Home >Web Front-end >JS Tutorial >jquery follows the screen scrolling effect implementation code_jquery
We have seen on many websites that when we scroll the web page, the advertisements or a certain small area within the web page do not disappear, but float somewhere on the screen, especially some local advertisements. So how is this achieved? This article will quote Wutu Bang’s follow-screen scrolling code to explain this effect in detail.
1. Original code
The following is Wutu Bang’s screen scrolling code. Its scope is the sidebars on both sides of Wutu Bang’s web page, as well as the hidden bar on the right after double-clicking the screen.
var $catalogueOffsetTop = $('aside#catalogue').offset().top; var $archiveOffestTop = $('aside#archive').offset().top; var $archiveOffestLeft = $('aside#archive').offset().left; $(window).bind('scroll resize',function(){ // #right-area的跟随屏幕滚动效果 if($('#right-area').height() <= $(window).height()){ $('#right-area').stop(true,true).animate({'top': $(document).scrollTop() + 'px'},800); }else if($('#right-area').height() > $(window).height() && $('#right-area').height() < $(document).height()){ // 这段范围内是最关键的,允许滑动 if(($(document).scrollTop() + $(window).height()) <= $('#right-area').height()){ $('#right-area').stop(true,true).css('top','0'); }else if(($(document).scrollTop() + $(window).height()) < $(document).height()){ $right_top = $(document).scrollTop() + $(window).height() - $('#right-area').height(); $('#right-area').stop(true,true).animate({'top': $right_top + 'px'},800); }else{ $right_top = $(document).height() - $('#right-area').height(); $('#right-area').stop(true,true).css({'top': $right_top + 'px'}); //alert($(document).scrollTop() + $(window).height() - $(document).height()); } }else if($('#right-area').height() >= $(document).height()){ $('#right-area').height($(document).height()).stop(true,true).css({'overflow':'hidden','overflow-y':'scroll'}); } if($(document).scrollLeft() == 0){ // 只有在屏幕处于左侧的时候才进行下面的跟随滚动,同时需要注意下面的if($(window).width() > 1024),是为了防止在小屏幕下还发生这种变化 // aside#catalogue的上下滑动 if($('aside#catalogue').outerHeight() < $(window).height()){ if($(document).scrollTop() <= $catalogueOffsetTop){ $('aside#catalogue').css({'position':'static','top':$catalogueOffsetTop}); if($(window).width() > 1024)$('#main').css({'padding-left':'0'}); }else{ $('aside#catalogue').css({'position':'fixed','top':'0'}); if($(window).width() > 1024)$('#main').css({'padding-left':$('aside#catalogue').outerWidth() + 5 + 'px'}); } }else if($('aside#catalogue').height() >= $(window).height() && $('aside#catalogue').outerHeight() < ($('footer').offset().top - $catalogueOffsetTop)){ if(($(document).scrollTop() + $(window).height()) <= ($('aside#catalogue').outerHeight() + $catalogueOffsetTop)){ $('aside#catalogue').css({'position':'static','top':$catalogueOffsetTop}); if($(window).width() > 1024)$('#main').css({'padding-left':'0'}); }else if(($(document).scrollTop() + $(window).height()) < $('footer').offset().top){ $catalogue_top = $(window).height() - $('aside#catalogue').outerHeight() - 20; $('aside#catalogue').css({'position':'fixed','top': $catalogue_top + 'px'}); if($(window).width() > 1024)$('#main').css({'padding-left':$('aside#catalogue').outerWidth() + 5 + 'px'}); }else{ $catalogue_top = $(window).height() - $('aside#catalogue').outerHeight() - 20 - ($(document).height() - $('footer').offset().top); $('aside#catalogue').css({'position':'fixed','top':$catalogue_top + 'px'}); if($(window).width() > 1024)$('#main').css({'padding-left':$('aside#catalogue').outerWidth() + 5 + 'px'}); } } // aside#archive的上下滑动 if($('aside#archive').outerHeight() < $(window).height()){ if($(document).scrollTop() <= $archiveOffestTop){ $('aside#archive').css({'position':'static','top':$archiveOffestTop,'left':$archiveOffestLeft + 'px'}); }else{ $('aside#archive').css({'position':'fixed','top':'0','left':$archiveOffestLeft + 'px'}); } }else if($('aside#archive').height() >= $(window).height() && $('aside#archive').outerHeight() < ($('footer').offset().top - $archiveOffestTop)){ if(($(document).scrollTop() + $(window).height()) <= ($('aside#archive').outerHeight() + $archiveOffestTop)){ $('aside#archive').css({'position':'static','top':$archiveOffestTop,'left':$archiveOffestLeft + 'px'}); }else if(($(document).scrollTop() + $(window).height()) < $('footer').offset().top){ $catalogue_top = $(window).height() - $('aside#archive').outerHeight(); $('aside#archive').css({'position':'fixed','top': $catalogue_top + 'px','left':$archiveOffestLeft + 'px'}); }else{ $catalogue_top = $(window).height() - $('aside#archive').outerHeight() - ($(document).height() - $('footer').offset().top); $('aside#archive').css({'position':'fixed','top':$catalogue_top + 'px','left':$archiveOffestLeft + 'px'}); } } }else{ // 如果屏幕不处于左侧,就让这两个跟随归位 $('aside#catalogue').css({'position':'static','top':$catalogueOffsetTop}); $('#main').css({'padding-left':'0'}); $('aside#archive').css({'position':'static','top':$archiveOffestTop,'left':$archiveOffestLeft + 'px'}); } }).scroll().resize();
There are a lot of related codes on the Internet, including 7 lines of code to solve this problem, and even universal plug-ins to achieve this effect. However, they are all too general. Different websites have different particularities, and more considerations need to be made in some details.
