元字符 |
说明 |
量词 |
说明 |
反义字符 |
说明 |
. |
匹配除了换行符号(\n)以外的任意字符 |
* |
出现次数:[0,+∞) |
\W |
字母,数字,下划线,汉字以外的字符 |
^ |
匹配字符串的开始 |
+ |
\S |
空白字符以外的字符 |
$ |
匹配字符串的结束 |
? |
出现次数:[0,1] |
\D |
数字以外的字符 |
\b |
匹配单词边界 |
{n} |
出现次数:n |
\B |
匹配非单词的边界 |
\d |
匹配数字 |
{n,} |
出现次数:[n,+∞) |
[^] |
在字符类中,^号后面的字符串以外的任意字符 |
\s |
匹配任意的空白符 |
{n,m} |
出现次数:[n,m] |
[-] |
匹配从-前字符到-后字符的字符串中的字符/数字 |
\w |
匹配字母,数字,下划线或汉字 |
In addition to the above symbols, there are three concepts: one is grouping, one is backreference, and the last is candidate.
Grouping: refers to enclosing strings with (), so that strings can be combined according to certain rules. At the same time, brackets can also be nested, such as using regular expressions to express the date format: var dateReg=/^(d{1,4})(-)(d{1,2}(-)(d{1 ,2})$), Of course, this method also has certain loopholes. Here we just express the format problem.
In addition to these, there are square brackets. For example, if you only want to match one of the letters x y z d w, then write [xyzdw]. If the match is continuous, such as numbers 0-4, then [0 -4], but this only represents one character.
If you want to write more than one, such as matching ac or bd, then use the "|" symbol and write (ac|bd).
For example, if we want to match a string containing only abc, we can write: abdReg=/^[abc] $/; The following is a complete example.
regular express
Reverse Directed reference: It is an application of regular expressions based on grouping. First of all, you need to know the group number: follow the order of the groups from left to right, marked by the left bracket, and start accumulating from 1. There are two ways to use it: $group number, or group number.
The second one is suitable for referencing groups in expressions. "" is an escape symbol, which has the same meaning as usual. It is used when matching reserved characters.
For example, we want to match a string that starts with abc, ends with abc, and has no limit in the middle: Reg=/^(abc)[a-z]*1$/; You can try this sentence in the example just now, I Tested and there were no errors.
Several commonly used matching regular expressions:
1. Matching date: reg=/^d{4}-(((0[13578]|(10|12))-(0[1-9] |[1-2]d|3[01]))|(02-(0[1-9])|[1-2]d)|((0[469]|11)-(0[1- 9]|[1-2]d|30)))$/g;
2. Matching time: reg=/^([0-1]d|[2][0-3](:([ 0-5]d)){2}$/g;
3. Matching email address: reg=/^([a-zA-Z]([0-9a-zA-Z]|(_))* @(([0-9a-zA-Z]|(_)) .) [a-zA-Z]{2,9})$/g;
4. Match Chinese characters: reg=/^[ u4e00-u9fa5] $/g;
Javascript operates cookies
I believe everyone knows what cookies are, so I just copied the definition without mercy.
The statements for operating cookies with js are as follows: document.cookie=name "="value ";expires=" date.toGMTString();
Next we will use cookies to record the user name and password for login