1. Create a date object
var now = new Date() ; //Get the current system date and time
var someDate = new Date(Date.parse("May 25,2012"));
var someDate = new Date("May 25,2012"); // Same as above
var someDate = new Date(Date.UTC(2010,0)); //GMT time at 0:00 am on January 1, 2010
var someDate = new Date(2010,0); / /Same as above
var someDate = new Date(Date.UTC(2010,4,5,17,55,55)); //GMT time 5:55:55 pm on May 2010, month and hour Taking 0 as the base, 0 represents January
var someDate = new Date(2010,4,5,17,55,55); //Same as above
Date.parse() and Date.UTC() returns the number of milliseconds of the corresponding date. The parameters of Date.UTC() are: year, month, day, hour, minute, second, and millisecond. There are at least two parameters: year and month. The month and hour start with 0 is the base
2. Comparison of dates
var date1 = new Date(2007,0,1);
var date2 = new Date(2007,1,1);
alert(date1>date2); //false
3. Date formatting method and method of obtaining and setting date
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toLocaleDateString() //such as January 1, 2007
toLocaleTimeString() //such as 13:55:55
getTime() //Return the milliseconds of the date
getFullYear() //Get the year, such as 2007
getMonth() //Get the month, 0 means January
setMonth() //Set the month, 0 means January, increase the year if it exceeds 11
getDate() //Get the number of days in the date
setDate() //Set the number of days, increase the month if it exceeds 31
getDay() //Get the day of the week, 0 means Sunday, 6 means Saturday
getHours() //Get the hours, 0~23
setHours() //Set hours, 0~23
getMinutes() //Get minutes, 0~59
setMinutes() //Set minutes, 0~59
getSeconds() //Get seconds, 0~ 59
setSeconds() //Set seconds, 0~59
getMilliseconds() //Get milliseconds
setMilliseconds() //Set milliseconds