is only suitable for Camel form, that is, it must have a 'peak'.
function dasherize() {
return this.replace (/_/g, '-');
This is just a simple character replacement.
From Xiaoxi Shanzi