jQtransForm download addresshttp://www.jb51.net/jiaoben/25166.htmlUsage1- Add a script included in the title part of the web page Copy code The code is as follows: //required 2- Write your form Copy the code The code is as follows: Name: 3- Finally use the plugin After it, select the forms and call the jqTransform plugin. See some examples: Copy code The code is as follows: <br>$(function() { <br>//find all form with class jqtransform and apply the plugin <br>$("form.jqtransform").jqTransform(); <br>}); <br>< ;/script> <br> </div> <br>Compatibility: ie 6, safari 2, firefox 2 <br><br>Attachment: If the select has a js linkage effect, it cannot be beautified. The original selection is required, such as the following method: <br><div class="codetitle"> <span><a style="CURSOR: pointer" data="9077" class="copybut" id="copybut9077" onclick="doCopy('code9077')"><u>Copy code </u></a></span> The code is as follows: </div> <div class="codebody" id="code9077"> <br>< script language="javascript"> <br>$(function(){ <br>$('.rowElem').jqTransform({imgPath:'jqtransformplugin/img/'}); <br>}); <br> Copy code The code is as follows: title < input type="text" name="inputtext"/> Region province Beijing< ;/option> Shaanxi Province < option selected="selected" value="">City Beijing City