2. Choose how to scroll with the screen
There are three options:
1. Use position:absolute; and then dynamically assign the top value;
2. Use position:fixed; and then dynamically assign the top value;
3. Dynamically assign padding-top or margin-top;
The first two use postion to arrange the position of elements. Like float, position drags elements out of the normal text flow. The padding or margin method is achieved by controlling the margin of the element. Which one is better?
Using position:absolute; will cause jitter when scrolling (not in Firefox). When using padding-top, elements with backgrounds will look ugly and jitter will occur. Using position:fixed does not support IE6. Use I haven't tried margin-top, it should jitter. This code selects position:fixed, which is the only solution that does not cause jitter, but this effect will not occur under IE6.
3. Situations to consider
The reason why Wutu Gang wants to explain the code of this website is because there is no detailed analysis of the code on the Internet, and many issues are not considered.
1. Compare the height of the element to be followed with the height of the screen
All the codes on the Internet consider the situation that the height of the area is less than the height of the window, so the code is very simple. When the area height is equal to and greater than the window height, we have new considerations.
2. If the height of the area exceeds the window, when will it start to follow the scrolling?
It depends on what we want to show the user, if it is an advertisement, if it is a paragraph of text, if it is a list. My design is that when the screen scrolls down, but all the elements to be displayed have not been fully displayed, no effect will be performed. When the screen scrolls to the bottom critical point of the element, the effect is triggered. When scrolling down again, the element's The bottom edge is aligned with the bottom edge of the screen, so that the lower part of the element is always rendered within the screen. Of course, your design will naturally differ for different web pages. You may also design it so that there is no effect when scrolling down. When you scroll to an ad, the ad will be aligned with the top of the screen and scroll.
Figure 1 Follow the screen scrolling logic design
Let’s take a look at this design idea from Figure 1. The green part in the picture is the area to be scrolled, the gray part is the entire web page, and the light gray part is the screen (the area that can be seen). We simulate scrolling down by moving the light gray screen downwards. Stage ① is the initial stage. At this time, the web page operates as it was initially without any action. At stage ②, the screen scrolls down to a critical point, that is, it follows the lowest end of the scrolling area. Stage ③ is after scrolling past the critical point, the element begins to scroll with the screen. We can see that the bottom of the element is aligned with the bottom of the screen, and the top of the element is no longer visible. In the fourth stage, the screen scrolls to the bottom. It can be imagined that there is some copyright information at the bottom of the web page. The elements cannot follow the scroll to the bottom to cover this information, so the red line will no longer follow the scroll.
This is a schematic diagram of the screen scrolling down. When the screen scrolls up, this is the reverse of this sequence. But there is another consideration. When the screen scrolls up, it achieves the same effect as the initial scroll down. That is, the critical point is the top of the green area in ④ at this time. When scrolling up, the top of the screen is aligned with the top of the element. Due to technical difficulties, Wutu Gang did not achieve this effect.
3. Calculation of numbers and quantities
When scrolling, we must grasp which quantities change and which do not change, find changes in the constants, and find the constants in the changes. In short, we must keep a clear mind and distinguish how to calculate various height relationships. .
In Figure 1, I used a blue vertical line to assist in height calculation, used a red line to indicate the position of the screen and elements, and divided the blue vertical line into a, b, c, d, e, f Six paragraphs. So what are the changing quantitative relationships between them? (We define the elements in the green area as #myDiv and the bottom including the copyright information as #footer)
a+b+c+d+e+f=$(document).height();//文档高度,固定值 a= $('#myDiv').offset().top;//#myDiv顶部到文档顶部的初始值,随着滚动,$('#myDiv').offset().top将会变化 b=$('#myDiv').height();//元素的高度,固定值 a+b+c=$(window).scrollTop()=$(docment).scrollTop();//滚动条的位置,即文档顶端到当前屏幕顶端的距离,不断变化中 d=$(window).height();//屏幕的高度,固定值 f=$('#footer').height();//#footer的高度,固定值 a+b+c+d+e=$('#footer').offset().top=$(document).height()-$('#footer').height();//#footer顶部到文档顶部的距离,固定值,不过需要注意的是,$('#footer').offset().top+$('#footer').height()并非一定等于$(document).height(),你要看#footer下面是否已经没有了空白。
var $catalogueOffsetTop = $('aside#catalogue').offset().top; var $archiveOffestTop = $('aside#archive').offset().top; var $archiveOffestLeft = $('aside#archive').offset().left;
在写出这么多代码之前,我曾想过写出一个可以通用的代码,然而事情并非那么简单,在乌徒帮中,三个要滚动 的区域都具有特殊性,因此必须认真考虑他们的事件逻辑和仔细赋值。
...... }else if($('#right-area').height() >= ($('footer').offset().top + $('footer').height())){ $('#right-area').height($('footer').offset().top + $('footer').height()).stop(true,true).css({'overflow':'hidden','overflow-y':'scroll'}); }